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Configuration of local features are completely rewritten.
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The .proto files now only contain build in features that will compile using protoc.
Local features are now read and written to the accompanying .csproto files.
  • Loading branch information
Peter Hultqvist committed Jun 10, 2012
1 parent af816cb commit 1728984
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Showing 44 changed files with 2,243 additions and 3,498 deletions.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions CodeGenerator.sln
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2010
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "CodeGenerator", "CodeGenerator\CodeGenerator.csproj", "{108DF716-5E86-4515-836F-1AC211CA648B}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{108DF716-5E86-4515-836F-1AC211CA648B}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{108DF716-5E86-4515-836F-1AC211CA648B}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{108DF716-5E86-4515-836F-1AC211CA648B}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{108DF716-5E86-4515-836F-1AC211CA648B}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(MonoDevelopProperties) = preSolution
StartupItem = CodeGenerator\CodeGenerator.csproj
Policies = $0
$0.TextStylePolicy = $1
$1.inheritsSet = VisualStudio
$1.inheritsScope = text/plain
$1.scope = text/x-csharp
$0.CSharpFormattingPolicy = $2
$2.IndentSwitchBody = True
$2.AnonymousMethodBraceStyle = NextLine
$2.PropertyBraceStyle = NextLine
$2.PropertyGetBraceStyle = NextLine
$2.PropertySetBraceStyle = NextLine
$2.EventBraceStyle = NextLine
$2.EventAddBraceStyle = NextLine
$2.EventRemoveBraceStyle = NextLine
$2.StatementBraceStyle = NextLine
$2.ArrayInitializerBraceStyle = NextLine
$2.BeforeMethodDeclarationParentheses = False
$2.BeforeMethodCallParentheses = False
$2.BeforeConstructorDeclarationParentheses = False
$2.BeforeDelegateDeclarationParentheses = False
$2.NewParentheses = False
$2.inheritsSet = Mono
$2.inheritsScope = text/x-csharp
$2.scope = text/x-csharp
$0.TextStylePolicy = $3
$3.inheritsSet = VisualStudio
$3.inheritsScope = text/plain
$3.scope = text/plain
$0.TextStylePolicy = $4
$4.inheritsSet = VisualStudio
$4.inheritsScope = text/plain
$4.scope = text/x-csrc
33 changes: 26 additions & 7 deletions CodeGenerator/CodeGenerator.csproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
<Commandlineparameters>../../../Test/ExampleA.proto ../../../Test/Generated/ExampleA.cs ../../../Test/TestB/ExampleB.proto ../../../Test/TestB/Generated/ExampleB.cs</Commandlineparameters>
<Commandlineparameters>../../../Test/AddressBook.proto ../../../Test/LocalFeatures.proto ../../../Test/ProtoFeatures.proto ../../../Test/Generated/Generated.cs</Commandlineparameters>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,12 +49,15 @@
<Compile Include="CodeGenerator\CodeWriter.cs" />
<Compile Include="Proto\ProtoMessage.cs" />
<Compile Include="Proto\ProtoEnum.cs" />
<Compile Include="Proto\ProtoFile.cs" />
<Compile Include="Proto\ProtoType.cs" />
<Compile Include="Proto\ProtoPacked.cs" />
<Compile Include="Proto\ProtoBuiltin.cs" />
<Compile Include="CodeGenerator\FieldSerializer.cs" />
<Compile Include="CodeGenerator\MessageSerializer.cs" />
<Compile Include="CsProtoParser.cs" />
<Compile Include="CsProtoReader.cs" />
<Compile Include="Proto\ProtoCollection.cs" />
<Compile Include="CsProtoWriter.cs" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
Expand All @@ -75,11 +78,7 @@
<Folder Include="Proto\" />
<Folder Include="ProtocolParser\" />
<Folder Include="CodeGenerator\" />
<None Include="..\csharpgen.proto">
<Folder Include="ProtoSpec\" />
Expand All @@ -93,4 +92,24 @@
<None Include="..\Test\AddressBook.csproto">
<None Include="..\Test\AddressBook.proto">
<None Include="..\Test\LocalFeatures.csproto">
<None Include="..\Test\LocalFeatures.proto">
<None Include="..\Test\ProtoFeatures.csproto">
<None Include="..\Test\ProtoFeatures.proto">
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions CodeGenerator/CodeGenerator/FieldSerializer.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ public static void GenerateFieldReader(Field f, CodeWriter cw)
//TODO: read without buffering
cw.Using("MemoryStream ms" + f.ID + " = new MemoryStream(ProtocolParser.ReadBytes(stream))");
cw.WriteLine("while(ms" + f.ID + ".Position < ms" + f.ID + ".Length)");
cw.WriteIndent("instance." + f.Name + ".Add(" + GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "ms" + f.ID, "br", null) + ");");
cw.WriteIndent("instance." + f.CsName + ".Add(" + GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "ms" + f.ID, "br", null) + ");");
} else
cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.Name + ".Add(" + GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", null) + ");");
cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.CsName + ".Add(" + GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", null) + ");");
} else
Expand All @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public static void GenerateFieldReader(Field f, CodeWriter cw)
//We could possibly support bytes primitive too but it would require the incoming length to match the wire length
if (f.ProtoType is ProtoMessage)
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", "instance." + f.Name) + ";");
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", "instance." + f.CsName) + ";");
cw.WriteIndent("throw new InvalidOperationException(\"Can't deserialize into a readonly primitive field\");");
Expand All @@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ public static void GenerateFieldReader(Field f, CodeWriter cw)
if (f.ProtoType.OptionType == "struct")
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", "ref instance." + f.Name) + ";");
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", "ref instance." + f.CsName) + ";");

cw.WriteLine("if (instance." + f.Name + " == null)");
cw.WriteLine("if (instance." + f.CsName + " == null)");
if (f.ProtoType.OptionType == "interface")
cw.WriteIndent("throw new InvalidOperationException(\"Can't deserialize into a interfaces null pointer\");");
cw.WriteIndent("instance." + f.Name + " = " + GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", null) + ";");
cw.WriteIndent("instance." + f.CsName + " = " + GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", null) + ";");
cw.WriteIndent(GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", "instance." + f.Name) + ";");
cw.WriteIndent(GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", "instance." + f.CsName) + ";");

cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.Name + " = " + GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", "instance." + f.Name) + ";");
cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.CsName + " = " + GenerateFieldTypeReader(f, "stream", "br", "instance." + f.CsName) + ";");

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ public static void GenerateFieldWriter(ProtoMessage m, Field f, CodeWriter cw)
if (f.OptionPacked == true)
cw.IfBracket("instance." + f.Name + " != null");
cw.IfBracket("instance." + f.CsName + " != null");
GenerateKeyWriter("stream", f.ID, Wire.LengthDelimited, cw);
cw.Using("MemoryStream ms" + f.ID + " = new MemoryStream()");
if (f.ProtoType is ProtoBuiltin)
Expand All @@ -224,16 +224,16 @@ public static void GenerateFieldWriter(ProtoMessage m, Field f, CodeWriter cw)
cw.ForeachBracket("var i" + f.ID + " in instance." + f.Name);
cw.ForeachBracket("var i" + f.ID + " in instance." + f.CsName);
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeWriter(f, "ms" + f.ID, "bw" + f.ID, "i" + f.ID));
GenerateBytesWriter("stream", "ms" + f.ID, cw);
} else
cw.IfBracket("instance." + f.Name + " != null");
cw.ForeachBracket("var i" + f.ID + " in instance." + f.Name);
cw.IfBracket("instance." + f.CsName + " != null");
cw.ForeachBracket("var i" + f.ID + " in instance." + f.CsName);
GenerateKeyWriter("stream", f.ID, f.ProtoType.WireType, cw);
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeWriter(f, "stream", "bw", "i" + f.ID));
Expand All @@ -247,35 +247,35 @@ public static void GenerateFieldWriter(ProtoMessage m, Field f, CodeWriter cw)
f.ProtoType.ProtoName == ProtoBuiltin.Bytes)
if (f.ProtoType.Nullable) //Struct always exist, not optional
cw.IfBracket("instance." + f.Name + " != null");
cw.IfBracket("instance." + f.CsName + " != null");
GenerateKeyWriter("stream", f.ID, f.ProtoType.WireType, cw);
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeWriter(f, "stream", "bw", "instance." + f.Name));
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeWriter(f, "stream", "bw", "instance." + f.CsName));
if (f.ProtoType.Nullable) //Struct always exist, not optional
if (f.ProtoType is ProtoEnum)
cw.IfBracket("instance." + f.Name + " != " + f.ProtoType.CsType + "." + f.OptionDefault);
cw.IfBracket("instance." + f.CsName + " != " + f.ProtoType.CsType + "." + f.OptionDefault);
GenerateKeyWriter("stream", f.ID, f.ProtoType.WireType, cw);
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeWriter(f, "stream", "bw", "instance." + f.Name));
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeWriter(f, "stream", "bw", "instance." + f.CsName));
GenerateKeyWriter("stream", f.ID, f.ProtoType.WireType, cw);
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeWriter(f, "stream", "bw", "instance." + f.Name));
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeWriter(f, "stream", "bw", "instance." + f.CsName));
} else if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Required)
if (f.ProtoType is ProtoMessage && f.ProtoType.OptionType != "struct" ||
f.ProtoType.ProtoName == ProtoBuiltin.String ||
f.ProtoType.ProtoName == ProtoBuiltin.Bytes)
cw.WriteLine("if (instance." + f.Name + " == null)");
cw.WriteIndent("throw new ArgumentNullException(\"" + f.Name + "\", \"Required by proto specification.\");");
cw.WriteLine("if (instance." + f.CsName + " == null)");
cw.WriteIndent("throw new ArgumentNullException(\"" + f.CsName + "\", \"Required by proto specification.\");");
GenerateKeyWriter("stream", f.ID, f.ProtoType.WireType, cw);
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeWriter(f, "stream", "bw", "instance." + f.Name));
cw.WriteLine(GenerateFieldTypeWriter(f, "stream", "bw", "instance." + f.CsName));
throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown rule: " + f.Rule);
Expand Down
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions CodeGenerator/CodeGenerator/MessageCode.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ static class MessageCode
public static void GenerateClass(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw)
//Do not generate class code for external classes
if (m.OptionExternal || m.OptionImported)
if (m.OptionExternal)
cw.Comment("Written elsewhere");
cw.Comment(m.OptionAccess + " " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsType + " {}");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public static void GenerateClass(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw)

foreach (ProtoMessage sub in m.Messages)
foreach (ProtoMessage sub in m.Messages.Values)
GenerateClass(sub, cw);
Expand All @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public static void GenerateClass(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw)

static void GenerateEnums(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw)
foreach (ProtoEnum me in m.Enums)
foreach (ProtoEnum me in m.Enums.Values)
cw.Bracket("public enum " + me.CsType);
foreach (var epair in me.Enums)
Expand All @@ -71,33 +71,33 @@ static void GenerateProperties(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw)
foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values)
if (f.OptionGenerate)
if (f.OptionExternal)
cw.WriteLine("//" + GenerateProperty(f) + " // Implemented by user elsewhere");
if (f.Comments != null)
} else
cw.WriteLine("//" + GenerateProperty(f) + " //Implemented by user elsewhere");


static string GenerateProperty(Field f)
string type = f.ProtoType.FullCsType;
if(f.OptionCodeType != null)
if (f.OptionCodeType != null)
type = f.OptionCodeType;
if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Repeated)
type = "List<" + f.ProtoType.FullCsType + ">";
type = "List<" + type + ">";

if (f.OptionReadOnly)
return f.OptionAccess + " readonly " + type + " " + f.Name + " = new " + type + "();";
return f.OptionAccess + " readonly " + type + " " + f.CsName + " = new " + type + "();";
else if (f.ProtoType is ProtoMessage && f.ProtoType.OptionType == "struct")
return f.OptionAccess + " " + type + " " + f.Name + ";";
return f.OptionAccess + " " + type + " " + f.CsName + ";";
return f.OptionAccess + " " + type + " " + f.Name + " { get; set; }";
return f.OptionAccess + " " + type + " " + f.CsName + " { get; set; }";
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions CodeGenerator/CodeGenerator/MessageSerializer.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public static void GenerateClassSerializer(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw)
GenerateReader(m, cw);

GenerateWriter(m, cw);
foreach (ProtoMessage sub in m.Messages)
foreach (ProtoMessage sub in m.Messages.Values)
GenerateClassSerializer(sub, cw);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ static void GenerateReader(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw)
if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Repeated)
cw.WriteLine("if (instance." + f.Name + " == null)");
cw.WriteIndent("instance." + f.Name + " = new List<" + f.ProtoType.FullCsType + ">();");
cw.WriteLine("if (instance." + f.CsName + " == null)");
cw.WriteIndent("instance." + f.CsName + " = new List<" + f.ProtoType.FullCsType + ">();");
} else if (f.OptionDefault != null)
if (f.ProtoType is ProtoEnum)
cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.Name + " = " + f.ProtoType.FullCsType + "." + f.OptionDefault + ";");
cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.CsName + " = " + f.ProtoType.FullCsType + "." + f.OptionDefault + ";");
cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.Name + " = " + f.OptionDefault + ";");
cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.CsName + " = " + f.OptionDefault + ";");
} else if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Optional)
if (f.ProtoType is ProtoEnum)
Expand All @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ static void GenerateReader(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw)
//the default value is the first value listed in the enum's type definition
foreach (var kvp in pe.Enums)
cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.Name + " = " + kvp.Key + ";");
cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.CsName + " = " + kvp.Key + ";");
Expand Down
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions CodeGenerator/CodeGenerator/ProtoCode.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ static class ProtoCode
/// <summary>
/// Generate code for reading and writing protocol buffer messages
/// </summary>
public static void Save(ProtoFile proto, string csPath)
public static void Save(ProtoCollection file, string csPath)
string ext = Path.GetExtension(csPath);
string prefix = csPath.Substring(0, csPath.Length - ext.Length);
Expand All @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Generated by ProtocolBuffer
cw.WriteLine("using System.Collections.Generic;");

foreach (ProtoMessage m in proto.Messages)
foreach (ProtoMessage m in file.Messages.Values)
cw.Bracket("namespace " + m.CsNamespace);
MessageCode.GenerateClass(m, cw);
Expand All @@ -63,12 +63,8 @@ Generated by ProtocolBuffer
cw.WriteLine("using ProtocolBuffers;");

foreach (ProtoMessage m in proto.Messages)
foreach (ProtoMessage m in file.Messages.Values)
//Do not generate serializer code for imported messages
if (m.OptionImported)

cw.Bracket("namespace " + m.CsNamespace);
MessageSerializer.GenerateClassSerializer(m, cw);
Expand Down

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