Provides support in Silex 2.x projects for sessions that are stored on Amazon DynamoDB.
Typically PHP Sessions are not scalable. As soon as a load balanced / multi server setup is involved, one needs to find a better solution. Amazons DynamoDB NoSQL storage engine is the fast, easy and scalable solution for that problem.
Just implement it in your project ( see below ). You also need a solution to get rid of stale sessions from the table. Since deleting many old sessions can take a lot of write capacity units, it's best to configure a cron job and run the Garbage Collector over night.
Gunnar Beushausen
use Silex\Provider\SessionServiceProvider;
use DynamoDbSession\DynamoDbSessionServiceProvider;
//Don't keep your AWS credentials in your source code! Put it in an environment variable,
//or if you're hosting on EC2, use IAM Roles!
$this->application['AwsSdk'] = function() {
return new Sdk([
'region' => 'eu-west-1', // EU West (Ireland) Region
'version' => 'latest' // Use the latest version of the AWS SDK for PHP
$app[''] = [
'cookie_httponly' => true,
'hash_function' => 'sha256',
'hash_bits_per_character' => 6,
$app['session.dynamodb.options'] = [
'table_name' => 'sessions',
$app->register(new SessionServiceProvider());
$app->register(new DynamoDbSessionServiceProvider());
//To run the Garbage Collector in order to remove stale and old sessions from the table, run the following code: