A tool to help you generate documentation for your API using integration tests in Rails 3.
Add gem definition to your Gemfile and bundle install
gem 'api_docs'
To access generated docs mount it to a path in your routes.rb
like this:
mount ApiDocs::Engine => '/api-docs'
You may also want to add js/css to your asset pipeline manifests:
require api_docs
Documents view is made to work with Twitter Bootstrap css and js libraries.
Documentation is automatically generated into yaml files from tests you create to test your api controllers. To start, let's create integration test by running rails g integration_test users
. This will create a file for you to work with. Here's a simple test we can do:
class UsersTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def test_get_user
user = users(:default)
api_call(:get, '/users/:id', :id => user.to_param) do |doc|
assert_response :success
assert_equal ({
'id' => user.id,
'name' => user.name
}), JSON.parse(response.body)
def test_get_user_failure
api_call(:get, '/users/:id', :id => 'invalid') do |doc|
doc.description = 'When bad user id is passed'
assert_response :not_found
assert_equal ({
'message' => 'User not found'
}), JSON.parse(response.body)
Assuming that tests pass their details are doing to be recorded into docs/api/users.yml
and they will look like this:
method: GET
path: /users/:id
id: 12345
status: 200
id: 12345
name: John Doe
description: When bad user id is passed
method: GET
path: /users/:id
id: invalid
status: 404
message: User not found
Just navigate to the path you mounted api_docs to. Perhaps http://yourapp/api-docs
You can change the default configuration of this gem by adding the following code to your initializers folder:
ApiDocs.configure do |config|
# folder path where api docs are saved to
config.docs_path = Rails.root.join('doc/api')
# controller that ApiDocs controller inherits from.
# Useful for hiding it behind admin controller.
config.base_controller = 'ApplicationController'
Copyright 2012 Oleg Khabarov, Jack Neto, The Working Group, Inc