This repository contains the OntoTrans WP3 development.
Here is the overview of the architecture proposed by WP3 about its two main components: OntoKB and OntoREC.
The core of OntoKB is Stardog, a triplestore, in which stores the knowledge like application ontologies, individuals and meta-data.
OntoRec is currently envisioned as a general access point to OntoKB functionalities which interface itself with the Stardog SPARQL endpoint in order to provide an abstraction of the db to the user.
Both OntoKB and OntoRec are deployed as containerized services.
Both OntoKB and OntoRec needs to share the same network to be addressable by name
docker network create -d bridge corecomponentsnetwork
The stardog image is the official one present in DockerHub
docker run \
-d \
--name stardog \
-it \
--network corecomponentsnetwork \
-v <LICENSE FOLDER>:/var/opt/stardog \
-p 5820:5820 \
In order to work Stardog require a volume pointing to the folder which contains the license. Make sure to put the correct path in the command above.
The image of OntoRec is present on the official gitlab container registry of the project
docker run \
--name ontorec \
--rm \
-i \
-d \
--network corecomponentsnetwork \
-p 80:80 \
Alternatively, you can use the provided docker-compose.yml file
Here is a brief list of the available APIs provided by OntoREC
GET | /databases | Get the list of all available databases |
GET | /databases/{db_name} | Get all the triples contained into the database |
GET | /databases/{db_name}/serialization | Get the serialization of the current database in a specified format |
POST | /databases/{db_name}/query | Submit a query as a string to a specific database |
POST | /databases/{db_name}/create | Create the database |
POST | /databases/{db_name} | Add ontology file to existing database |
POST | /databases/{db_name}/single | Add list of triples to existing database |
DELETE | /databases/{db_name} | Delete an existing database |
DELETE | /databases/{db_name}/single | Delete a list of triples from existing database |
GET | /databases/{db_name}/namespaces | Get all the namespaces present in a database |
GET | /databases/{db_name}/namespaces/base | Get the information related to the base namespace |
GET | /databases/{db_name}/namespaces/{namespace_name} | Get the information related to a specific namespace |
POST | /databases/{db_name}/namespaces | Add a new namespace |
DELETE | /databases/{db_name}/namespaces/base | Delete the base namespace |
DELETE | /databases/{db_name}/namespaces/{namespace_name} | Delete an existing namespace |
More information can be found on the Redoc of OntoREC instance: http://localhost:80/redoc