is a Ktor plugin for RabbitMQ that provides access to all the core functionalities of thecom.rabbitmq:amqp-client
library. It integrates seamlessly with Ktor's DSL, offering readable, maintainable, and easy-to-use functionalities.
dependencies {
install(KabbitMQ) {
uri = "amqp://<user>:<password>@<address>:<port>"
defaultConnectionName = "<default_connection>"
connectionAttempts = 20
attemptDelay = 10
tlsEnabled = true
tlsKeystorePath = "<path>"
tlsKeystorePassword = "<password>"
tlsTruststorePath = "<path>"
tlsTruststorePassword = "<password>"
- DSL wrapper for most functionalities with built-in parameter validation.
- Robust channel and connection management mechanisms.
- Integrated message serialization and deserialization.
- Option to interact directly with
/* default connection, default channel */
messageCount { queue = "test-queue" }
channel(id = 2, autoClose = false ){
/* calls */
/* new connection */
connection(id = "connection_0", autoClose = false){
/* new channel */
channel(id = 2, autoClose = false ){
/* calls */
/* will be destroyed after the task is finished */
/* calls */
/* reused connection */
connection(id = "connection_0"){
/* reused channel */
channel(id = 2, autoClose = false ){
/* calls */
/* new channel */
channel(id = 3, autoClose = false ){
/* calls */
/* default connection, new channel */
channel(id = 4, autoClose = false ){
/* calls */
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Debug mode is enabled.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Created new connection with id: <default_connection>.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Created new channel with id <1> for connection with id <default_connection>.
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQMessageCountBuilder - Build method for method called.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Connection with id: <default_connection> taken from cache.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Created new channel with id <2> for connection with id <default_connection>.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Created new connection with id: <connection_0>.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Connection with id: <connection_0> taken from cache.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Created new channel with id <2> for connection with id <connection_0>.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Created new channel with id <84316673> for connection with id <connection_0>.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Channel with id: <84316673>, closed
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Connection with id: <connection_0> taken from cache.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Channel with id: <connection_0-channel-2> taken from cache.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Connection with id: <connection_0> taken from cache.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Created new channel with id <3> for connection with id <connection_0>.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Connection with id: <connection_0>, closed
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Connection with id: <default_connection> taken from cache.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Created new channel with id <4> for connection with id <default_connection>.```
* `com.rabbitmq:amqp-client` offers overloaded functions, therefore to ensure
* compatibility with the DSL style, a robust parameter validation mechanism is necessary.
* At the heart of this mechanism is a custom state delegator.
basicConsume {
queue = "test-queue"
/* autoAck = true */ // let's say that autoAck is omited
deliverCallback<Message> { tag, message ->
println("Message: $message with $tag")
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Debug mode is enabled.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Created new connection with id: <default_connection>.
DEBUG io.kabbitmq.KabbitMQService - Created new channel with id <1> for connection with id <default_connection>.
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder - Build method for method called.
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder - <arguments>, initialized: <true>
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder - <autoAck>, initialized: <false>
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder - <cancelCallback>, initialized: <true>
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder - <channel>, initialized: <false>
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder - <consumerTag>, initialized: <false>
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder - <deliverCallback>, initialized: <true>
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder - <exclusive>, initialized: <true>
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder - <noLocal>, initialized: <true>
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder - <queue>, initialized: <true>
DEBUG i.k.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder - <shutdownSignalCallback>, initialized: <false>
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unsupported combination of parameters for KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder.
at io.github.damir.denis.tudor.ktor.server.rabbitmq.builders.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder.build$lambda$3(KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder.kt:159)
at io.github.damir.denis.tudor.ktor.server.rabbitmq.delegator.Delegator$Companion.withThisRef(Delegator.kt:86)
at io.github.damir.denis.tudor.ktor.server.rabbitmq.builders.KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder.build(KabbitMQBasicConsumeBuilder.kt:65)
data class Message(
var content: String
basicPublish {
exchange = "test-exchange"
message {
Message(content = "Hello world!")
basicConsume {
queue = "test-queue"
autoAck = false
deliverCallback<Message> { tag, message ->
/* process message */
// ...
/* simulate something went wrong */
basicReject {
deliveryTag = tag
requeue = false
basicPublish("test", "test-routing-key", null, "fdsf".toByteArray())
val consumer = object : DefaultConsumer(channel) {
override fun handleDelivery(
consumerTag: String?,
envelope: Envelope?,
properties: AMQP.BasicProperties?,
body: ByteArray?
) {
println("Received message: ${body?.let { String(it) }}")
basicConsume(queueName, true, consumer)
data class Message(
var content: String
fun Application.queueBinding() {
install(KabbitMQ) {
uri = "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5678"
// declare dead letter queue
queueBind {
queue = "dlq"
exchange = "dlx"
routingKey = "dlq-dlx"
queueDeclare {
queue = "dlq"
durable = true
exchangeDeclare {
exchange = "dlx"
type = BuiltinExchangeType.DIRECT
// declare queue configured with dead letter queue
queueBind {
queue = "test-queue"
exchange = "test-exchange"
queueDeclare {
queue = "test-queue"
arguments = mapOf(
"x-dead-letter-exchange" to "dlx",
"x-dead-letter-routing-key" to "dlq-dlx"
exchangeDeclare {
exchange = "test-exchange"
type = BuiltinExchangeType.FANOUT
repeat(10) {
basicPublish {
exchange = "test-exchange"
message {
Message(content = "Hello world!")
basicConsume {
queue = "test-queue"
autoAck = false
deliverCallback<Message> { tag, message ->
/* process message */
// ...
/* simulate something went wrong */
basicReject {
deliveryTag = tag
requeue = false
basicConsume {
queue = "dlq"
autoAck = true
deliverCallback<Message> { _, message ->
/* process message */
println("Message in DLQ: $message")