This 2D platformer adventure puzzle game was collaboarated in my second year Game Design course. This game had 2 other developers working on this game with me. The roles were split up amogst us on our own judgement on who can finish a certain task in time. This game was submitted as a final project in Queen's University's Game Design Course (CISC 226).
As a game designer, I was responsible for creating the unique elements of the game, including the structure and objectives of each level. I designed the levels to be both challenging and entertaining for players. I implemented player control and gameplay functions, such as moving obstacles, time-based features, and a limited number of lives. These features added depth and strategy to the game, making it more engaging for players. Overall, my contributions helped to bring the game to life and create a truly memorable experience for players.
Here is the build for Space Cat Space Crash:
- Dajung Yoon
- Liv Elliott
- Edwin Moreno