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This is a role for configuring a vhost on a RabbitMQ broker.


The managed nodes must have RabbitMQ server installed with the management plugin. The RabbitMQ server should be at least version 3.2.

Role Variables

Variable Required Default Choices Comments
rabbitmq_vhost_admin_password no the password used to authenticate rabbitmq_vhost_admin_user
rabbitmq_vhost_admin_user no guest a user able to administer the vhost (doesn't need to have permission on it as long as rabbitmq_vhost_users list provides it)
rabbitmq_vhpst_mgmt_port no 15672 the port used to connect to the management plugin (UNTESTED)
rabbitmg_vhost_node no rabbit the erlang node of the rabbitmq server to configure
rabbitmq_vhost_exchanges no [] the exchanges to add, modify, or remove from the vhost
rabbitmq_vhost_name yes the name of the vhost to manage
rabbitmq_vhost_parameters no [] the parameters to add, modify, or remove from the vhost (UNTESTED)
rabbitmq_vhost_policies no [] the policies to add or remove from the vhost (UNTESTED)
rabbitmq_vhost_queues no [] the queues to add, modify, or remove from the vhost (UNTESTED)
rabbitmq_vhost_state no present absent, present whether the vhost should be present on the server
rabbitmq_vhost_tracing no false whether to enable tracing for this vhost (UNTESTED)
rabbitmq_vhost_users no [] the users to add, modify, or remove from the vhost

irods_vhost_parameters item

Field Required Default Choices Comments
component yes set the parameter on this component
name yes name of parameter
state no present absent, present whether this parameter should be present on the component
value no the value of the parameter as JSON

irods_vhost_policies item

Field Required Default Choices Comment
apply_to no all all, exchanges, queues what the policy applies to
name yes the name of the policy
pattern no ^$ a regular expression used to match the names of what this policy applies to, not applicable if state is 'absent'
priority no the priority of the policy
state no present absent, present whether this policy should be present
tags no {} a dictionary describing the policy, not applicable if state is 'absent'

irods_vhost_users item

Field Required Default Choices Comment
configure_priv no ^$ regular expression used to restrict the user's configure ability
name yes the name of the user
read_priv no ^$ regular expression used to restrict the user's read ability
write_priv no ^$ regular expression used to restrict the user's write ability

irods_vhost_exchanges item

Field Required Default Choices Comment
arguments no a dictionary of extra arguments for the exchange (UNTESTED)
auto_delete no a Boolean indicating if this exchange is to delete itself once nothing is bound to it (UNTESTED)
bindings no [] a list of binding descriptions for the exchanges this exchange is bound to (don't need to exist as long as irods_vhost_exchanges defines them) (UNTESTED)
durable no true whether this exchange is durable (UNTESTED)
internal no a Boolean indicating if this exchange is only available for other exchanges (UNTESTED)
name yes the name of the exchange
state no present absent, present whether this exchange should be present (UNTESTED)
type no direct direct, fanout, headers, topic the exchange type

irods_vhost_queues item

Field Required Default Choices Comment
arguments no a dictionary of extra arguments for the queue
auto_delete no a Boolean indicating if this queue should delete itself when nothing is connected to it
auto_expires no how long (in milliseconds) this queue remains unbound before it deletes itself
bindings no [] a list of binding descriptions for the exchanges this queue is bound to (don't need to exist as long as irods_vhost_exchanges defines them)
dead_letter_exchange no the name of an exchange to republish messages if they expire or are rejected (doesn't need to exist as long as irods_vhost_exchanges defines them)
dead_letter_routing_key no the replacement routing key to use when republishing a message to the dead_letter_exchange exchange, will use origin routing key by default
durable no true whether the queue is durable
max_length no no limit how many messages this queue can contain before it start rejecting them
message_ttl no forever how long (in milliseconds) a message can live in this queue before discarding it
name yes the name of the queue
state no present absent, present whether this queue should be present

bindings item

Field Required Default Choices Comment
arguments no a dictionary of extra arguments for the binding description
routing_key no # the routing key
source yes the source for the binding
state no present absent, present whether or not this binding should be present


  • requests >= 1.0.0

Example Playbook

Here's an example playbook that configures a vhost /prod/data-store with three users, an exchange, and two queues. The exchange has two queues bound to it.

- hosts: amqp_brokers
    - role: cyverse_ansible.rabbitmq_vhost
      rabbitmq_vhost_admin_user: admin
      rabbitmq_vhost_name: /prod/data-store
        - name: admin
          configure_priv: .*
          write_priv: .*
          read_priv: .*
        - name: irods
          write_priv: .*
        - name: de
          read_priv: .*
        - name: irods
          type: topic
        - name: indexing
            - source: irods
              routing_key: 'collection.#'
            - source: irods
              routing_key: 'data-object.#'
        - name: type-detection
            - source: irods
              routing_key: data-object.add


See license.

Author Information

Tony Edgin [email protected] CyVerse


An ansible role for configuring rabbitmq vhost







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