IOS library wrapping interactions with Edmodo
Use this to quickly get up and running with Edmodo Connect in your iPad App.
For more on Edmodo Connect, see:
You should have a working iPad App and an Edmodo Connect client ID.
Install the framework in your XCode Project (I am not going to get into details on this, see 'Caveats' below).
Add this call to your code:
[[EMLoginService sharedInstance] initiateLogin:parentViewController
onSuccess:^() {
// handle success
onCancel:^() {
// handle cancel
onError: ^(NSError* error) {
// handle error
If the success block is called, you're good to go.
Call [EMObject sharedInstance] to get the EMObjects instance and from there you can get info on the current user, his group memberships, etc.
When the initiateLogin function is called, you will be presented with a choice between real and mock login. Real login will present a webview that should lead you through a real Edmodo Connect login.
As that requires usernames, passwords, fake accounts, etc, we offer the 'Mock' version instead: a hard-wired set of fake accounts and relationships (all laid out as static data in EMMockDataStore.m).
For fast debugging, particularly when you are more concerned with what you do with the data after you receive it as opposed to actually getting the data, you might find the mock accounts useful.
I am fairly new to the world of XCode and Objective C. I suspect it is not up to par in several ways:
- Memory management.
- Proper config for a Framework.
On that last one, after a day of misery I could not get this project to produce a Framework that compiles with all architectures, in spite of following directions here:
For my projects, I am just adding the files in the source to the main project and ignoring the whole 'Framework' aspect. :(.