A Development environment based on ubuntu 20.04 with the LXDE desktop environment. It contains a deep learning development environments based on pyhton3 ( pytorch). Other framework can be easily be installed through pip
. Besides, it has a friendly graphical interface and can also run python commands through the terminal.
Docker Link: ROS GPU
Github Link: ROS GPU
Docker: Use docker technology to avoid damage to the computer environment
- No need to install ROS, CUDA, Python or any ML tools
- Easy remote deployment
- No need to worry about any damage, in any case, you can re-execute docker run this repository to restore as before
UI: Provide a completed Linux UI interface for easy operation
Can remotely connect to its desktop through a Browser !!!
Run on machine A (has GPU), and connect to its desktop in machine B (no GPU) through a browser. (ipad browser also supports)
Contains full ROS, you can easily start RViz. And use it as usual
Contains terminal inside, you can easily start
Contains file system, you can easily change and move files
Remote: Provide Pycharm remote debugging, as smooth as local debugging
- Enjoy the high performance of the server
- Can remotely connect to its python environment through a local Pycharm
- Remote debugging
- Python 3
- CUDA 11.0.3
- Cudnn
- Pytorch 1.7.0 (GPU supported)
- ROS (Build for pyhton3)
The versions above can be edited in the
, then the image needs to be built.
- Windows (GPU not supported)
- Mac OS
- Linux
Make GPU available to docker: According to Nvidia guidance, for first-time users of Docker 19.03 and GPUs, continue with the instructions for getting started below.
# Add the package repositories
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/gpgkey | sudo apt-key add -
curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit
sudo systemctl restart docker
VNC is turned on automatically by default, however Jupyter notebook will not started by default.
Quickstart tutorial is also given here.
Suppose, we have 2 computers, Local Machine and Remote Server with ip xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
. If you use a computer as both Local Machine and Remote Server, replace the ip xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
in the below tutorial.
In my example, I use a Macbook as the Local Machine. Besides, I choose Blade notebook as the Remote Server with ip
. I am able to operate the ROS Desktop through192.168.3.53:6080
in Chrome Browser. And debug code in the Pycharm on my MacBook.
docker run -it --name ros --restart=always --gpus all --shm-size=32G -p $PORT:6606 -p $PORT:8888 -p $PORT:80 -p $PORT:22 -v "$PWD":/notebooks silvesterhsu/ros_gpu:"$TAG"
: Port mapping. It is the port that needs to link the local to the image. In docker, jupyter will open port 8888 as a web access. If the local port 8888 is not occupied, it is recommended to use 8888. Similarly, 6006 is the port of tensorboard , 80 is the port of browser and 22 is the port for pycharm debugging.
For Pycharm debug, pls add
-p $PORT:22
for debug port.
: File mapping. Project work path
: For the time being, only latest and slim, if not filled in, the latest version is downloaded by default. The ARM version may be available in the future.
Essential to add
to set up shared memory size!!! Otherwise, pytorch's multi-threaded Dataloader cannot work.
docker run -it --name ros --restart=always --gpus all --shm-size=32G -p 6006:6606 -p 8888:8888 -p 6080:80 -p 8022:22 -v ~/new_project:/notebooks silvesterhsu/ros_gpu:noetic-desktop-ubuntu20.04
Note: Once you can access the desktop of the container through the step 2, please ignore all the output of this step and close the terminal. Because we use VNC as the suspended object of the container, it will run continuously in the background.
There are 2 way to connect to the ROS desktop.
Easy access via browser (recommended)
Browse http://xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:6080/ to connect to the desktop inside this repository.
Access via VNC
Forward VNC service port 5900 to host by adding -p 5900:5900
in the docker run.
VNC password is also supported. Set by environment variables -e VNC_PASSWORD=passwd
Jupyter Icon (recommended)
Double-click the Jupyter icon on the desktop of the web http://xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:6080/. Once jupyter start, browse http://xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:8888/ on your local machine.
By default, a warning will pop up asking how to open it. You can choose
.How to permanently turn off reminders:
- Open
file manager
in the lower left corner- Choose
- Click
Don't ask options on launch executable file
- Warning will never pop up when you start Jupyter or RViz
Connect via docker exec -it ros /bin/bash
Note: if you use docker exec
to connect, you need to load the ROS environment first by
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
Through port 22
, Pycharm can be connected to the python environment inside the docker container. Compared with the limited internal docker connection of pycharm, we adopted a more applicable remote connection.
There are 2 ways to add port mapping,
Move to Stage 2, if you already created a container with 22 port mapping.
Add 22 port mapping when creating the container (easy)
If you haven't run the ros container, use
-p $port:22
to map the container port22
to machine's port$port
.For example, use local port
to map to the22
port inside a container.
docker run -it --name ros --restart=always --gpus all --shm-size=32G -p 6006:6606 -p 8888:8888 -p 6080:80 -p 8022:22 -v ~/new_project:/notebooks silvesterhsu/ros_gpu:noetic-desktop-ubuntu20.04
Add 22 port mapping after creating the container
If you already run a container, it's best to update the iptables manually. The easiest way is to save the iptable and modify the backup file, and finally change the iptable through the backup file.
Save iptable rule:
sudo iptables-save > ~/iptables.rules
Inspect the internal IP address
docker inspect ros | grep IPAddress
is my container's name. If you define your own ros container's name, pls replace theros
to inspect the container's IP addressFor example,
# seel @ seel-Blade-Pro in ~ [13:51:13] $ docker inspect ros | grep IPAddress "SecondaryIPAddresses": null, "IPAddress": "", "IPAddress": "",
Modify file:
nano ~/iptables.rules
and add rules to the ip of ros container
For example, I add the following for my
"IPAddress": ""
-A POSTROUTING -s -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j MASQUERADE -A DOCKER ! -i docker0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8022 -j DNAT --to-destination -A DOCKER -d ! -i docker0 -o docker0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
The iptable is completely different on different computers and systems, so please add them according to different situations
Change iptable rule:
sudo iptables-restore < ~/iptables.rules
Get to the ROS Desktop first (browse http://xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx:6080/). If not, turn to Step 2.
Run the commond below in the terminator to install pycharm_remote
wget -O - http://jupi.ink:83/ros/install_pycharm_remote.sh | bash
Double click the pycharm_reomte
icon on the remote desktop.
Once it started, everything on the Remote Server is ready. And press any key to exit.
Note: Make sure you already launch pycharm_reomte
and start it.
There are only 4 steps to configure pycharm:
Set ssh connection (After finishing, no need to do in the future)
Create remote Python interpreter (After finishing, no need to do in the future)
Add ROS lib to Python interpreter (After finishing, no need to do in the future)
Select remote Python interpreter for your project (Do it for each project)
Open Pycharm to set ssh connection
Pycharm > Preferences > Tools > SSH Configuration > Add
Change the
into your service IP address. If you run ROS container and Pycharm in the same machine, change it into127.0.0.1
for connection. -
Change the
to the port used to map the22
port. For example, when creating the ROS container with-p 8022:22
, then the port here should be8022
The default username is
, and the password isShARC
After configuration, you can test connection and save the configure
Connect to remote Python interpreter
- Pycharm > Preferences > Project > Python Interpreter
- Click
to show all Python Interpreters, and select "add" to add new python interpreter
- Select the existing server configuration
- Click next to map the project path to ROS container's path
, and finish interpreter configuration - File synchronization will start automatically. To view remote files, Tools > Deployment > Browse Remote Host
Add ROS lib to Python interpreter
- Show the paths for the remote interpreter
- Add ROS path
into python interpreter
Select remote Python interpreter for your project
- Edit Run/Debug Configurations
- Select "Remote Python" in the Python interpreter
And run the code below for test
import torch #test torch with cuda import tf #test ros tf import rospy #test ros rospy print([torch.cuda.get_device_name(i) for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count())]) #check GPUs def print_hi(name): print(f'Hi, {name}') if __name__ == '__main__': print_hi('PyCharm')
For a Lab GPU server with ip xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
connect to the server through
ssh [email protected]
Run docker to create new repository for yourself
docker run -it --name ros_$YOURNAME --restart=always --gpus all --shm-size=32G -p $TensorboardPORT:6606 -p $JupyterPORT:8888 -p $VNCPORT:80 -v -p $PycharmPORT:22 $PWD:/notebooks silvesterhsu/ros_gpu:noetic-desktop-ubuntu20.04
Replace $YOURNAME, $TensorboardPORT, $JupyterPORT, $VNCPORT,$PycharmPORT, $PWD to avoid port conflicts when used by multiple students
Visit the Lab GPU server through browser !!!
- Remote Desktop:
- Jupyter:
- TensorBoard:
- Pycharm:
- Remote Desktop: