This is the web application that allow search fuel stations in states and cities of Mexico. Users can filter by state, city and fuel type. Once make filter the web applicattion list all stations that make match with the filter, the user can see and compare prices and locations, too can make complains if price of one station is out of regulation.
Other service of this application is allow to government entities whatch different prices of the country, state or city, such as average price of fuel in Mexico, too create reports with important data and to follow complains at differents fuel stations.
- System design: Application design is based in attomic dessign, the project structure is created with attoms, molecules, organisms, layers and templates.
- BEM:
- Gitflow: Our team use gitfow how work flow, the principal brances are main and develop, main have production project and develop have differents integrations of features, each feature have his own branch.
The web application have five differents screens:
- Home: In this screen user can search differents fuel stations and see his location in the map, too can see fuel stations lists and regulation prices.
- Signup and login: Users can create account with his email, username and password and can login with email and password.
- Complains: In this screen user can write his complain, add price and three pictures of evidence.
- Create report: This page is only for government entities, they can create one detail report of fuel price and complains.
This project is create with next technologies.
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Google maps API: This api allow to use map and geolocalization of differents fuel stations by coordinates.
Backend API: Our team create one API for send data required for differents functions, for example all fuel stations with localization, name and price, this API is based in graphql and python for more information you can visit the next url: -------------------.