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D. Joe edited this page Jan 14, 2019 · 1 revision

HFOSS Exercise: Initial IRC Experience

Get connected

Go to the course web page and choose the Instant IRC link from the header (wide screen) or hamburger menu (narrow screen).

Enter your nickname and then navigate past the CAPTCHA.

Find your way round the web client

Note the menu in the upper left. Next to it, see a list of tabs leading to different main windows. Below the tab bar is the channel name and the channel topic. In some clients the topic scrolls offscreen but can be recalled with the /topic command.

Along the right-hand side is a list of nicks for each client connected to the channel.

Along the bottom is a text entry area. This is where you'll compose your messages to the channel and where you'll issue commands to the client (eg, /help )

Complete these tasks

Before the end of class, say something in the channel. If you care to, you can identify yourself by name, email address, GitHub account, or otherwise. If you'd prefer to reserve those for a private message or for a direct email, that's ok too.

Before the next class, register your nick with nickserv, join the channel, authenticate your connection with nickserv and send a private message (aka a pm) to the instructor of the form:

/msg dzho my email address is [email protected] and my GitHub account is ritjoe

Just be sure to include your own information in place of the bold items above.