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Merge pull request #308 from yuehhua/cartesian
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scatter and gather support element type of idx to be CartesianIndex
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CarloLucibello authored Apr 21, 2021
2 parents a04e916 + e499d3a commit b1633f5
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Showing 6 changed files with 99 additions and 59 deletions.
19 changes: 5 additions & 14 deletions src/gather.jl
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Expand Up @@ -20,20 +20,11 @@ or multiple `dst` columns.
See [`gather`](@ref) for an allocating version.
function gather!(dst::AbstractArray{Tdst,Ndst},
idx::AbstractArray{Tidx, Nidx}) where
{Tdst, Tsrc, Ndst, Nsrc, Nidx, Tidx <: IntOrIntTuple}

M = typelength(Tidx)
d = Ndst - Nidx
d == Nsrc - M || throw(ArgumentError("Incompatible input shapes."))
size(dst)[1:d] == size(src)[1:d] || throw(ArgumentError("Incompatible input shapes."))
size(dst)[d+1:end] == size(idx) || throw(ArgumentError("Incompatible input shapes."))

colons = ntuple(i -> Colon(), d)
function gather!(dst::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray, idx::AbstractArray)
dims = _check_dims(src, dst, idx)
colons = ntuple(i -> Colon(), dims)
for k in CartesianIndices(idx)
view(dst, colons..., k) .= view(src, colons..., idx[k]...)
_view(dst, colons, k) .= _view(src, colons, idx[k])
return dst
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,7 +55,7 @@ See [`gather!`](@ref) for an in-place version.
function gather(src::AbstractArray{Tsrc, Nsrc},
idx::AbstractArray{Tidx, Nidx}) where
{Tsrc, Nsrc, Nidx, Tidx<:IntOrIntTuple}
{Tsrc, Nsrc, Nidx, Tidx}

M = typelength(Tidx)
dstsize = (size(src)[1:Nsrc-M]..., size(idx)...)
Expand Down
100 changes: 55 additions & 45 deletions src/scatter.jl
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Expand Up @@ -9,17 +9,39 @@
# - ∇scatter_src!

function _check_dims(Ndst, Nsrc, N, Nidx)
@assert Ndst - N == Nsrc - Nidx "Incompatible input shapes of (dst, src, idx) = ($Ndst, $Nsrc, $Nidx)."
dims = Ndst - N
if dims < 0
throw(ArgumentError("dims must be non-negative but got dims=$dims."))
typelength(::Type{<:Number}) = 1
typelength(::Type{<:NTuple{M}}) where M = M
typelength(::Type{CartesianIndex{M}}) where M = M

function _check_dims(X::AbstractArray{Tx,Nx},
idx::AbstractArray{Tidx,Nidx}) where
M = typelength(Tidx)
dims = _check_dims(Nx, Ny, M, Nidx)
size(X)[1:dims] == size(Y)[1:dims] || throw(ArgumentError("Incompatible input shapes."))
size(Y)[dims+1:end] == size(idx) || throw(ArgumentError("Incompatible input shapes."))
return dims

typelength(::Type{<:Number}) = 1
typelength(::Type{<:NTuple{M}}) where M = M
function _check_dims(X::AbstractArray{Tx,Nx},
idx::AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{M},Nidx}) where {Tx,Ty,Nx,Ny,M,Nidx}
dims = _check_dims(Nx, Ny, M, Nidx)
size(X)[1:dims] == size(Y)[1:dims] || throw(ArgumentError("Incompatible input shapes."))
size(Y)[dims+1:end] == size(idx) || throw(ArgumentError("Incompatible input shapes."))
return dims

function _check_dims(Nx, Ny, M, Nidx)
@assert Nx - M == Ny - Nidx "Incompatible input shapes of (dst, src, idx) = ($Nx, $Ny, $Nidx)."
dims = Nx - M
dims < 0 && throw(ArgumentError("dims must be non-negative but got dims=$dims."))
return dims

_view(X, colons, k) = view(X, colons..., k...)
_view(X, colons, k::Union{Integer, CartesianIndex}) = view(X, colons..., k)

scatter!(op, dst, src, idx)
Expand All @@ -42,30 +64,18 @@ index of `dst` and the value of `idx` must indicate the last few dimensions of `
Once the dimensions match, arrays are aligned automatically. The value of `idx` can be
`Int` or `Tuple` type.
function scatter!(op,
idx::AbstractArray{Tidx,Nidx}) where {Tdst,Tsrc,Tidx<:IntOrIntTuple,Ndst,Nsrc,Nidx}
M = typelength(Tidx)
dims = _check_dims(Ndst, Nsrc, M, Nidx)
scatter!(op, dst, src, idx, Val(dims))

function scatter!(op, dst::AbstractArray{Tdst}, src::AbstractArray{Tsrc}, idx::AbstractArray{<:IntOrIntTuple},
dims::Val{N}) where {Tdst,Tsrc,N}
function scatter!(op, dst::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray, idx::AbstractArray)
dims = _check_dims(dst, src, idx)
colons = Base.ntuple(_->Colon(), dims)
for k in CartesianIndices(idx)
dst_v = view(dst, colons..., idx[k]...)
src_v = view(src, colons..., k)
dst_v = _view(dst, colons, idx[k])
src_v = _view(src, colons, k)
dst_v .= (op).(dst_v, src_v)

function scatter!(op::typeof(mean),
idx::AbstractArray{<:IntOrIntTuple,Nidx}) where {Tdst,Tsrc,Ndst,Nsrc,Nidx}
function scatter!(op::typeof(mean), dst::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray, idx::AbstractArray)
Ns = scatter!(+, zero(dst), one.(src), idx)
dst_ = scatter!(+, zero(dst), src, idx)
dst .+= safe_div.(dst_, Ns)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,55 +103,55 @@ function scatter end

for op in [+, -]
@eval function scatter(op::typeof($op),
idx::AbstractArray{<:IntOrIntTuple,Nidx}) where {T,Nsrc,Nidx}
idx::AbstractArray{Tidx,Nidx}) where {Tsrc,Tidx,Nsrc,Nidx}
dims = Nsrc - Nidx
dstsize = (size(src)[1:dims]..., maximum_dims(idx)...)
dst = similar(src, T, dstsize)
fill!(dst, Base.reduce_empty(+, T))
dst = similar(src, Tsrc, dstsize)
fill!(dst, Base.reduce_empty(+, Tsrc))
scatter!(op, dst, src, idx)

for op in [*, /]
@eval function scatter(op::typeof($op),
idx::AbstractArray{<:IntOrIntTuple,Nidx}) where {T,Nsrc,Nidx}
idx::AbstractArray{Tidx,Nidx}) where {Tsrc,Tidx,Nsrc,Nidx}
dims = Nsrc - Nidx
dstsize = (size(src)[1:dims]..., maximum_dims(idx)...)
dst = similar(src, T, dstsize)
fill!(dst, Base.reduce_empty(*, T))
dst = similar(src, Tsrc, dstsize)
fill!(dst, Base.reduce_empty(*, Tsrc))
scatter!(op, dst, src, idx)

function scatter(op::typeof(max),
idx::AbstractArray{<:IntOrIntTuple,Nidx}) where {T,Nsrc,Nidx}
idx::AbstractArray{Tidx,Nidx}) where {Tsrc,Tidx,Nsrc,Nidx}
dims = Nsrc - Nidx
dstsize = (size(src)[1:dims]..., maximum_dims(idx)...)
dst = similar(src, T, dstsize)
fill!(dst, typemin(T))
dst = similar(src, Tsrc, dstsize)
fill!(dst, typemin(Tsrc))
scatter!(op, dst, src, idx)

function scatter(op::typeof(min),
idx::AbstractArray{<:IntOrIntTuple,Nidx}) where {T,Nsrc,Nidx}
idx::AbstractArray{Tidx,Nidx}) where {Tsrc,Tidx,Nsrc,Nidx}
dims = Nsrc - Nidx
dstsize = (size(src)[1:dims]..., maximum_dims(idx)...)
dst = similar(src, T, dstsize)
fill!(dst, typemax(T))
dst = similar(src, Tsrc, dstsize)
fill!(dst, typemax(Tsrc))
scatter!(op, dst, src, idx)

function scatter(op::typeof(mean),
idx::AbstractArray{<:IntOrIntTuple,Nidx}) where {T,Nsrc,Nidx}
FT = float(T)
idx::AbstractArray{Tidx,Nidx}) where {Tsrc,Tidx,Nsrc,Nidx}
FT = float(Tsrc)
dims = Nsrc - Nidx
dstsize = (size(src)[1:dims]..., maximum_dims(idx)...)
dst = similar(src, T, dstsize)
dst = similar(src, Tsrc, dstsize)
fill!(dst, Base.reduce_empty(+, FT))
scatter!(op, dst, src, idx)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ The maximum of each dimension in the element is computed.
maximum_dims(dims::AbstractArray{<:Integer}) = (maximum(dims), )
maximum_dims(dims::AbstractArray{NTuple{N, T}}) where {N,T} = ntuple(i -> maximum(x->x[i], dims), N)
maximum_dims(dims::AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{N}}) where {N} = ntuple(i -> maximum(x->x[i], dims), N)
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions test/gather.jl
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Expand Up @@ -94,3 +94,33 @@ end
@test y isa Array{T,3}
@test size(y) == (size(src)[1:Nsrc-M]..., size(index)...)

@testset "gather cartesian index" begin
T = Float32

## 2d src, 1d index of 2-tuples -> 1d output
src = T[3 5 7
4 6 8]

index = CartesianIndex.([(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3)])

output = T[3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8]

y = gather(src, index)
M = NNlib.typelength(eltype(index))
Nsrc = ndims(src)
@test y isa Array{T,1}
@test size(y) == (size(src)[1:Nsrc-M]..., size(index)...)
@test y == output

## 3d src, 2d index of 2-tuples -> 3d output
n1, nsrc, nidx = 2, 3, 6
src = rand(Float32, n1, nsrc, nsrc)
index = [CartesianIndex((rand(1:nsrc), rand(1:nsrc))) for i=1:nidx, j=1:nidx]

y = gather(src, index)
M = NNlib.typelength(eltype(index))
Nsrc = ndims(src)
@test y isa Array{T,3}
@test size(y) == (size(src)[1:Nsrc-M]..., size(index)...)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/scatter.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ idxs = Dict(
:tup => [(1,) (2,) (3,) (4,);
(4,) (2,) (1,) (3,);
(3,) (5,) (5,) (3,)],
:car => CartesianIndex.(
[(1,) (2,) (3,) (4,);
(4,) (2,) (1,) (3,);
(3,) (5,) (5,) (3,)]),
res = Dict(
(+, 0, true) => [5, 6, 9, 8, 9],
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,8 @@
ind3 = [(3,4,5) (1,2,3) (2,3,9);
(4,6,2) (5,3,2) (4,4,4)]
@test NNlib.maximum_dims(ind3) == (5,6,9)
ind4 = CartesianIndex.(
[(3,4,5) (1,2,3) (2,3,9);
(4,6,2) (5,3,2) (4,4,4)])
@test NNlib.maximum_dims(ind4) == (5,6,9)

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