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Semantics of Programming Languages

This directory contains Agda proofs and a literate agda programme designed as a basic course for the sematics of programming. Included are basical operational and denotational semantic approaches.

The terms which prove termination at a value, double as runable evaluation functions!


  • Topic 0: Some basic functional programming in a dependently typed language: Preliminaries.pdf

  • Topic 1: Operational semantics for simple arithmetic expressions.

The examples given in the slides are contained in the file: OperationalSemantics.agda

  • Topic 2: Induction

A limited number of examples from the slides are present in the file: Induction.agda

Some of the consistency proofs are given in Consistency.agda.

There is a proof that (∀ E → Σ[ n ∈ ℕ ] E ⟶⋆ num n) in SmallStepEval.agda. It makes use of transfinite induction rather than strong mathematical induction. Induction is performed over the size of proofs.

  • Topic 3: A (first-order) functional programming language.

Not yet completed: PCF would be a possible choice for implementation.

  • Topic 4: The While programming language

The While programming language and progress proof along with a proof of partial correctness is in the file: While.agda

The consistency proofs are in the file WhileConsistency.agda

  • Topic 5: Handling Exceptions

Not yet completed

  • Topic 6: Functions as data

Not yet completed


Semantics of Programming Languages







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