- Get tx logs from RPC node and store terraswap relative data into the database
- Collect hourly/daily reserve, volume and transaction count of each pairs
- Collect recent 24 hours swap data to serve recent volume
- Collect minutely exchange rate of each pairs
- Collect tx_history
- Node.js >= 14.15.x
- PostgreSQL == 13.x
$ git clone https://github.com/terraswap/terraswap-graph.git
Install packages
$ npm install
Setup the database
- Install postgreSQL
- create a database
postgres => CREATE DATABASE terraswap-graph OWNER alice
Using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d db
set ormconfig.js
const { DefaultNamingStrategy } = require('typeorm') const { values, snakeCase } = require('lodash') const entities = require('orm/entities') class CamelToSnakeNamingStrategy extends DefaultNamingStrategy { tableName(targetName, userSpecifiedName) { return userSpecifiedName ? userSpecifiedName : snakeCase(targetName) } columnName(propertyName, customName, embeddedPrefixes) { return snakeCase(embeddedPrefixes.concat(customName ? customName : propertyName).join('_')) } columnNameCustomized(customName) { return customName } relationName(propertyName) { return snakeCase(propertyName) } } const connectionOptions = { host: 'localhost', port: 5432, username: 'alice', password: 'password', database: 'terraswap-graph', } module.exports = [ { name: 'default', type: 'postgres', synchronize: false, migrationsRun: true, logging: false, logger: 'file', migrations: ['src/orm/migrations/*.ts'], ...connectionOptions, }, { name: 'migration', type: 'postgres', synchronize: false, migrationsRun: true, logging: true, logger: 'file', supportBigNumbers: true, bigNumberStrings: true, entities: values(entities), migrations: ['src/orm/migrations/*.ts'], namingStrategy: new CamelToSnakeNamingStrategy(), ...connectionOptions, }, ]
Set .env .env
TZ='UTC' export TERRA_LCD='https://lcd.terra.dev' export TERRA_RPC='https://rpc.terra.dev' export TERRA_CHAIN_ID='phoenix-1' export START_BLOCK_HEIGHT=0
$ npm run collect
$ npm start