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4. Common blocks

Brian Dashore edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 2 revisions

This page is for common plugin blocks used in various aspects of a plugin such as in both sources and actions.

4a. Tag

Tags are used in plugins to provide small bits of information to users before installing a source. They can be whatever color and name you want.


- name: My cool tag
  color: # Hex code



Required: The tag's name


Optional: The tag's color as a hex value. Defaults to tertiaryLabelColor (which is a variant of gray) if not specified. Colors have their opacity reduced to 0.3 in-app, so please view these colors at the appropriate opacity before adding a tag to a plugin.

4b. SwiftUI default color hexes

I was able to extract SwiftUI's default colors as hex values. This means that colors restricted for iOS 15 and up are now accessible across iOS 14.

Red: ff3b30
Orange: ff9500
Yellow: ffcc00
Green: 34c759
Mint: 00c7be
Cyan: 32ade6
Teal: 30b0c7
Indigo: 5856d6
Purple: af52de
Pink: ff2d55
Brown: a2845e
Black: 000000
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