is a Python library for interfacing with ABB robots using Externally Guided Motion (EGM). This library provides real-time streaming communication with ABB robots at rates up to 250Hz using UDP. It's based on the official ABB EGM documentation and examples, and it's designed to be easy to use and to integrate with other systems.
- Python 3.x
- ABB RobotWare 7.X (should work with 6.X with few modifications)
- ABB Robot with EGM option (3124-1 Externally Guided Motion)
To install the library using pip, run the following command:
pip install ABBRobotEGM
To use this library in your project, first download the repository and place the ABBRobotEGM
folder in your project's directory. You can then import the EGM
class from this library to use it in your project.
The repository includes several examples demonstrating different EGM functionalities. Inside each python example file, you can find the relative RAPID code that should be running on the robot controller. - Makes the first joint oscillate between -45° and +45°: - Makes the robot move in a circular pattern - Streams robot joint positions :
from ABBRobotEGM import EGM
def main() -> None:
Example showing how to stream the robot's position.
Be sure the robot is running before running this script.
with EGM() as egm:
while True:
success, state = egm.receive_from_robot()
if not success:
print("Failed to receive from robot")
print(f"{state.clock[1]}, {state.joint_angles[0]}, {state.joint_angles[1]}, {state.joint_angles[2]}, {state.joint_angles[3]}, {state.joint_angles[4]}, {state.joint_angles[5]}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() - Streams robot cartesian position
from ABBRobotEGM import EGM
def main() -> None:
Example showing how to stream the robot's position.
Be sure the robot is running before running this script.
with EGM() as egm:
while True:
success, state = egm.receive_from_robot()
if not success:
print("Failed to receive from robot")
print(f"{state.clock[1]}, {state.cartesian.pos.x}, {state.cartesian.pos.y}, {state.cartesian.pos.z}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() - Demonstrates exchanging data arrays with the robot
Example of a more complex scenario where the robot is scanning a surface giving in real time its tool center point position and correlating with a sensor reading. Rspag and python code available in "scenario scan" folder.
- Real-time communication at up to 250Hz
- Joint position control
- Cartesian position control
- Position streaming
- Path corrections
- RAPID data exchange
- External axis support
- Force measurement reading
- Comprehensive robot state feedback
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests.