Advent of code 2024 solutions
Run cargo build --profile=release
in the repository's root, then run cp target/release/aoc-2024 .
to copy the resulting binary to the root.
General instructions:
$ ./aoc-2024 --help
Usage: aoc-2024 [COMMAND]
run Adds favorite command
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
For running added solutions, use the run
$ ./aoc-2024 run --help
Adds favorite command
Usage: aoc-2024 run --challenge-id <CHALLENGE_ID>
-c, --challenge-id <CHALLENGE_ID>
-h, --help Print help
For example, to run the solution of the second challenge of Day 2 (challenge ID 2b
), run the following command:
$ ./aoc-2024 run -c 2b
Solutions are expected to print the solution answer at the end of its execution.