An opinionated learning path for getting into speed with Blockchain (specially Ethereum). This is a work in progress, please open an issue or send a pull request to help improving it.
Besides a programming background, this path assumes that the reader is at least a little comfortable with:
- Public key cryptography
- Watch Public Key Cryptography. (Est. time: 7 minutes)
- Digital signatures
- Read Cryptography Digital Signitures. (Est. time: 10 minutes)
- Watch What are Digital Signatures and How Do They Work? (Est. time: 3 minutes)
- Cryptographic hashing
- Watch What is Hashing on the Blockchain? (Est. time: 5 minutes)
- Read Blockchain Explained. (Est.time: 26 minutes)
- Watch Blockchain - A visual demo. (Est. time: 18 minutes)
- Read How the Bitcoin protocol actually works. (Est. time: 45 minutes)
- Watch this video (lighter than the previous article but useful to solidify your knowledge). (Est. time: 26 minutes)
- Read How does Ethereum work, anyway? (Est. time: 38 minutes)
- Read this article on smart contracts development. (Est. time: 15 minutes)
- Read the Truffle Documentation / Hardhat Documentation
- Read the Web3 Documentation / Ethers Documentation
- Book Mastering Ethereum
- Set of learning resources from
- Learn Ethereum development by making a Zombie Game (Est. time: 8 hs)
- Read and make and example: Pet shop tutorial
- Time-locked Wallets: An Introduction to Ethereum Smart Contracts
- The Ultimate ENS and ĐApp Tutorial
- Ultimate Introduction to Ethereum Ðapp Development (Est. time: 4 hs)
- Ethernaut is a Web3/Solidity based wargame for those interested in learning ethereum
- Do this course Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide (Est. time: 24 hs)
- Free tutorial Learning Solidity
- Introduction to Smart Contract Development with Solidity (Est. time: 2 hs)
- Crypto vocabulary
- Blockchain Oracles, Explained (Est. time: 4 minutes)
- ABI (Est. time: 15 minutes)
- Keccak256 (Est. time: 15 minutes)
- Random numbers (Est. time: 5 minutes)
- Velocity of Tokens (Est. time: 9 minutes)
- Gas (Est. time: 5 minutes)
- Weth
- Decentralized Finance (DeFi):
- Intro to DeFi - Introduction to DeFi and it's main ideas.
- Awesome Decentralized Finance
- DeFi Prime - Curated directory of DeFi projects.
- Smart Contracts
- Consensys best practices - This document provides a baseline knowledge of security considerations for intermediate Solidity programmers. It is maintained by ConsenSys Diligence, and the broader Ethereum community.
- Solidity Patterns - A compilation of patterns and best practices.
- dapp-bin - Ethereum repo providing implementations for many common data structures and utilities in Solidity, Serpent and LLL.
- Solidity Collections - Collections of code snippets and utility libraries.
- OpenZeppelin - Framework to build secure smart contracts.
- Solidity By Example - Contract examples from the official docs.
- Some key differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum - Features and differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum.
- Initiate a Forkless Runtime Upgrade - Forkless Runtime Upgrade useful for initial setups and parachains' CI/CD pipelines.
- ERCs - Ethereum Improvement Proposals
- ERC-20 - Token contract for fungible assets.
- ERC-721 - Token standard for non-fungible assets.
- ERC-918 - Mineable Token Standard.
- ERC-165 - Creates a standard method to publish and detect what interfaces a smart contract implements.
- ERC-725 - A standard interface for a simple proxy account.
- ERC-173 - A standard interface for ownership of contracts.
List of tools curated by Protofire team to better apply best practices to the Protocol and DApps development projects.
- SmartCheck - Online tool for checking smart contracts for vulnerabilities and bad practices.
- solhint - Solidity linter that provides security, style guide and best practice rules for smart contract validation.
- solium - Linter to identify and fix style & security issues in Solidity smart contracts.
- sol-tester - Utilities for building, linking and testing contracts using go-ethereum and the simulated chain.
- solidity-coverage - Code coverage tool.
- TypeChain - TypeScript bindings for Ethereum Smart Contracts.
- Week in Ethereum News - Ethereum news and links, layer 1, layer 2, client releases, stuff for developers, interviews, podcasts, videos, talks, etc
- Reddit: /r/ethereum/ - Reddit about next-generation platform for decentralised applications.
- Reddit: /r/ethdev - Reddit about ethereum-related dev talk: Contracts, DApps, Wallets, Clients, Infrastructure, Tooling, UIs, Patterns, and others.
- Ethereum Research - Civilized discussion furthering Ethereum research
- Understanding Blockchain function - Say hello to the decentralized economy. (Est. time: 15 minutes)
- DeFi from Finematics - Educational videos on DeFi (Decentralized Finance).