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zzz OBSOLETE Land Model Versions and History

Rolf Reichle edited this page Jan 27, 2021 · 1 revision


GEOSldas is the software of the stand-alone land modeling and assimilation components of the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) model. GEOSldas is a fully ESMF-compliant successor of the legacy LDASsa software suite and supports discretizations (tiles) on the lat/lon, EASE, and cube-sphere grids.

In late 2019, GEOSldas version control transitioned from CVS to Git. The Git tag v17.8.0 is the close scientific equivalent the LDASsa CVS tag LDASsa_m3-16_6_p2 (used to generate the Version 4 SMAP L4_SM product), it includes model components for Catchment and CatchmentCN. It also includes assimilation components for Catchment.

History of previous CVS tags

GEOSldas_m4-17_7 includes model components for Catchment and CatchmentCN. It also includes assimilation components for Catchment. The science version is the equivalent of the reichle-LDASsa_m3-16_6_p1 LDASsa tag (used to generate the Version 4 SMAP L4_SM product). New configuration parameters (LAND_PARAMS) replace the LAND_UPD compiler flag.

Catchment X X
CatchmentCN (incl. carbon/nitrogen processes) X
River routing
Snow impurity module (GEOSWIM) X
Data Assimilation Catchment Catchment

GEOSldas_m4-17_6 is a model-only tag that matches the science version of the LDASsa tag reichle-LDASsa_m3-16_6. The execution time for the cube-sphere grid is improved through better load balancing. The tag includes some assimilation components but these are notworking, and it also does not work with CatchmentCN.

GEOSldas_m4-17_0 is the first ever stable GEOSldas tag. It includes only the land model (and ensemble perturbations). The assimilation components do not work! The tag combines a new CVS module (“m4”) with a new science version of the Catchment model (“17_0”; see section “Land Model Versions” on this page). Both Catchment and CatchmentCN are supported, as is the snow impurity module (GOSWIM).

More information on current tags

Catchment model version

Beginning with GEOSldas_m4-17_7, the Catchment model version can be selected through the LAND_PARAMS input parameter.

Current options are:

  • Icarus is current DEFAULT for the Icarus AGCM (Scientifically close to MERRA-2)
  • V24_C05 DEFAULT for GEOSldas_m4-17_0
  • NRv7.2 is current DEFAULT since GEOSldas_m4-17_6

The SMAP NRv7.2 version of the Catchment model is the current default. The Icarus option is similar but not identical to the MERRA-2 version of the Catchment model.

Boundary conditions (bcs):

There are new bcs to go with the “NRv7.2” version of the Catchment model (see Surface meteorological forcing and boundary conditions).


The NL bcs were used for generating NRv7.2 output and are used in the Version 4 SMAP L4_SM system. The NLv2 bcs are used by default in GEOSldas_m4-17_7 and include a minor patch that addresses the spatial inter- and extrapolation of the vegetation greenness fraction and the vis/nir diffuse albedo parameters. Specifically, in the NL version these parameters were poorly defined for tiles that are land in Globcover2009 but not land according to GLCCv2.0, for which the greenness and vis/nir diffuse parameters were available.

GEOSldas can also be run with older versions of the bcs. Note, however, that GEOSldas requires some bcs files (NDVI and vegdyn) that did not exist in earlier bcs versions. The following bcs:


were patched to work with GEOSldas (and still work with LDASsa). Request can be sent to GEOSldas group and someone will assist you if you need some of the older bcs directories to work.

Land Model Versions

Parameter Icarus-2_0_p1 (and MERRA-2) Icarus-NLv3 (New Land)
Soil NGDC (5-arcmin texture with 12 soil types) HWSD (30-arcmin texture with 253 soil types)
Topography HYDRO1k Hybrid of SRTM and other (where SRTM is not available)
LAI GSWP2 (AVHRR NDVI based 1-degree, monthly climatology from 1982-1998) Merged MODIS v005(MCD43GF) and GEOLAND2 (30-arcsec, 8-day climatology from 2000-2014)
Greenness AVHRR AVHRR (see previus comment for diff between “NL” and “NLv2” bcs)
Albedo MODIS MODIS (see previus comment for diff between “NL” and “NLv2” bcs)
Landcover GLCCv2 (aggregated from 30-arcsec to 2.5min for mosaic only) GLOBCOVER 2009 (10-arcsec) (mosaic, CLM4, CLM4.5)
Watersheds HYDRO1k based 36,716 Level-6 Pfafstetter catchments on a 2.5-arcmin land-ice-lake-ocean mask SRTM based 291,284 Level-12 Pfafstetter catchments (resulting in finer resolution tiles) on a 10-arcsec land-ice-lake-ocean mask
Canopy Height Look-up table [= f(veg type)] Look-up table and simple tree SAI (reverted JPL heights in NLv2)
Roughness (Z0) Function of effective canopy height ASCAT Z0 (0.1deg x 0.1deg) (by DEFAULT not used in GEOSldas_m4-17_7)
NDVI Not used NDVI3g (5-arcmin, 15-day climatology from 1981-2015)
Location on discover /discover/nobackup/ltakacs/bcs/Ganymed-4_0/Ganymed-4_0_MERRA-2/ /discover/nobackup/ltakacs/bcs/Icarus-NLv2/

MERRA-2: See also Table 2 of Reichle et al. 2017, Assessment of MERRA-2 Land Surface Hydrology Estimates, J Climate (doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0720.1)

Parameter Icarus-2_0_p1 (and MERRA-2) GEOSldas_m4-17_0 (Sarith Mahanama v24_C05_GOSWIMplus) GEOSldas v17.8.0 (and GEOSldas_m4-17_7)
WEMIN 26 13 13
AICEV (relevant to snow cover fraction mapping) 0.149 0.107 0.107
AICEN (relevant to snow cover fraction mapping) 19.851 19.893 19.893
CSOIL_2 (heat capacity of surface ground layer) 200 70,000 (re-introduces pre-MERRA value; implies DZ_TSURF=0.05m) 70,000
SUBROUTINE BASE AMIN1(cond) Unit correction no effect AMIN1(1000.*cond) Unit correction no effect AMIN1(1000.*cond)
catchment.F90 Dampen oscillations (except ITYP=1) Dampen oscillations for all types Dampen oscillations for all types
Parameter Icarus-2_0_p1 (and MERRA-2) GEOSldas_m4-17_7 (and *17_6 and *17_0) (NRv7.2 and Sarith Mahanama v24_C05_GOSWIMplus)
Thermal conductivity bug fix Bug Fixed
Calculation of effective vegetation height for use in roughness height and displacement height estimates ZVG = {Z2 – (Z2 – MIN_VEG_HEIGHT)} * exp (-LAI) where Z2 is canopy height & MIN_VEG_HEIGHT=0.01 ; ZOT = 0.13 * ZVG * s (Icarus: s=2; MERRA-2: s=1) ; DOT = 0.66 *ZVG. Icarus (up to and including Icarus-3_2) has effectively Z0_FORMULATION=2, with Z2 from look-up table. MERRA-2 has effectively Z0_FORMULATION=0. ZVG = {Z2 – 0.5 * (Z2 – MIN_VEG_HEIGHT)} * exp (-LAI) where Z2 is canopy height & MIN_VEG_HEIGHT=0.01 ; ZOT = 0.13 * ZVG ; DOT = 0.66 *ZVG ; Z0_FORMULATION=3, with Z2 meant to be from JPL Lidar canopy height dataset. (GEOSldas v17.8.0 reverts to modified Z0_FORM=2, adding simple tree SAI, mean to be used with Z2 from lookup table)
Surface roughness length Above ZOT Above ZOT (Optionally can use ASCAT Z0 wherever climatological NDVI is less than 0.2.)
GOSWIM (GOddard SnoW Impurity Module) Not available Not available
Surface specific humidity limits in catchment.F90 and GEOS_CatchGridComp.F90 (Andrea Molod) Not applied Applied