Sort pal event files, grouping by once-only events & repeating events.
pal is a command line calendar app for linux that displays a mini calendar (for the next few weeks) and marks days that have events associated with them.
Events are recorded in one or more plain text files with a .pal extension. These files can be edited manually or using interactive mode in pal.
Events added in pal are appended to the bottom of the event file. After a while it becomes hard to find events when manually editing the .pal file. Furthermore, recuring events and once-only events become jumbled. The time codes make simple line sorting impractical.
A script to group events into recurring and once only, sorting once only events by date, with a marker (such as an empty line or a comment) to distinguish between past and future events.
Either shell script or perl.
This is my first github (and git) repo, so tackling a fairly easy problem seems like a good way to ease into git[hub].
I am also quite rusty in perl and an almost n00b on shell scripting.