you may need to build latest global by following: http://www.gnu.org/software/global/download.html
generate tags with 'global' under your source code tree. e.g:
cd ~/src/mydroid gtags
get the gtagviewer somewhere you want to run. e.g:
git clone https://github.com/DavidPu/gtagviewer.git ~/gtagviewer
modify gtagviewer/cgi-bin/config.py:
ROOT: point to your ~/src/mydroid. use FULL path instead. e.g: /home/username/src/mydroid FIND: point to location of GNU find command, e.g: /usr/bin/find. check with 'which find'. GLOBAL: point to location of global command, e.g: /usr/local/bin/global
create a symbol link 'src' ---> ~/src/mydroid under gtagviewer folder. e.g:
cd ~/gtagviewer ln -s ~/src/mydroid src
start the server && browse your code with your web browser:
sudo python server.py -b -p 80 & google-chrome
use F6/F7/F8 to toggle Left/Bottom/Right panels.
all panels works just like a vim editor! type '/' to search something, '#' to select word, use hjkl to move around!
Mouse: try to left/right/middle button click to see what happens..
Happy Hacking!