Orginally forked from []
Read a GEDCOM file and translate the locations into GPS addresses. The produces different KML map types which should timelines and movements around the earth. The produces HTML file which is interactive..
This contains two interfaces: command-line and GUI (only tested on Windows)
- Clone the repository:
$ git clone
$ cd gedcom-to-visualmap
- Install dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the GUI interface:
cd gedcom-to-map
Alternate 3. Start the command line (Not recommended as there are so many options)
cd gedcom-to-map
python /users/darren/documents/myhertitagetree.ged myTree -main "@I500003@"
To use the GUI version, File- > Open
and select your .ged file.
Set your options in the GUI interface
- Type in the Output file name (It saves to the same directory as the Load file).
- Result type drives the options mixture
Once you have selected your options,
- click the
button and it will start to load the GED and then resolve the addresses. Draw Update
button is a 'Save' button. For HTML it will try and open the file with your web browser automatically. For KML, it will save the file so you can load it onto a map. (See below)Open GPS
button will open the CSV file in Excel if you have it... (I'm thinking that does not work on a Mac) Make sure you close it before running again, or it may not be able to update the CSV file.Stop
will allow you to abort the Load/ Resolving of addresses without killing the GUI, allowing you to pick different options.- Using the left mouse click to select the starting person in (Star)
- Use the right click on list of people to bring up some known details and how it was geocoded
- When the people are loaded you can sort by the various columns by clicking on the column. When the list of people is selected for display it is relative to this starting person, unless you select the
Map all people
- You can resize the window (larger or maximized) to see more details about the people.
- When displaying people on the HTML map, you can choose to list them as single people, as a group by the last name or by their parent
usage: [-h] [-main MAIN] [-format {HTML,KML}] [-max_missing MAX_MISSING] [-max_line_weight MAX_LINE_WEIGHT] [-everyone] [-gpscache] [-nogps] [-nomarker] [-nobornmarker] [-noheatmap]
[-maptiletype {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}] [-nomarkstar] [-groupby {0,1,2}] [-antpath] [-heattime] [-heatstep HEATSTEP] [-homemarker] [-born] [-death]
input_file output_file
convert gedcom to kml file and lookup GPS addresses
positional arguments:
input_file GEDCOM file, usually ends at .ged
output_file results file, extension will be added if none is given
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-main MAIN if this is missing it will use the first person in the GEDCOM file
-format {HTML,KML} type of output result for map format
-max_missing MAX_MISSING
maximum generation missing (0 = no limit)
-max_line_weight MAX_LINE_WEIGHT
Line maximum weight
-everyone Plot everyone in your tree
-gpscache Use the GPS cache only
-nogps Do not lookup places using geocode to determine GPS, use built in GPS values
Folium Map as HTML (format HTML):
-nomarker Turn off the markers
-nobornmarker Turn off the markers for born
-noheatmap Turn off the heat map
-maptiletype {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
Map tile styles
-nomarkstar Turn off the markers starting person
-groupby {0,1,2} 1 - Family Name, 2 - Person
-antpath Turn on AntPath
-heattime Turn on heatmap timeline
-heatstep HEATSTEP years per heatmap group step
-homemarker Turn on marking homes
KML processing:
-born use place born for mapping
-death use place born for mapping
It produces a HTML file which is interactive and shows relationships betwenn childern and parents and where people lived over the years. It includes a heatmap to show busier places. If you zoom in enough you can see the different markers which are overlayed on each other.
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd samples
python ..\gedcom-to-map\ input.ged out -format HTML -groupby 1
python ..\gedcom-to-map\ input.ged out -main "@I0000@" -format KML
- HTML Output : samples/output.html
- KML Output : samples/output.kml
Go to
- Click on
Getting Started
- Click
Create a New Map
- On
Untitled map
click on theImport
options and open the your KML file
Note this does not work in Google Earth as the lines don't appear, not sure about other KML viewers.
The geodat-address-cache.csv
file can be edited to feed back in new Addresses for GeoCoding. Just edit or clear any column except the Name column to have it re-lookup that address. Especially useful if you want to make a bad or old style name resolve to a new name/location.
If you do not have GPS location in your GEDCOM file, then use -born or -born -death so have it use the place where the person was born and/or died.
- Cache : samples/geodat-address-cache.csv
cd samples
python ..\gedcom-to-map\ pres2020.ged pres2020 -main "@I1@" -format HTML -groupby 1 -nomarkstar -antpath
- HTML Output : samples/pres2020-2.html
python ..\gedcom-to-map\ pres2020.ged pres2020-2 -main "@I676@" -format HTML -groupby 1 -nomarkstar -antpath
- KML Output : samples/pres2020-2.kml
python ..\gedcom-to-map\ pres2020.ged pres2020-2 -main "@I676@" -format KML
- Add a treed hierarchy selector to enable people as groups and add expand/collapse to navigation
- more troubleshooting on the address lookup
- option to remove 'lines' to not core points (such as RESI or other)
- Sort the Last Name by the highest number of people first or by distance from star
- create a marker animation by year (in time steps)
- better save the state of the options for next use
- in Person dialog show something for people still alive (vs None or Unknown)
- allow sorting by last name in List box
- Marriage is not read correctly all the time, does not deal with multiple marriages
- Sorting does not work correctly
- Cache Only checkboxes is not working
- Need to separate the Load and GPS resolve steps
- Need to better detect change to the GPS cache file
- could be memory leak issues
- need to determine how do deal with very large HTML files
- logging panel leaks over the people grid
- more issues with cache, the first time you run it in the new directory
- added Kennedy samples
- improved
- fixed requirements.txt
- Add highlighting of people used in the draw
- Major improvements to KML Exporting
- improved feedback loop on loading in Visual
- Fixed issue with selection (broken in 0.1.2), fix issue with caching
- Added Legend (Needs work)
- New details dialog about people, fixed issues with GPS lookup, options
- adjusted logging (Need more work)
- lots of linting work, bug fixes for addresses.
- Still needs a lot work.
- Folded in GUI bugs from @rajeeshp & @frankbracq
- Adjusted GUI and saving of cache file location
- Fixed issue if the cache did not already exist results in a
line 166, in saveAddressCache for a in range(0,len(self.addresslist)): TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()