Dragonfire v1.1.0: DeepPavlov SQuAD BERT Integration as ODQA
By integrating DeepPavlov SQuAD BERT into Dragonfire we have now more accurate Open-Domain Question Answering system without a need to have huge Wiki dumps or graph databases. Check out the ODQA Performance in this CI job.
- The badge generation service changed from Badgen to Shields
- Omniscient module replaced with DeepPavlov SQuAD BERT and renamed as ODQA
- Loglevel of TensorFlow set to ERROR and disabled FutureWarning(s)
- Added a GitHub workflow for automated Docker builds
- Travis CI is removed
package version upgraded to>=2.20.0
- Post-installation scripts are merged
- The Docker image has been updated
- Added separate GitHub workflows to handle Automated Tests and Linter Checks
- Added a GitHub workflow to test the ODQA module's performance against HotpotQA dataset
- Fixed most of the major code maintainability issues detected by Code Climate
- Added a GitHub workflow to automatically publish a GitHub release, build and upload a Debian package to release assets
- Checksum values are updated in the post-installation script