This implementation is obsolete. Use implementation instead.
.Net port of Google Open Location Codes.
Open Location Codes are short, generated codes that can be used like street addresses, for places where street addresses don't exist.
Open Location Codes were developed at Google's Zurich engineering office, and then open sourced so that they can be freely used.
Implementation Open Location Code as portable .NET library.
Portable targets:
- .NET Framework 4.5
- Windows 8
- Windows Phone 8.1
- ASP.NET Core 5
Nuget Package
For released version V1.0 Open Location Code
var myOpenLocationCode = "+9F2P.2CQHWWH";
var olc = new ASOL.OpenLocationCode.OpenLocationCode(myOpenLocationCode);
if (olc.IsValid)
var longitude = olc.Longitude;
var latitude = olc.Latitude;
var olc2 = new ASOL.OpenLocationCode.OpenLocationCode(latitude, longitude);
var code = olc2.Code;
For any next format use optional parameter with FormatVersion
var olc = new ASOL.OpenLocationCode.OpenLocationCode(myOpenLocationCode, ASOL.OpenLocationCode.FormatVersion.VNext);
Conversion between two Open Location Code format version
var myOpenLocationCodeVNext = "9F2P2CQH+WWH";
var olcVNext = new ASOL.OpenLocationCode.OpenLocationCode(myOpenLocationCode, ASOL.OpenLocationCode.FormatVersion.VNext);
var olcV1 = olcV1.ConvertToFormatVersion(ASOL.OpenLocationCode.FormatVersion.V1);
if (olcV1.Code != olcVNext.Code) { }