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Exodia edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 21 revisions

Character Info

For add a character info use CharacterInfo class. CharacterInfo is a class that contains essential information about a character and used for rename, change age, etc.

I reccomand to follow this metod for create a character: Character Properties Method.

Add Character Info

(code-snippets: DR_CharacterAdd)

default mcI = CharacterInfo(
    name = "Name", surname = "Surname", age = 18, gender = GenderEnum.FEMALE,
    other_values = {},
    relationships = {}
define mc = Character("{b}[]{/b}",
    icon = None,
    info_screen = None,
    color = "#0702ff", who_outlines = [(2,"#000000")], what_prefix = "\"", what_suffix = "\"", what_outlines = [(2,"#000000")]

Change Name

For change name use changeName function, this function open a input box and ask for a new name.

(code-snippets: DR_CharacterInfo_ChangeName)

"Player" "My name is:"
$ mcI.changeName()

Change Surname

For change surname use changeSurname function, this function open a input box and ask for a new surname.

(code-snippets: DR_CharacterInfo_ChangeSurname)

"Player" "My surname is:"
$ mcI.changeSurname()

Change Age

For change age use changeAge function, this function open a input box and ask for a new age.

(code-snippets: DR_CharacterInfo_ChangeAge)

mc "I am ... years old"
$ mcI.changeAge()


For set the first value of player name and surname I reccomand to use renaming_mc function.


call renaming_mc(mcI)


Red more here: Relaction

Get Set Remove functions

CharacterInfo() use the dictionary to store the values of the variables.

Olther methods for modify character info are get, set and remove.


    mcI.set("name", "New Name")
    mcI.set("new_variable", "New Value")
    age = mcI.get("age")


Read more here: Screen & Translations