Dr. Andrea De Angelis
Spring Term 2020
Dr. Andrea De Angelis
Office hour: agreed over email
email: [email protected]
Starting date: 13 January
end: 24 January
Location: via Pace 10
The course will take place at the Graduate School on Social and Political Science of the University of Milan, via Pace 10, or at the Political Science department, via Conservatorio, at the following dates:
Mon 13/1/2020 10:30/12:30 (Laboratory room, via Pace)
Tue 14/1/2020 10:30/12:30 and 14:30/16:30 (Laboratory room, via Pace)
Wed 15/1/2020 12:30/14:30 (room 27, via Conservatorio)
Fri 18/1/2020 14:30/16:30 (room 27, via Conservatorio)
Mon 20/1/2020 10:30/12:30 (Laboratory room, via Pace)
Tue 21/1/2021 10:30/12:30 and 14:30/16:30 (Laboratory room)
Wed 22/1/2020 12:30/14:30 (room 27, via Conservatorio)
Fri 24/1/2020 14:30/16:30 (room 27, via Conservatorio)