A curated list of useful resources for ABB robots programming
- AutodeskRoboticsLab/Mimic - An open-source Autodesk Maya plugin for controlling Industrial Robots.
- madelinegannon/abb_egm_hello_world - A simple example of how to use the ABB External Guided Motion (EGM) interface to control an ABB robot in real-time using C++.
- 4rtur1t0/ARTE - ARTE is a Matlab toolbox focussed on robotic manipulators, both serial and parallel mechanisms are included.
- robotics/open_abb - RAPID, Python, C++ libraries to communicate with ABB robots directly or via ROS (see wiki).
- Siemens
- FLo-ABB/GSDML_ABB_ROBOTS - Repository to regroup all GSDML for ABB Robots Profinet Device. GitHub Page
- B&R
- loupeteam/A3br - AR Library for communicating with ABB targets via RWS. ABB + BR = A3BR!
- rpiRobotics/abb_robot_client - Python package providing clients for ABB robots using RWS (Robot Web Services) and Externally Guided Motion (EGM)
- compas-rrc/compas_rrc - Online control for ABB robots over a simple-to-use Python interface.
- FLo-ABB/ABB-EGM-Python - Example of Externally Guided Motion (EGM) with ABB robots using Python.
- madelinegannon/abb_rapid_python - Generate ABB Rapid code via Python.
- robin-gdwl/Robots-in-Grasshopper - A collection of plugins and software that can be used to control industrial robots with Grasshopper in Rhinoceros3D.
- JOiiNT-LAB/abb_wrapper - These packages are intended to ease the interaction between ABB OmniCore controllers and ROS-based systems, by providing ready-to-run ROS nodes.
- ros-industrial/abb_libegm - A C++ library for interfacing with ABB robot controllers supporting Externally Guided Motion (689-1)
- PickNikRobotics/abb_ros2 - This is a meta-package containing everything to run an ABB robot or simulation with ROS 2.
- Developer Center - A suite of SDKs and Web services to communicate with ABB Robots
- madelinegannon/abb_tcpip_server - Example for TCP/IP communication with ABB industrial robots
- rparak/Unity3D_Robotics_ABB - A digital-twin of the robot ABB integrated into the Unity3D development platform.
- ernell/ABB-RAPID-UTILITY-LIBRARY - A collection of utility modules for ABB industrial robots.
- EkhiABB/ABB-OmniCore-file-uploader - Web application to upload files to ABB OmniCore controllers from a web browser.
- FLo-ABB/RAPID-Scripts-and-Demos - A collection of modules/documentations/simulations for ABB industrial robots.
- RoboDK/Industrial-Robots-VSCode - The Industrial Robots extension for VSCode/VSCodium is an open source extension that aims to provide syntax highlighting for industrial robot programs. This extension aims to support all industrial robot controllers.