Project Documentation can be found at:
Purpose: During the pandemic touching a hand-sanitizer pump that many other people have touched is almost counter-intuitive for preventing the spread of disease. We aim to provide people with a touch-free hand-sanitizer dispenser with two pathways to execution. The first is to create a product as low-cost as possible that can be easily mass-produced and used as a fundraiser with the goal of fundraising at least $300. The other is to create a smart dispenser that can connect to a network and teach us more about the internet of things.
Expected Outcomes: Dispense hand-sanitizer without touching Create a product for under $10 to mass-produce and fundraise Possible sensors to implement for cost savings: PIR (10/$15), distance(5 / $8.39), thermoresistor(30/$5), photoresistor(10/$10), infrared sensor(10/$10.31) **check the ranges of each sensor/design awareness
A network of devices that communicates with each other
Possible Features: solar charging, power management circuits, cybersecurity measures
Possible data to collect: # of uses, time to refill, time of day most used, if multiple stations then location used most, the temperature of the user, ambient temperature, solar irradiance
Technical Learning Goals: Prepare cost estimations with cost-benefit analysis for various designs Learn how to connect to a device to a network Implement software for the device to interface with Develop awareness of potential cybersecurity flaws with the device and network
Collaborative Learning Goals: Marketing and advertising product in virtual environment Network with supporters and donors