This library helps to parse partial JSON (that is, incomplete JSON) in Kotlin. It is implemented in pure Kotlin so that can be used in KMP project.
import com.funnysaltyfish.partialjsonparser.PartialJsonParser
val partialJson = "{\"key\":\"Hello, "
val map = PartialJsonParser.parse(partialJson) as? Map<*, *> // Map(key=Hello, )
println(map) // {key=Hello, }
println(map?.get("key")) // Hello,
The method will throw JsonParseException
if the JSON is invalid. In some extreme cases, it might also throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
Actually, parse
is just a combination of tokenize
and parseTokens
, you can use them separately if you want
fun parse(str: String): Any? {
val tokens = Tokenizer.tokenize(str)
return Parser.parseTokens(tokens)
The library is published to Maven Central.
Below are some examples: (originJsonString -> parsed map)
{"ke -> {}
{"key" -> {}
{"key": -> {}
{"key":"te -> {key=te}
{"key":"text", "key2 -> {key=text}
{"key":"text", "key2":"t} -> {key=text, key2=t}}
{"k":[1,2,3 -> {k=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]}
{"k":[[1,2 -> {k=[[1.0, 2.0]]}
{"k":[[1,2],["v" -> {k=[[1.0, 2.0], [v]]}
{"k":{"k2":1 -> {k={k2=1.0}}
{"k":{"k2":1, "k3":2 -> {k={k2=1.0, k3=2.0}}
{"k":{"k2":1, "k3": -> {k={k2=1.0}}
{"k":[{"k2":1, "k3":2 -> {k=[{k2=1.0, k3=2.0}]}
To see more examples, please run ParseTest.kt
Interestingly, the code is converted from the TypeScript library here by GitHub Copilot, I make it suitable for Kotlin style, modify some extreme cases, write some tests and publish it to Maven Central. Thanks for it.