Releases: Frojd/Wagtail-Pipit
Releases · Frojd/Wagtail-Pipit
[9.1.1] - 2024-07-24
- Upgrade storybook to 8.2.5
- Upgrade Next.js to 14.2.5
- Upgrade Django to 5.0.7
- Upgrade wagtail to 6.1.3
- Upgrade whitenoise to 6.7.0
- Upgrade pytest to 8.3.1
- Upgrade wagtail-factories to 4.2.1
- Replace deprecated ruff with ruff check
- Upgrade django-stubs to 5.0.2
- Upgrade mypy to 1.11.0
- Upgrade djangorestframework-stubs to 3.15.0
- Upgrade psycopg to 3.2.1
- Upgrade sentry_sdk to 2.10.0
- Upgrade prettier to 3.3.3
- Upgrade husky to 9.1.1
- Upgrade i18next to 23.12.2
- Upgrade next-i18next to 15.3.0
- Upgrade eslint-config-next to 14.2.5
- Upgrade sentry/nextjs to 8.19.0
- Fix storybook crash in HomePage when seo robots are undefined
- Upgrade testing-library/jest-dom to 6.4.8
- Upgrade testing-library/react to 16.0.0
Full Changelog: v9.1.0...v9.1.1
[9.1.0] - 2024-06-02
- Upgrade Wagtail to 6.1.2
- Upgrade Next.js to 14.2.3
- Use pascal case file name when generating file in new_page command (@marteinn)
- Drop possible Page suffix from name argument in new_page (@marteinn)
- Clarify db collation on provisioning (@DBonbon)
- Fix issue with canonical link not properly exposed with fallback (@marteinn)
- Default port to 443 to avoid broken site resolve from API (@rinti)
- Ignore venv dirs named .venv
- Make utils.env look for envfiles in ./src folder (@mikaelengstrom)
- Upgrade django to 5.0.6
- Upgrade pytest to 8.2.0
- Upgrade wagtail-meta-preview to 4.1.0
- Upgrade psycopg to 3.1.18
- Upgrade gunicorn to 22.0.0
- Upgrade mypy to 1.10.0
- Upgrade gevent to 24.2.1
- Upgrade sentry_sdk to 2.3.1
- Upgrade husky to 9.0.11
- Upgrade prettier to 3.3.0
- Upgrade @swc/jes to 0.2.36
- Upgrade react to 18.3.1
- Upgrade i18next to 23.11.5
- Upgrade sentry for js to 8.7.0
- Upgrade wagtail_headless_preview to 0.8.0
- Drop deprecated version key from docker-compose
Full Changelog: v8.15.0...v9.1.0
[9.0.0-beta] - 2024-02-04
- Add experimental app router support (@marteinn)
- Add production ready python docker image with gunicorn (@mikaelengstrom)
- Add container for Next.js frontend (@mikaelengstrom)
- Return seo robots as struct to prepare for Next.js metadata api (@marteinn)
- Pass host as query param as Next.js will drop header in app router (@marteinn)
- Change nginx docker image from alpine to latest to avoid permisson issues (@mikaelengstrom)
- Move env utils from pipit.env_utils to namespace utils.env (@mikaelengstrom @marteinn)
- Move if_exists_load_env to env.utils (@mikaelengstrom @marteinn)
- Load .env file in wsgi.oy (@mikaelengstrom)
- Use whitenoise when serving static assets on stage/prod (@mikaelengstrom @marteinn)
- Add pytest as a direct dependency (@marteinn)
- Run next.js in standalone mode (@mikaelengstrom @marteinn)
- Upgrade storybook to 7.6.10
- Upgrade prettier to 3.2.4
- Upgrade pretty-quick to 4.0.0
- Upgrade eslint and related packages
- Upgrade i18next and related packages
- Upgrade husky to 9.0.6
- Upgrade @sentry/nextjs to 7.98.0
- Upgrade @testing-library and related packages
- Upgrade @swc/jest to 0.2.31
- Upgrade pytest-django to 4.8.0
- Update actions/setup-python to v5 in CI runner
- Upgrade psycopg to 3.1.17
- Drop classnames dependecy as its not used in the boilerplate (@marteinn)
- Drop @storybook/react dependecy as it's already included by @storybook/nextjs (@marteinn)
- Drop react-i18next as it's already included by next-i18next (@marteinn)
- Drop react-i18next as it's already included by next-i18next (@marteinn)
- Drop unused css-loader and style-loader (@marteinn)
- Drop @swc/core dependecy as it's already included in Next.js (@marteinn)
- Drop unused @types/react (@marteinn)
Full Changelog: v8.15.0...v9.0.0-beta
[8.15.0] - 2024-01-25
- Upgrade Django to 5.0.1 (@marteinn)
- Upgrade Next.js to 14.1 (@marteinn)
- Add health check url for watchdogs/containerided applications (@mikaelengstrom)
- Upgrade python to 3.11 (@marteinn)
- Re-enable accessibility checker in Wagtail userbar (@marteinn)
- Make mypy a direct dependency (@marteinn)
- Apply black and isort formatting (@marteinn)
- Fix issue with broken login protected pages on local environment (@marteinn)
- Use offical wagtail 5.2
- Upgrade sentry_sdk to 1.34.0
- Upgrade Wagtail to 5.2.2
- Upgrade wagtail-meta-preview to 4.0.0
- Upgrade sentry_sdk to 1.39.2
- Upgrade djangorestframework-stubs to 3.14.5
- Upgrade psycopg to 3.1.16
- Upgrade django-stubs to 4.2.7
- Upgrade pytest-django to 4.7.0
- Upgrade python-dotenv to 1.0.1
[8.14.0] - 2023-10-30
- Add Next.js 14.0 support (@marteinn)
- Change docker db-name to app to solve ansible issues (@mikaelengstrom)
- Upgrade to Node 20.9 (@marteinn)
- Fix issue with custom serializer not being applied (@saraojelind, @marteinn)
- Rename test in page test template so it drops wording react_representation (@marteinn)
- Upgrade github actions (@marteinn)
- Upgrade storybook to 7.5.2
- Upgrade sentry/nextjs to 7.76.0
- Upgrade eslint-config-next to 14.0.0
- Drop
npm run export
as "next export" has been replaced with nextconfig export (@marteinn)
Full Changelog: v8.13.0...v8.14.0
[8.13.0] - 2023-10-24
- Add wt/sentry-debug/ endpoint for verifying Sentry integration (@mikaelengstrom)
- Add Sentry sample rate (@mikaelengstrom)
- Upgrade Sentry SDK and use django extra (@mikaelengstrom)
- Improve Sentry Next.js integration (@mikaelengstrom)
- Upgrade Wagtail to 5.2 (@marteinn)
- Upgrade Next.js to 13.5.6 (@marteinn)
- Upgrade psycopg to 3.1.12
- Upgrade Django to 4.2.6
- Upgrade wagtail_headless_preview to 0.7.0
- Upgrade django-stubs to 4.2.6 and remove unused ignores (@marteinn)
- Upgrade djangorestframework-stubs to 3.14.4
- Upgrade @swc/core to 1.3.95
- Upgrade @types/react to 18.2.31
- Upgrade @sentry/nextjs to 7.75.0
- Upgrade eslint to 8.52.0
- Upgrade eslint-config-next to 13.5.6
- Upgrade testing-library/jest-dom to 6.1.4
- Upgrade i18next to 23.6.0
- Upgrade next-i18next to 14.0.0
- Upgrade storybook to 7.5.1
Full Changelog: v8.12.3...v8.13.0
[8.12.3] - 2023-08-22
- Fix bug preventing request.is_preview from being set (@marteinn)
- Hide wagtail userbar when in preview panel (@marteinn)
- Make sure in_preview_panel is set (@marteinn)
- Drop non running get_preview_url override from base page (@marteinn)
- Remove deprecated wagtail.contrib.modeladmin app from INSTALLED_APPS (@marteinn)
Full Changelog: v8.12.2...v8.12.3
[8.12.2] - 2023-08-16
- Replace psycopg2 with psycopg3
- Upgrade wagtail to 5.1.1
- Upgrade Django to 4.2.4
- Upgrade sentry_sdk to 1.29.2
- Upgrade django-stubs to 4.2.3
- Upgrade Next.js to 13.4.16
- Upgrade @sentry/nextjs to 7.64.0
- Upgrade storybook to 7.3.1
- Upgrade @swc/core to 1.3.77
- Upgrade @swc/jest 0.2.29
- Upgrade jest 29.6.2
- Upgrade @testing-library/jest-dom 6.0.0
- Upgrade @types/react to 18.2.20
- Upgrade i18next to 23.4.4
- Upgrade react-i18nex to 13.1.2
- Upgrade eslint to 8.47.0
- Upgradw eslint-config-next to 13.4.16
- Upgrade prettier to 3.0.2
- Upgrade eslint-config-prettier to 9.0.0
Full Changelog: v8.12.1...v8.12.2
[8.12.1] - 2023-06-28
- Upgrade Wagtail to 5.0.2
- Upgrade sentry-sdk to 1.26.0
- Upgrade django-stubs to 4.2.2
- Upgrade djangorestframework-stubs to 3.14.2
- Upgrade Next.js to 13.4.7
- Upgrade @swc/core to 1.3.66
- Upgrade @sentry/nextjs to 7.56.0
- Upgrade @types/react to 18.2.14
- Upgrade eslint-config-next 13.4.7
- Upgrade react-i18next to 13.0.1
- Upgrade @storybook/addon-actions to 7.0.24
- Upgrade @storybook/addon-viewport to 7.0.24
- Upgrade @storybook/addons to 7.0.24
Full Changelog: v8.12.0...v8.12.1
[8.12.0] - 2023-06-17
- Add i18-next translation demo in Hero (@marteinn)
- Solve missing netcat installation candidate in docker (@marteinn)
- Update copy on meta fields (@marteinn)
- Clarify Node 18 dependency (@saraojelind)
- Fix issue with broken npm run storbyook command (@marteinn)
- Use ansistrano_deploy_to instead of /mnt/persist/www/{project_slug} in deploy (@saraojelind)
- Include project slug in CI key email signature (@marteinn)
- Use https in provisioned sitemap url (@marteinn)
- Use https when making Next.js backend calls to Wagtail on stage/prod (@marteinn)
- Fix issue with Next.js not running correct port on stage/prod (@marteinn)
- Upgrade wagtail-meta-preview to 3.0.0
- Upgrade wagtail_headless_preview to 0.6.0
- Upgrade sentry_sdk to 1.25.1
- Upgrade storybook and related packages to 7.0.22
- Upgrade @sentry/nextjs to 7.55.2
- Upgrade @swc/core to 1.3.64
- Upgrade @types/react to 18.2.12
- Upgrade next.js to 13.4.6
- Upgrade eslint to 8.43.0
- Upgrade eslint-config-next to 13.4.6
- Upgrade i18next to 23.1.0
- Upgrade next-i18next to 14.0.0
- Upgrade react-i18next to 13.0.0
- Drop unused AWS variables from env provisioning
- Drop unused APP_LOG_DIR variable from provisioning
Full Changelog: v8.11.1...v8.12.0