Xamarin.Forms application that gives the user the capability to countdown from any nine lenght number.
One the user starts the application a default time is setted (10) seconds in order to start the countdown. The user will have three possible options: -Start -Pause -Reset These options will directly interact with the current countdown. There is also a configuration button (right on the toolbar) where the user can set a number (integer, max 9 length) in order to change the initial time to countdown.
There are a few test that are focused on testing the basics of the application (configfuration method and countdown methods).
In order to deploy the solution you can test through vs or feel free to generate a new apk. (iOS project isn't attached due that I was unable to test the application for iOS; if it's needed please make me know and I will attached as soon as possible.
- MvvmCross - The MVVM framework used
- Moq - Mocking framweork for UTest
- Xam.Plugin.Settings - Cross Platfrom Settings (used to save the initial countdown time)
- Lorenzo Navarro - Project development - Flaurenss