A tool to generate csv and xlsx file from qt ts file and vice versa
I used qmake systems and QtCreator as IDE.
- The build directory have to be on the same lavel as the repo one. The build directoy have to be named "build-qt-ts-csv".
- It's is required the usage of windeployqt (read below)
your\path\to\your\qt\compiler\bin\windeployqt.exe --no-translations --qmldir your\path\to\qt-ts-csv\src your\path\to\build-qt-ts-csv\src\release
C:\Qt\5.12.1\mingw73_64\bin\windeployqt.exe --no-translations --qmldir C:\Users\prog1\Desktop\qt-ts-csv\src C:\Users\prog1\Desktop\build-qt-ts-csv\src\release