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Final project for Building Data Products: a simple Entropy Triangle demonstrator (à la Weka).

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A Demonstrator for the Entropy Triangle

Some classifiers suffer from the "accuracy paradox": they report extremely good accuracy, but when you deploy them on real data, they suck.

The Entropy Triangle is an exploratory analysis for classifier evaluation. Instead of trusting in classification accuracy which is highly unreliable in unbalanced datasets, it suggests considering the entropies involved in the confusion matrix of a particular classifier on a particular dataset.

The balance equation

Suppose you have a dataset on which you train a classifier to obtain a confusion matrix (in our examples, by 10-fold cross-validation) to estimate the performance of the classifier in unseen data.

Consider the reference classes $X$ and the predicted classes $Y$ and the confusion matrix of the classifier $N_{XY}$.

The confusion matrix can be transformed into joint (count) distribution $P_{XY}$ whose marginals are discrete (count) distributions over $P_X$ $P_Y$. Note that distribution $P_X$ is the distribution of reference labels in the dataset, while $P_Y$ is, in some sense, build by the classifier.

If the dataset was balanced, then $P_X$ would be the uniform discrete distribution $U_X$, with maximum entropy $H_{U_X}=\log{|X|}$, where $|X|$ is the number of classes in $X$. Likewise, if the output was balanced, then $P_Y = U_Y$ with $H_{U_Y}=\log{|Y|}$. In any other case, we can measure the difference between the entropies as $\Delta H_{P_X} = H_{U_X} - H_{P_X}$ and $ $\Delta H_{P_Y}= H_{U_Y} - H_{P_Y}$, and add them $\Delta H_{P_{X}\dot{}P_{Y}}= \Delta H_{P_X} + \Delta H_{P_Y}$.

We can relate these differences to the Mutual Information $MI_{P_{XY}}$ and to the conditional entropies as per the following well-known diagram: Venn diagram of entropies of a joint discrete distribution

So we can write a balance equation for these entropies (like adding the yellow, green and red areas):

$$ H_{U_X}+H_{U_Y} = \Delta H_{P_{X}\dot{}P_{Y}} + 2* MI_{P_{XY}} + VI_{P_{XY}} $$

where the variation of information is just the addition of the conditional entropies $VI_{P_{XY}} = H_{P_{X|Y}} + H_{P_{Y|X}}$.

The Entropy Triangle (or De Finetti entropy diagram of a joint distribution)

It is very easy to transform the balance equation into the equation of a simplex by dividing by the maximal entropies $H_{U_X}+H_{U_Y}$ to get the equation of a simplex: $$ 1 = \Delta H'{P{X}\dot{}P_{Y}} + 2* MI'{P{XY}} + VI'{P{XY}} $$

And such simplices can be represented very conveniently as ternary De Finetti entropy diagrams (or Entropy Triangle for short):

  • We are trying to maximize the Mutual Information between input labels and output labels, so we'll use height to represent $2* MI'{P{XY}}$ (it is measured in the right axis).

  • The $\Delta H'{P{X}\dot{}P_{Y}}$ is the coordinate that measures how unbalanced the dataset it, so we will measure it along the lower side of the triangle: balanced at the left, completely unbalanced at the extreme right.

  • The variation of information is actually how much entropy (energy, information, etc.) the classifier has chosen to ignore! it is measures in the left axis.

With these guidelines, it is easy to interpret how good or bad a classifier is once it is represented in the De Finetti diagram like the one below

Entropy Triangle

Now explore away with the datasets and classifiers in the demonstrator: what I want to convince you of is that the more unbalanced a dataset is, the less you can trust the accuracy the classifier reports.

You can find more information in:

  • F. J. Valverde-Albacete and C. Peláaez-Moreno. 100% classification accuracy considered harmful: the normalized information transfer factor explains the accuracy paradox. PLOS ONE, 2014.


Final project for Building Data Products: a simple Entropy Triangle demonstrator (à la Weka).






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