Your own personalised wardrobe recommender!
Onboarding | Search Page | Chat Page |
- Node Version: v18.x
- Package Manager: Yarn
- Python Version: >= v3.10
- GCP Cli:
- ngrok (for whatsapp chatbot):
Configs Required
- GCP Project Config
- Make sure Vertex AI and Vision AI is enabled in API & Services
- Rename the file as gcpconfig.json and place it in the
- Create an
file with the following contentOPEN_AI_API_KEY=<OPENAI_API_KEY> TWILIO_SID=<TWILIO_SID> TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=<TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN> GCP_ACCESS_TOKEN=<GCP_ACCESS_TOKEN> # gcloud auth print-access-token GCP_PROJECT_ID=<GCP_PROJECT_ID> # Copy and Paste from gcpconfig.json
Install Dependencies
Note: Create a Virtual Env before running the below commands
Install frontend packages
cd frontend && yarn && cd ..
Install backend packages
cd backend && pip install -r requirements.txt && cd ..
Running the app
Scraping the Content (a cron job can be setup if running in production)
cd backend && python && cd ..
Analyzing the trend (a cron job can be setup if running in production)
cd backend && python && cd ..
Start the Frontend Server
cd frontend && yarn build && yarn preview
In second terminal, start the backend server
cd backend && uvicorn main:app --reload
Running the ChatBot
Make sure the backend server is on. You can turn it on by running the following command in the backend directory
cd backend && uvicorn main:app --reload
Tunnel the backend through ngrok (in second terminal)
ngrok http 8000
Change the Sandbox Configuration in Try Whatsapp section of your twilio app. Click here for steps
GCP Vertex AI Vision Service API:
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers: