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ITU Operational Bulletin Data

The data here is used in building site, as we well as PDF & HTML deliverables (work in progress).

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Provides a formalized representation of OB and associated ITU publications.

Modifying data

The ITU OB editor app, currently in early alpha testing mode, will be the primary tool for modifying this data.

The app will enable ITU OB authors to create & edit bulletin editions through graphical user interface, and push the changes to the repository (subsequently triggering CI build).



a dataset maintained by ITU in connection with a certain Recommendation.

List position

a snapshot of that dataset deemed as valid at given point in time.

From time to time (could be every few years), a new snapshot of a List is created.

This happens around planned publication date of next OB issue, and that issue is then published with dataset snapshot (List position) annexed to it.

Subsequent OB issues may disseminate amendments to that dataset, until a new snapshot is published.

Lists annexed

see “Running annexes”.

Running annexes

effective datasets (Lists) or their latest snapshots (List positions) disseminated by ITU at given point in time.

A list of running annexes at the time of each OB issue’s publication date is provided in the beginning of that issue under “Lists annexed” section. A list of current annexes as of latest issue is provided on ITU site under ITU-T publications section.


ITU Operational Bulletin.


a piece of information disseminated via ITU OB. Maps to a section within an OB issue.

Usually a message is connected to an ITU recommendation.

A message may be an amendment, or otherwise be a notice of general kind.

(The system that reads this dataset fills out, partially or fully, message contents based on message type, user input, linked data and OB issues.)


an update to a service publication (a List position annexed to a previous OB issue, or an external publication).

Always specifies the target being amended.

Amendment target

references the original publication being amended.

Must specify publication (specifying original publication) and, where applicable, position_on (specifying the version/issue/snapshot). If not provided, position_on will be assumed to be the latest position annexed to one of the preceding OB editions.

External publication

ITU publication not annexed to a previous OB issue, such as List V, List VIII or NNP / Telephone Service dataset.

Message types

Following message types currently are implemented:

  • running_annexes

  • approved_recommendations

  • service_restrictions

  • callback_procedures

  • telephone_service

  • org_changes

  • misc_communications

  • iptn

  • mid

  • sanc

  • amendment

Most message types specify freeform contents using contents: <relative path to .adoc file> key.

Certain message types require messages to specify particular set of keys.

Localized contents

Data that supports multiple languages is specified in the following format:

  en: Hello
  ja: こんにちは

In above example localizable values are strings, but they can also be objects (in case of formatted freeform contents output, ProseMirror-style):

    type: doc
      - type: paragraph
          - type: text
            text: Hello
    type: doc
      - type: paragraph
          - type: text
            text: こんにちは

Translatable string values may also contain relative paths to .adoc files, in cases with localizable freeform message contents.


ITU Operational Bulletin Data






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