My final A level Computer Science Project An app where users can buy or sell paper intended to have similar functionality to something like amazon
NOTE-Does not charge actual credit cards
DO NOT INPUT REAL PAYMENT INFORMATION -While I beleive this to be at least reasonably secure I cannot guarantee this therefore do not enter real payment information in this app for any reason
Main Features
Can buy and sell paper
Basket system that you can add paper to
Can add new products
Can remove new products
Encrypts payment info and user data using Scrypt key and Fernet Encryption
Secure Login System Uses SHA3_512 to hash usernames and passwords
Has autofill payment info
Hierachy of access
Managers can remove staff accounts
Known Bugs
When multiple types of product are selected it has been known to add up the total wrong in the basket section
Login Sceen
Basket Screen
Payment Screen
Manager Screen
Add Remove user
Delivery Screen
Add Or Remove Product
Staff Screen