CRAN release v0.3.7
New features:
- New functions:
- Function as.POSIXct_fast is now available. It helps to transform to POSIXct way faster (if the same date value is present multiple times in the column).
- New features in existing functions:
- In dates identifications, we make it faster by computing search of format only on unique values.
- In date transformation, we made it faster by using as.POSIXct_fast when it is necessary.
- Functions findAndTransFormDates, findAndTransformNumerics and unFactor now accept argument cols to limitate search.
- New functions:
Bug fixes:
- Control that over-allocate option is activated on every data.table to avoid issues with set. Package should be more robust.
- In bijection search (internal function fastIsBijection) there was a bug on some rare cases. Fixed but slower.
-Code quality:
- Improving code quality using lintr
- Suppressing some useless code
- Meeting new covr standard
- Improve log of setColAsXXX