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Keith Hall Barnett edited this page Apr 15, 2018 · 4 revisions

Building the official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol for Callisto Network

The requirements for building the Callisto Network's geth executable binary are that Golang 1.10 or higher and a C/C++ compiler be installed.

Installing Golang version 1.10

  1. Verify that operating system is up to date

    sudo apt update

    sudo apt -y upgrade

  2. Download Golang

    sudo curl -O

  3. Unpack Golang

    sudo tar -xvf go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz

  4. Move created "Go" folder to /usr/local/ directory

    sudo mv go /usr/local/

  5. Open user profile for editing

    sudo nano ~/.profile

  6. Append Go folder path to opened profile by adding the following line:

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

  7. Save and close profile



  8. Reload profile

    source ~/.profile

  9. Verify Go installation

    go version

If the return reads go version go1.10 linux/amd64 or similar, proceed.

Installing GNU C compiler

  1. Install build-essential tools

    sudo apt-get install build-essential

  2. Verify installation of the gcc and make commands

    gcc -v

    make -v

If both commands display a version message without errors, proceed.

Clone the go-callisto repository

 `git clone -b CLO/1.0`

Build geth command (or alternatively, all executables)

 `cd go-callisto`

 `make geth` or `make all`

Move the newly built binary files to /usr/local/bin directory

 `sudo mv /build/bin/* /usr/local/bin/`