Cosmo is a STEM educational robot based on Arduino .
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- This library provides the implementation methods for all functions of Cosmo, such as controlling motors, receiving Bluetooth commands, controlling WS2812, controlling RGB, obtaining light intensity, checking battery level, retrieving infrared sensor information, and gathering information from patrol sensor, among others.
Here's one way to use this library:
- First download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo inside that folder.
* @fn begin
* @brief subclass initialization function
* @return bool type, means returning initialization status
* @retval true is success
* @retval false is false
int begin(void);
* @fn I2CWirte
* @brief Write register function
* @param Reg Register address 8bits
* @param data data to be written
* @return None
void I2CWirte(uint8_t Reg ,uint8_t data);
* @fn I2CRead
* @brief Read register function
* @param reg Register address 8bits
* @param data Storage and buffer for data to be read
* @param datalen Length of data to be read
* @return None
void I2CRead(uint8_t Reg ,uint8_t *data ,uint8_t datalen);
* @fn servoMotorCtrl
* @brief Ctrl the Servomotor
* @param servoMotorPin pin of Servomotor
* @n Optional pin:D3 D6 D9 D10
* @param angle 0 to 180
* @return None
void servoMotorCtrl( uint8_t servoMotorPin,uint8_t angle);
* @fn ws2812Set
* @brief Setting color of the Ws2812
* @param satrNum star num
* @n The value ranges from RGB0 to RGB3 and cannot be larger than the end position
* @param endNum end num
* @n The value ranges from RGB0 to RGB3 and cannot be Less than the star position
* @param R 0-255
* @param G 0-255
* @param B 0-255
* @return None
void ws2812Set(uint8_t satrNum,uint8_t endNum,uint8_t R,uint8_t G,uint8_t B);
* @fn blinkLed
* @brief Turn on/off led
* @param cmd Turn on:eBlinkOn Turn off:eBlinkOff
* @return None
void blinkLed(eBlinkTurn_t cmd);
* @fn rgbSet
* @brief Set color of the RGB
* @param rgb eRgbLeft or eRgbRight or eRgbAll
* @param cmd color:eRGBCmd_t
* @n RGB_R
* @n RRGB_G
* @n RRGB_B
* @n RRGB_RB
* @n RRGB_RG
* @n RRGB_GB
* @return None
void rgbSet(eRgbSelect_t rgb,eRgbCmd_t cmd);
* @fn rgbSetOff
* @brief Close all rgb
* @param rgb eRgbLeft or eRgbRight or eRgbAll
* @return None
void rgbSetOff(eRgbSelect_t rgb)
* @fn rgbGradualChange
* @brief rgb Color gradient
* @param rgb eRgbLeft or eRgbRight or eRgbAll
* @param Grade Grade 1-5
* @return None
void rgbGradualChange(eRgbSelect_t rgb,uint8_t Grade);
* @fn rgbBlink
* @brief rgb colors flash
* @param rgb eRgbLeft or eRgbRight or eRgbAll
* @param num number of flash :0-255
* @param Grade number of Grade 1-5
* @param cmd The colors are selected from the enumeration eRgbCmd t
* @return None
void rgbBlink(eRgbSelect_t rgb,uint8_t num,uint8_t Grade,eRgbCmd_t cmd);
* @fn readPatrol
* @brief Read the status of the Line patrol sensor
* @param num Line patrol sensor num: one of ePatrolNum_t
* @return bright-off:0 bright-on:1
uint8_t readPatrol(ePatrolNum_t num);
* @fn readPatrolVoltage
* @brief Read the voltage of the Line patrol sensor
* @param num Line patrol sensor num: one of ePatrolNum_t
* @return voltage :0-4095
uint16_t readPatrolVoltage(ePatrolNum_t num);
* @fn getLight
* @brief Acquisition of light intensity
* @param cmd light sensor: eLightLeft or eLightRight
* @return light data :0-1023
uint16_t getLight(eLightSelect_t cmd);
* @fn getURM10
* @brief Acquisition distance, unit is cm
* @return Distance data :-1-300 cm Timeout or Error: -1
float getURM10(void);
* @fn IRReceiveEnable
* @brief Enable infrared received
* @return None
void IRReceiveEnable(void);
* @fn IRReceive
* @brief Obtain infrared received data
* @return Received data:0-255
uint8_t IRReceive(void);
* @fn getBatteryData
* @brief Obtain the remaining battery power
* @param num Lithium-ion battery: eLithium Alkaline battery: eAlkaline
* @return battery power:0-100
uint8_t getBatteryData(eBatteryType_t type);
* @fn getVersion
* @brief Get the Version of Cosmo.
* @return version
String getVersion(void);
* @fn lineTraking
* @brief Stop line patrol or Start line patrol
* @param cmd Stop line patrol: eTrakingOff Start line patrol: eTrakingOn
* @return
void lineTraking(eTrakingTurn_t cmd);
* @fn getCross
* @brief Get the type of Cross road
* @return type of Cross road
* @retval 1:eStateCrossing 2:eStateLeftRight 3:eStateLeftStright 4:eStateRightStright
uint8_t getCross(void);
* @fn setCross
* @brief Setting the action for this intersectiond
* @param crossId type of Cross road
* @param cmd Action command
* @n eTurnLeft , eTurnRight , eTurnStright,eTurnStop
* @return
void setCross(eCross_t crossId,eTurnCmd_t cmd);
* @fn motorSet
* @brief Setting motor parameters
* @param motor Left motor: eMotorLeft, Right motor: eMotorRight All:eMotorAll
* @param Dir Forward turning: eMotorForward backward turning:eMotorReverse
* @param speed 0-255
* @return
void motorSet(eMotorSelect_t motor,eDirection_t Dir,uint8_t speed);
* @fn motorStop
* @brief Stop motor operation
* @param motor Left motor: eMotorLeft, Right motor: eMotorRight All:eMotorAll
* @return
void motorStop(eMotorSelect_t motor);
* @fn motorTypeSet
* @brief Set the type of motor
* @return
void motorTypeSet(uint16_t type);
* @fn tone
* @brief Instead of Arduino's own tone function to drive the buzzer
* @param tonePin beep pin
* @param frequency frequency of beep
* @param duration duration of beep
* @return
void tone(u8 tonePin, int frequency, int duration);
MCU | Work Well | Work Wrong | Untested | Remarks |
Arduino Uno | √ |
- 2024/10/16 - Version 1.0.0 released.
Written by lr([email protected]), 2024. (Welcome to our website)