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How to Contribute

Before you start, ensure you have created a GitHub account.

There are two approaches to contributing.

Via the GitHub Web UI

For simple changes, the GitHub web UI should suffice.

  1. Find the page you want to edit on ParticularDocs.
  2. Click the Edit Online button. This will automatically fork the project so you can edit the file.
  3. Make the changes you require. Ensure you verify the changes in the Preview tab.
  4. Add a description of the changes.
  5. Click Propose File Changes.

By Forking and Submitting a Pull Request

For more complex changes you should fork and then submit a pull request. This is useful if you are proposing multiple file changes

  1. Fork on GitHub.
  2. Clone the fork locally.
  3. Work on the feature.
  4. Push the code to GitHub.
  5. Send a Pull Request on GitHub.

For more information, see Collaborating on GitHub especially using GitHub pull requests.

Running locally

The repository contains a devcontainer that has all the necessary tools to develop content for the documentation. The content is automatically rendered on http://localhost:55666.

For more information about devcontainers visit the official documentation. Install the pre-requirements mentioned in the getting started guide and open the repository in Code (> code .).

Note: The docstool is currently started in the foreground. While it is possible to run it in the background with & or the parallel execution feature of devcontainer it might be more cumbersome to inspect the log output of the tool. The downside of starting in the foreground is that Code will continuously show a spinner with "Configuring container".

Building samples and snippets

To build all samples and snippets run .\tools\build-samples-and-snippets.ps1 from the repository root folder.

Reviewing a page

If, as part of editing a page, a full review of the content is done, the reviewed header should be updated. This date is used to render the last reviewed page.

As part of a full review the following should be done:

  • Spelling (US)
  • Grammar
  • Version specific language and content is correct
  • Language is concise
  • All links are relevant. No 3rd party links have redirects or 404s.
  • Are there any more links that can be added to improve the content
  • Content is correct up to and including the current released version
  • Content can benefit from having its own header so that it is picked up while searching for a related topic.
  • Summary and title is adequate
  • Update reviewed date in header, even if no changes were made.


Lower case and - delimited

All content files (.md, .png, .jpg etc) and directories must be lower case.

All links pointing to them must be lower case.

Use a dash (-) to delimit filenames (e.g.


Each document has a header. It is enclosed by --- and is defined in a YAML document format.

The GitHub UI will correctly render YAML.

For example:

title: Auditing Messages
summary: Provides built-in message auditing for every endpoint.
versions: '[4,)'
- samples/custom-checks/monitoring3rdparty
- nservicebus/overview


title: Auditing With NServiceBus

Must be 70 characters or less, and 50-60 characters is recommended.

Required. Used for the web page title tag <head><title>, displayed in the page content, and displayed in search results.

Note: When considering what is a good title keep in mind that the parent context of a given page is fairly well known by other means. ie people can see where it exists in the menu and can see where in the hierarchy it is through the breadcrumbs. So it is often not necessary to include the parent title in the current pages title. For example when documenting "Publishers name configuration", for "Azure Service Bus Transport", then "Publishers name configuration" would be a sufficient title where "Publishers name configuration in Azure Service Bus Transport" is overly verbose and partially redundant.


component: Core

Required when using partials views, recommended also when using snippets in multiple versions. Allows the rendering engine determine what versions of the given page should be generated. Specified by providing the component key.


versions: '[1,2)'

In case of components that consist of multiple packages it's also possible to explicitly specify ranges of versions for each package separately:

versions: 'PackageA:[1,2); PackageB : [3,4); PackageC :*'

Optional. Used for specifying what versions the given page covers, especially relevant for features that are not available in all supported versions. The old format 'nuget_version_range' or 'package_name: nuget_version_range; package_name_2: nuget:version_range2'.


reviewed: 2016-03-01

Optional. Used to capture the last date that a page was fully reviewed. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.


summary: Provides built-in message auditing for every endpoint.

Optional. Used for the meta description tag (<meta name="description" />) and displaying the search results.


hidden: true

Causes two things:

  • Stops search engines from finding the page using a <meta name="robots" content="noindex" />.
  • Prevents the page from being found in the docs search.

Preview Image

previewImage: preview-image.png

Populates a feature image for the Open Graph and Twitter Card meta tags for social sharing.

The URL should be a relative URL, usually just the filename in the same directory as the article, but ../ to go up a directory is also supported. If it works in a Markdown image tag ![](relative-url.png) then it should work for the metadata.


- samples/custom-checks/monitoring3rdparty

A list of related pages for this page. These links will be rendered at the bottom of the page. Can include both samples and articles and they will be grouped as such when rendered in html.

Suppress Related

suppressRelated: true

No related content will be displayed at the bottom of the article, including specifically included articles in the metadata, as well as any documents discovered by traversing the directory structure. This is intended for pages where tight control over the presentation of related material is desired.


- nservicebus/overview

When renaming an existing article to a new name, add the redirects: section in the article header and specify the previous name for the article. If the old URL is linked anywhere, the new renamed article will automatically be served when the user clicks on it.

  • Values specified in the redirects section must be lower case.
  • Multiple values can be specified for the redirects, same as tags.
  • Values are fully qualified

URL format for Redirects and Related

Should be the URL relative to the root with no beginning or trailing slash padding and no .md.


To Mark something as an upgrade guide use isUpgradeGuide: true

The upgradeGuideCoreVersions setting can optionally be used to filter which NSB core version tab the page show up in the search results

isUpgradeGuide: true
 - 5
 - 6

Learning Path

To mark a page as belonging to the Particular Software Learning Path use isLearningPath: true.

Calls to action

callsToAction: ['architecture-review', 'solution-architect']

Calls to action are defined in calls-to-action.yaml.

An example header for an article

In the following example, whenever the URLs /servicecontrol/sc-si or /servicecontrol/debugging-servicecontrol are being requested, the given article will be rendered.

title: ServiceInsight Interaction
summary: 'Using ServiceInsight Together'
- servicecontrol/sc-si
- servicecontrol/debugging-servicecontrol
- servicecontrol/installation


Two things are generally referred to as "components", which can be confusing:

  • Components, as defined in components.yaml, is the true definition of components, and defines the topic for a page, as well as the collection of snippets that it will pull in. In the case of a component like MSMQ, the functionality started in Core but was moved out to the MSMQ transport, but all of these together use the component MsmqTransport.
  • NuGet Aliases are frequently misidentified as components because they look the same. NuGet aliases are used to translate the name of a versioned directory like MsmqTransport_1 into the NuGet package NServiceBus.Transport.Msmq. Multiple NuGet aliases can exist within a component, i.e. MSMQ will have versioned snippet directories Core_6 and MsmqTransport_1, which are different NuGet Aliases, but both belong to the same component.

When you are adding a new package, you therefore need to add new entries to both components.yaml and nugetAlias.txt, which can be a source of confusion.


"Components" is a general term used to describe a deployable set of functionality. Components exist in components/components.yaml. Note that over time a component may have moved between nugets or split into new nugets. For example, the ASB Data Bus or the Callbacks.

Sample Component:

- Key: Callbacks
  Url: nservicebus/messaging/callbacks
    - NServiceBus.Callbacks
    - NServiceBus

When adding a new component

Component Key

The component key allows for shorthand when referring to components in page headers.

Component URL

The component URL is the definitive source of documentation for a given component. This will eventually be used to link back to said documentation from both NuGet usages, samples and articles.

Component NugetOrder

Since components can be split over multiple different nugets, it is not possible to infer the order from the NuGet version alone. So we need to have a lookup index and the NugetOrder allows us to sensibly sort component versions. For example, NServiceBus.Callbacks.1.0.0 should sort higher than the version of Callbacks that exists in NServiceBus.5.0.0.


All NServiceBus-related NuGet packages (used in documentation) are listed in components/nugetAlias.txt. The alias part of the NuGet is the key that is used to infer the version and component for all snippets. For example, Snippets/Callbacks has, over its lifetime, existed in both the Core NuGet and the Callbacks NuGet. So the directories under Callbacks are indicative of the NuGet (alias) they exist in and then split over the multiple versions of a given NuGet.

Example aliases:

ASP: NServiceBus.Persistence.AzureStorage
Autofac: NServiceBus.Autofac
Azure: NServiceBus.Azure
Callbacks: NServiceBus.Callbacks

Target Frameworks

Samples can be targeted to multiple target frameworks. Samples can be edited and tested for multiple frameworks within this repository when using Visual Studio. When the site is rendered, separate downloads for each target framework are generated by splitting the framework list and transforming the project files before zipping.

When multi-targeting samples for NServiceBus 8 and earlier, The recommended set of frameworks is:


For NServiceBus 9, samples can't currently be multi-targeted, so they should be singled targeted:


Some things to keep in mind:

  • The same list of target frameworks must be used for each project, in the same order.
  • Target framework monikers (i.e. net8.0) are translated to framework display names (i.e. .NET 8) in /components/tfm-mappings.txt.
    • Download dropdown items are ordered by position in this file descending, so that options for newer frameworks are presented first.


The menu is a YAML text document stored at menu/menu.yaml.

Any sub-items that are prefixed with the title of the parent item will have that prefix removed

Example content:

- Name: NServiceBus
  - Url: platform
    Title: Getting Started
    - Url: platform
      Title: Particular Service Platform Overview
    - Title: NServiceBus Overview
      - Url: nservicebus/architecture/principles
        Title: Architectural Principles
      - Url: nservicebus/architecture
        Title: Bus versus broker architecture


  • Top level items the Name is used for the URL.
  • Title is required for all nodes other than top level.
  • Maximum of 4 levels deep.
  • URL is optional. if it does not exist it will render as an expandable node.


The directory structure where a .md exists is used to derive the URL for that document.

So a file existing at nservicebus\logging\ will have a URL of

Index Pages

One exception to the URL rule is when a page is named In this case the is omitted in the URL and only the directory structure is used.

So a file existing at nservicebus\logging\ will have a URL of

Related Pages on Index Pages

Like any page an index page can include related pages. However index pages will, by default, have all sibling and child pages included in the list of related pages. This is effectively a recursive walk of the file system for the directory the given exists in.


Links to other documentation pages should be relative and contain the .md extension.

The .md allows links to work inside the GitHub web UI. The .md will be trimmed when they are finally rendered.

Given the case of editing a page located at \nservicebus\

  • To link to the file nservicebus\, use [Page 2 Text](
  • To link to the file \servicecontrol\, use [Page 3 Text](/servicecontrol/

Don't link to pages, instead link to the directory. So link to /nservicebus/logging and NOT /nservicebus/logging/


The site is rendered using GitHub Flavored Markdown

For editing markdown on the desktop (after cloning locally with Git) try MarkdownPad.

Markdown flavor

Ensure you enable GitHub Flavored Markdown (Offline) by going to

Tools > Options > Markdown > Markdown Processor > GitHub Flavored Markdown (Offline)

Or click in the bottom left on the M icon to "hot-switch"


Don't render YAML front-matter by going to

Tools > Options > Markdown > Markdown Settings

And checking Ignore YAML Front-matter

EIP references

Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) is a bible of messaging. We sometimes use the same or similar patterns, but name them differently. When describing such a pattern, it's useful to reference the related EIP pattern, to make it easier to understand.

Terms we use and are aligned with EIP

EIP terms and ideas we don't use but can

  • Message Bus - we dropped using the bus word when referring to an endpoint (which is correct) but I think we can take advantage of this definition of the bus because it is aligned with our concepts.
  • Dead Letter Channel - only MSMQ implements it, we don't have it on NServiceBus level
  • Datatype Channel - is a channel reserved for a single data/message type. This is something we should be selling users as a good practice
  • Channel Adapter - this seems to be similar to the ADSD idea for integration components that pull data from various services in order to combine them into a message
  • Messaging Gateway and Messaging Mapper - we could prepare guidance based on them on how to use NSB in the application
  • Control Bus - I believe we should get this implemented in (close) future
  • Test Message

Terms we use but have a different meaning or name

  • Message Channel - we call it a queue but EIP name seeps to be more appropriate since e.g. SQL transport does not use queues
  • Point-to-Point - we use Unicast instead
  • Publish-Subscribe - we use Multicast instead. I think these two discrepancies are something we need to live with because we reserve Publish/Subscribe name to a logical pattern.
  • Invalid Message Channel - we call it error queue
  • Guaranteed Delivery - we call it store and forward
  • Return Address - we use reply address but I think we are close enough.
  • Process Manager - we call it Saga
  • Message Broker - we use the term broker to describe a centralized transport mechanism where all message channels are on remote machine/cluster. EIP sees broker as a thing that also does routing based on message types (and/or content)
  • Claim Check - we call it Data bus
  • Event-Driven Consumer - we call it message pump or IPushMessages
  • Message Dispatcher - we call it Distributor
  • Selective Consumer - I believe our closest equivalent is a message handler
  • Wire Tap - we call it audit queue which confuses the purpose with the implementation. The thing is called wire tap and it is usually used to audit message flows.


Our main goal is to provide the user with a smooth F5 experience when using the platform, and that includes samples, as it might be the user's first introduction to the platform.

When to write a sample

Any of the following, or combination thereof, could indicate that something should be a sample

  • When there are multiple non-trivial moving pieces that would be mitigated by being able to download a runnable VS solution.
  • When illustrating how Particular products/tools interact with 3rd-party products/tools.
  • It is a sample of a significant feature of the Particular platform. e.g. Databus, encryption, pipeline etc.

Do not write a sample when:

  • The only difference to an existing sample is a minor API usage.


  • Samples should illustrate a feature or scenario with as few moving pieces as possible. For example, if the sample is "illustrating IOC with MVC" then "adding SignalR" to that sample will only cause confusion. In general, the fewer NuGet packages required to get the point across the better.
  • Do not "document things inside a sample". A sample is to show how something is used, not to document it. Instead update the appropriate documentation page and link to it. As a general rule, if you add any content to a sample, where that guidance could possibly be applicable to other samples, then that guidance should probably exist in a documentation page.
  • Start a sample with paragraph(s) that summarize why the sample would be useful or interesting. Think about more than what the sample does, but also what additional scenarios it can enable. After this summary, put the downloadbutton directive in a paragraph by itself, which will be rendered as a large Download the sample now button.


  • Samples are located here.
  • They are linked to from the home page and are rendered here.
  • Any directory in that structure with a will be considered a "root for a sample" or Sample Root.
  • A Sample Root may not contain a in subdirectories.
  • Each directory under the Sample Root will be rendered on the site as a downloadable zip with the directory name being the filename.
  • A can use snippets from within its Sample Root but not snippets defined outside that root.
  • A sample must obey rules that are verified by Integrity Tests.
  • Samples targeting .NET Core should be able to run across Windows, macOS, and Linux. To ensure that's the case, you can run the sample using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) in VS Code. VS Code can be configured to use WSL as the default development environment. If a sample cannot be designed to support one or more platforms add a note to the with the platforms that are unsupported and the reasoning.
  • Samples contain no calls to ConfigureAwait(bool) unless they are explicitly required.
  • Samples should define the LangVersion property to match the default version of the lowest .NET TFM used in the solution.


Since users often use our samples to kick start their own projects, we want them to always use the latest versions of their dependencies. This is also important since we internally use our samples for smoke testing.

See the NuGet package reference guidelines for more details on how to achieve this.

Startup projects

When a sample is zipped the VS startup projects are also configured. This is done by using SetStartupProjects. By default startable projects are detected though interrogating the project settings. To override this convention and hard-code the list of startup projects add a file named {SolutionName}.StartupProjects.txt in the same directory as the solution file. It should contain the relative paths to the project files you would like to use for startup projects.

For example if the solution "TheSolution.sln" contains two endpoints and you only want to start Endpoint1 the content of TheSolution.StartupProjects.txt would be:


To apply this convention on your local clone of the docs repo use the set startup projects linkpad script.

Bootstrapping a sample

At the moment the best way to get started on a sample is to copy an existing one. Ideally one that is similar to what you are trying to achieve.

A good sample to start with is the Default Logging Sample, since all it does is enable logging. You can then add the various moving pieces to the copy.


Avoid using screenshots in samples unless it adds significant value over what can be expressed in text. They have the following problems:

  • More time consuming to update than text
  • Not search-able
  • Prone to an inconsistent feel as different people take screenshots at different sizes, different zoom levels and with different color schemes for the app in question
  • Add significantly to the page load time.

The most common misuse of screenshots is when capturing console output. DO NOT DO THIS. Put the text inside a formatted code section instead.

Guidance content

Some of our documentation provides guidance for customers and prospects to make informed decisions when faced with multiple options.

For example, when a customer decides to host an endpoint in Azure, there are multiple options, each with their pros and cons. Vendor documentation on its own is often not enough in the context of creating and running a distributed system with NServiceBus.

Guidance for these decisions is valuable to our customers and is included in our public documentation.

This is not to be confused with comparisons between various vendors or technologies from various vendors. Such comparisons are contentious and are not part of our public documentation.


Tutorials are similar to samples but optimized for new users to follow in a step-by-step fashion. Tutorials differ from samples in the following ways:

  • Markdown file must be named
  • No component specified in the header
  • Focus on only the most recent version
  • Rendered without button toolbar and component information at the top
  • By default, solution download button is rendered at the end
    • An inline download button can be created instead using a downloadbutton directive on its own line within the tutorial markdown.
  • Utilizes two collections of snippets, from the solution and also from an optional Snippets solution, allowing more granular or multi-phase snippets
  • Allows use of personal voice (you/your/we/etc.) within /tutorials directory to foster collaborative tone with user

Directory structure

An example directory structure for a tutorial might look like this:

  Snippets/ (optional)

Tutorials can be grouped together in a parent directory with a normal article serving as a table of contents.

Multi-lesson tutorials

For tutorials chained together to form multiple lessons, navigation can be created to combine a button linking to the next lesson with the Download Solution link.

- !!tutorial
  nextText: "Next Lesson: Sending a command"
  nextUrl: tutorials/nservicebus-step-by-step/2-sending-a-command

The nextText parameter is optional, and will default to the title of the linked page if omitted.

Markdown partials

Partials are version-specific files that contain markdown. Partials are preferable for situations where quite a bit of content differs, or there there will be multiple variants for multiple different versions. For simpler situations, such as a 1-3 line note or aside only for one range of versions, see inline version conditionals below instead.

They are only rendered in the target page when the version filter matches the convention for a give file.

Partial Convention:

Make sure to use component alias (as defined in components.yaml file) in the partial name. For most components component alias will be identical to NuGet alias, however it's not always the case, e.g. the Callbacks feature has been moved out of core package to the dedicated NServiceBus.Callbacks package, so the there are two NuGet aliases that are related to this feature, but it's still the same component and has a single component alias.

The NuGet alias in samples should match the prefix as defined by the samples solution directories.

Partials are rendered in the target page by using the following syntax

partial: PARTIAL_KEY

So an example directory structure might be as follows

And to include the endpointname partial can be pulled into by including.

partial: endpointname

Inline version conditionals

Inline version conditionals allow a short section of markdown to only apply to a specific version range. This is perfect for situations like an alert for all versions less than version N, where using a partial file might be too heavy-handed and harder to comprehend.

It's important to remember that neither partials nor inline conditionals can create an item in the versions dropdown—only Snippets can do that.

#if-version [7.7, )

This content only displays for versions 7.7 and up


#if-version [, 8)

This content only displays for versions less than 8.0


#if-version SqlTransportLegacySystemClient [4, 6)

On pages where the snippets span more than one [NuGet package alias](, version expressions must include the version expression.


A full NuGet-style version expression is required. #if-version 6 is not allowed because ultimately it would not be clear if that meant version 6 and above [6, ) or only version 6 [6, 7).

Markdown includes

Markdown includes are pulled into the document prior to passing the content through the markdown conversion.

Defining an include

Add a file anywhere in the docs repository that is suffixed with For example, the file might be named

Using an include

Add the following to the markdown:

include: theKey

Code Snippets

Defining Snippets

There is a some code located here. Any directory containing an _excludesnippets file will have its snippets ignored.

File extensions scanned for snippets include:

  • .config
  • .cs
  • .cscfg
  • .csdef
  • csproj
  • .html
  • .sql
  • .txt
  • .xml
  • .xsd
  • ps1
  • .ps
  • .json
  • .proto
  • .config
  • .yml
  • .yaml
  • Dockerfile

Snippets are highlighted using highlightjs

Inline Code

language key
c# cs
xml xml
command line dos
powershell ps
json json
sql sql

Always use fenced code blocks with a language. If no language is defined then highlightjs will guess the language and it regularly gets it wrong.

NOTE: For .razor files, since the #region keyword that is used to identify snippets can only be used inside of a razor code block, the language of the snippet will be changed from razor to cs, due to the current limitations of highlightjs for .razor files.

Using comments

Any code wrapped in a convention-based comment will be picked up. The comment needs to start with startcode which is followed by the key.

// startcode ConfigureWith
var configure = Configure.With();
// endcode

For non-code snippets apply a similar approach as in code, using comments appropriate for a given file type. For plain-text files an extra empty line is required before endcode tag.

Tag XML-based PowerShell SQL script Plain text Dockerfile / Compose / YAML
Open <!-- startcode name --> # startcode name -- startcode name startcode name # startcode name
Close <!-- endcode --> # endcode -- endcode endcode # endcode
Using regions

Any code wrapped in a named C# region will be picked up. The name of the region is used as the key.

#region ConfigureWith
var configure = Configure.With();

Snippet versioning

Snippets are versioned. These versions are used to render snippets in a tabbed manner.

Versions follow the NuGet versioning convention. If either Minor or Patch is not defined they will be rendered as an x. For example, version 3.3 would be rendered as 3.3.x and version 3 would be rendered as 3.x.

Snippet versions are derived in two ways

Version suffix on snippets

Appending a version to the end of a snippet definition as follows:

#region ConfigureWith 4.5
var configure = Configure.With();

Or version range:

#region MySnippetName [1.0,2.0]
// My Snippet Code
Convention based on the directory

If a snippet has no version defined then the version will be derived by walking up the directory tree until if finds a directory that is suffixed with _Version or _VersionRange. For example:

  • Snippets extracted from\Snippets\Snippets_4\TheClass.cs would have a default version of (≥ 4.0.0 && < 5.0.0).
  • Snippets extracted from\Snippets\Snippets_4\Special_4.3\TheClass.cs would have a default version of (≥ 4.3.0 && < 5.0.0).
  • Snippets extracted from\Snippets\Special_(1.0,2.0)\TheClass.cs would have a default version of (> 1.0.0 && < 2.0.0).
Pre-release marker file

If a file named prerelease.txt exists in a versioned directory then a -pre will be added to the version.

For example, if there is a directory\Snippets\{Component}\Snippets_6\ and it contains a prerelease.txt file then the version will be (≥ 6.0.0-pre)

Using Snippets

The keyed snippets can then be used in any documentation .md file by adding the text

snippet: KEY

Then snippets with the key (all versions) will be rendered in a tabbed manner. If there is only a single version then it will be rendered as a simple code block with no tabs.

For example:

    To configure the bus call
    snippet: ConfigureWith

The resulting markdown will be:

    To configure the bus call
    var configure = Configure.With();

Code indentation

The code snippets will do smart trimming of snippet indentation.

For example, given this snippet:

••#region DataBus
••var configure = Configure.With()

The two leading spaces (••) will be trimmed and the result will be

var configure = Configure.With()

The same behavior will apply to leading tabs.

Do not mix tabs and spaces

If tabs and spaces are mixed there is no way for the snippets to work out what to trim.

So given this snippet:

••#region DataBus
••var configure = Configure.With()

where ➙ is a tab, the resulting markdown will be

var configure = Configure.With()

Note that none of the tabs have been trimmed.

Explicit variable typing versus 'var'

Use var everywhere.

Snippets are compiled

The code used by snippets and samples is compiled on the build server. The compilation is done against the versions of the packages referenced in the samples and snippets projects. When a snippet doesn't compile, the build will break so make sure snippets are compiling properly. Samples and snippets should not reference unreleased NuGet packages.

NuGet package references

Use current minor

NuGet package references should use the the most greedy wildcard that is safe for that reference. In most cases that is "current minor":

<PackageReference Include="NServiceBus.Serilog" Version="4.*" />

This applies to snippets and samples.

Sometimes current patch

In some cases, usually where a package has significant new API in a minor, it may be necessary to version snippets down to the "current patch".

<PackageReference Include="NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql" Version="2.0.*" />
<PackageReference Include="NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql" Version="2.1.*" />

Note that this should be a temporary state and in the next major default back to "current minor".

<PackageReference Include="NServiceBus.Persistence.Sql" Version="3.*" />

Also this generally only applies to snippets. It is usually not necessary to go to that level of version granularity for samples.

Samples always pull in one extra level

All samples pull in one extra level of package dependency. So, for example, in the Rabbit samples it would be sufficient to have:

<PackageReference Include="NServiceBus.RabbitMQ" Version="4.*" />

The reference to NServiceBus and RabbitMQ.Client would then be inferred. However, since the dependencies in NServiceBus.RabbitMQ are:

NServiceBus (>= 6.0.0 && < 7.0.0)
RabbitMQ.Client (>= 5.0.1 && < 5.1.0)

NuGet will then resolve the lowest within those ranges. This make it more difficult to smoke test new versions of those dependencies using samples. As such, for all dependencies that are important to use the latest, the extra dependencies are explicitly included with wildcards.

<PackageReference Include="NServiceBus.RabbitMQ" Version="4.*" />

<ItemGroup Label="Required to force the latest version of transitive dependencies">
  <PackageReference Include="NServiceBus" Version="6.*" />
  <PackageReference Include="RabbitMQ.Client" Version="5.0.*" />

Unreleased NuGet packages

There are some scenarios where documentation may require unreleased or beta NuGet packages. For example, when creating a PR against documentation for a feature that is not yet released. In this case, it is ok for a PR to reference an unreleased NuGet and have that PR fail to build on the build server. Once the NuGet packages have been released that PR can be merged.

In some cases it may be necessary to have merged documentation for unreleased features. In this case the NuGet packages should be pushed to the Particular feed on The feed is included by default in the repository's nuget.config.

Temporary unstables

When documenting an unstable feature, those unstable packages must be explicitly included using the exact prerelease package version using -.

<PackageReference Include="NServiceBus.RabbitMQ" Version="4.3.1-alpha.XYZ" />

Wildcard patterns, like 4.3.1-*, 8.0.0-any-pre-release-version.* are not allowed for pre-releases since they tend to break the snippet and sample builds.

In snippets this can be safely done at any point in time. Note that when for applied to samples this can have side effects on a user who downloads a sample during that period. As such it is generally only done for samples that are marked with a prerelease.txt marker.

This is a temporary state and once a stable is released it is changed back to the "current minor".

<PackageReference Include="NServiceBus.RabbitMQ" Version="4.*" />

Version ranges

Avoid using version ranges for package references. The integrity tests will enforce this.

Integrity tests

A number of integrity tests validate that samples and snippets conform to conventions that make the documentation easier to maintain. Pull requests that fail these tests can not be merged.

The integrity tests include:


Sometimes it is necessary to draw attention to items you want to call out in a document.

This is achieved through bootstrap alerts.

There are several keys each of which map to a different colored alert

Key Color
NOTE or INFO blue
WARNING or WARN yellow

Keys can be used in two manners


This can be done with the following syntax

KEY: the note text.

For example, this

NOTE: Some sample note text.

will be rendered as

<p class="alert alert-info">
    Some sample note text.


Sometimes it is necessary to group markdown elements inside a note. This can be done with the following syntax

Inner markdown elements

For example, this

* Point one
* Point Two

will be rendered as

<p class="alert alert-info">
* Point One
* Point Two


The first (and all top level) headers in a .md page should be a h2 (i.e. ##) with sub-headings under it being h3, h4, etc.


  • Add an empty line before a heading and any other text
  • Add an empty line after a heading
  • Add an empty line between paragraphs


One addition to standard markdown is the auto creation of anchors for headings.

So if you have a heading like this:

## My Heading

it will be converted to this:

  <a name="my-heading"/>
  My Heading

Which means elsewhere in the page you can link to it with this:

[Goto My Heading](#My-Heading)


Images can be added using the following markdown syntax

![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")

With the minimal syntax being


Image sizing

Image size can be controlled by adding the text width=x to the end of the title

For example

![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title width=x")

With the minimal syntax being

![](/path/to/img.jpg "width=x")

This will result in the image being re-sized with the following parameters

width="x" height="auto"

It will also wrap the image in a clickable lightbox so the full image can be accessed.

Maintaining images

When creating images, strive to keep sources in order to update and re-create images later. Whenever possible use mermaid. When using LucidChart make sure to keep the sources.


The support for mermaid is provided as an extension to Markdig. Markdig converts the diagram definition from .md to HTML, and then mermaid JavaScript library converts the definition to SVG format on the fly.

Diagram images are generated using the using a pseudocode syntax like this:


For example:

    graph TB
    A[ExchangeA] --> B[ExchangeB]
    A --> D[ExchangeD]
    B --> C[ExchangeC]
    B --> Q1[Queue1]
    D --> Q2[Queue2]

The diagrams can be created and verified using the online editor.

Messaging Graph Style

Diagrams that represent messages and events being passed between endpoint should follow some basic style rules.

Endpoints should be represented as nodes with rounded corners. Messages should be represented as nodes. To show an endpoint sending a message to another endpoint use two edges. The first edge goes from the sender to the message being sent. The second edge goes from the message to the receiver. Like this:

    graph LR

Showing an endpoint publishing an event is similar but should use a dotted edge. Events can be delivered to multiple recipients. Use a separate edge for each one. Like this:

    graph LR

There are two css classes (event and message) that should be applied to message nodes in these diagrams. To apply these, use the class keyword in mermaid:

    graph LR

    Endpoint3 -.->AnotherEvent
    AnotherEvent -.->Endpoint1
    AnotherEvent -.->Endpoint4

    class SomeCommand message;
    class AnEvent,AnotherEvent event;


Another option is using LucidChart. LucidChart allows to export and import Visio (VDX) formatted documents. Visio formatted documents can be used to generate images and should be committed along with the images. To generate images from LucidChart (or a Visio document), export the image as PNG, using the "Crop to content" option.

Some Useful Characters

  • Ticks are done with &#10004;
  • Crosses are done with &#10006;

More Information

Writing style

Language Preferences

For consistency, prefer American English.

No personal voice. I.e. no "we", "you", "your", "our" etc.

Version language

Avoid ambiguity.

  • Range: version X and above and version Y and below and version X to version Y.
  • Singular: version X and NOT VX.

Don't capitalize "version" unnecessarily.

  • NServiceBus version 6 and NOT NServiceBus Version 6
  • NServiceBus version 5 and below and NOT NServiceBus Version 5 and below

Don't assume the latest version of a product is the only one being used

  • Instead of "Prior to NServiceBus version 6.5, sagas could not...", say "In NServiceBus 6.4.x and below, sagas can not..."

Embedding videos

A YouTube video can be embedded in Markdown using the youtube command at the beginning of a line:

Here's an example that embeds the Rick Roll video:

Paragraph before…


Paragraph after…

The engine will parse the video ID out of the YouTube URL and create a properly styled embed.



The word Bus should be avoided in documentation. Some replacements include:

  • When referring to the topology, use federated (for which the opposite term is centralized)
  • When referring to the NServiceBus instance, the general thing that sends or publishes messages, use endpoint instance or endpoint (when it is clear from the context that you are talking about an instance rather than a logical concept)
  • When referring specifically to the IBus interface use message session or message context (depending if you are talking about just sending a messages from external component or from inside a handler)

The word Bus is allowed when a particular piece of documentation refers specifically to version 5 or below and discusses low level implementation details.


The word core as a synonym for NServiceBus or NServiceBus Core should be avoided in the documentation. Prefer using NServiceBus or NServiceBus package.

Links to 3rd parties


Avoid deep link into the RavenDB documentation since it is a maintenance pain. For example don't link to When RavenDB 4 was released, article-page/3.0/Csharp became invalid and required an update. Also the RavenDB documentation does not maintain structure between versions. e.g. is a 404. So we can't trust that "just change the version" will work. Instead link to the RavenDB docs search: So for the above example it would be


Under tools there are several utilities to help with the management of this repository. All are in the form of LINQPad scripts.


Remove redundant content from sln and csproj files.


Sets the correct startup projects for every solution. This is persisted in an .suo file for each solution. Since .suo files are not committed to source control, if a re-clone is done this script will need to be re-run.

Git management/behavior

In general the quality of the git history is not important in this repository. The reason for this is that the standard usages of a clean history (blame, supporting old versions, support branches etc) do not apply to a documentation repository. As such there are several recommendations based on that:

  • If pushed to GitHub do not re-write history. Even locally it is probably not worth the effort.
  • Do not force push.
  • Optionally merge commits immediately prior to merging a PR.

So if following the Git pretty flow chart you should usually end in the "It's safest to let it stay ugly" end point.

Additional Resources


No packages published


  • C# 92.5%
  • TSQL 3.4%
  • PLpgSQL 1.9%
  • PowerShell 1.7%
  • HTML 0.3%
  • JavaScript 0.2%