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Eppo Android SDK

Maven Central

Eppo is a feature management and experimentation platform. This SDK enables feature flagging and experimentation for Eppo customers. An API key is required to use it.



dependencies {
  implementation 'cloud.eppo:android-sdk:4.7.0'

dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url ""

Snapshots of the development version are available in Sonatype's snapshots repository.

Releasing a new version

You can simply draft a new release on GitHub and then CI will take care of the rest.

For publishing a release locally, instead, follow the steps below.


  1. Generate a user token on;
  2. Configure a GPG key for signing the artifact. Don't forget to upload it to the key server;
  3. Make sure you have the following vars in your ~/.gradle/ file:
    1. ossrhUsername - User token username for Sonatype generated in step 1
    2. ossrhPassword - User token password for Sonatype generated in step 1
    3. signing.keyId - GPG key ID generated in step 2
    4. signing.password - GPG key password generated in step 2
    5. signing.secretKeyRingFile - Path to GPG key file generated in step 2

Once you have the prerequisites, follow the steps below to release a new version:

  1. Bump the project version in build.gradle
  2. Run ./gradlew publish -Prelease or ./gradlew publish -Psnapshot
  3. Follow the steps in this page to promote your release

Getting Started

For information on usage, refer to our SDK Documentation.