TeamCity GitLab Issues is a TeamCity plugin used to connect to an GitLab installation via API and retrieve information about tickets stored in GitLabs internal issue tracker.
After installing the plugin navigate to Project Settings > Issue Trackers to create, edit or delete an issue tracker.
In the issue tracker popup choose 'GitLab' as Connection type and configure the connection:
- Display Name
- An arbitrary name for the connection
- Project URL
- The URL to your GitLab project
- Pattern
- A pattern with which to identify issues
This must contain a capture for integers
for the issue number
- A pattern with which to identify issues
This must contain a capture for integers
- Api Token
- Your API Token
- Token Type
- Which kind of token is used (see here)
- Auth Type
- How to send login information, either as URL parameter or in request header
When the connection is properly configured TeamCity will parse commit messages of any builds changes for the given pattern an link it to the issue in your GitLab installation.
Furthermore a popup will appear when you hover of the issue link containing its ID, title, description and milestone.