This is an AWS serverless REST API written in Go that can manage "Portfolio". A portfolio is simply a container of stocks and/or ETFs.
The architecture tries to follow Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture.
Install the AWS tool that help us package the executable with the right execution permissions
go get -u
Then compile & zip
set GOOS=linux
set GOARCH=amd64
go build -o functions\portfolios\build\main functions\portfolios\cmd\main.go
build-lambda-zip -o functions\portfolios\build\ functions\portfolios\build\main
This project is using AWS CDK Typescript for the deployment. First, you'll need to install Typescript & aws-cdk through npm
npm i -g typescript
npm i -g aws-cdk
To install & build the rest api infra stack:
cd infra
npm i
npm run build
To deploy:
cd bootstrap
cdk deploy