- InterpolatePy
InterpolatePy is a comprehensive Python library for generating smooth trajectories and curves with precise control over position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk profiles. Designed for robotics, motion planning, computer graphics, and scientific computing applications, it provides a wide range of interpolation techniques from simple linear interpolation to advanced B-splines and motion profiles.
Whether you need to generate smooth robotic joint motions, create path planning for autonomous vehicles, or design animation curves with specific dynamic properties, InterpolatePy offers the tools to create trajectories that maintain continuity while adhering to physical constraints.
- BSpline: Versatile implementation with customizable degree and knot vectors
- ApproximationBSpline: Efficiently approximates sets of points with a B-spline curve
- CubicBSplineInterpolation: Specialized cubic B-spline interpolation that passes through all points
- BSplineInterpolator: General B-spline interpolation with controllable continuity (CΒ²-Cβ΄)
- SmoothingCubicBSpline: B-splines with adjustable smoothness-vs-accuracy tradeoff
- CubicSpline: Standard cubic spline with velocity constraints at endpoints
- CubicSplineWithAcceleration1: Cubic spline with velocity and acceleration constraints (extra points method)
- CubicSplineWithAcceleration2: Alternative cubic spline with acceleration constraints (quintic segments method)
- CubicSmoothingSpline: Cubic splines with ΞΌ parameter for smoothness control
- SplineConfig/smoothing_spline_with_tolerance: Tools for finding optimal smoothing parameters
InterpolatePy offers two distinct methods for implementing cubic splines with endpoint acceleration constraints:
Extra Points Method (
): This approach adds two extra points in the first and last segments to satisfy the acceleration constraints while maintaining CΒ² continuity throughout the entire curve. The extra points are placed at the midpoints of the first and last segments, with positions calculated to ensure the specified accelerations at endpoints are achieved. -
Quintic Segments Method (
): This approach uses standard cubic polynomials for interior segments, but replaces the first and last segments with quintic (5th degree) polynomials. The higher degree provides the additional degrees of freedom needed to satisfy the acceleration constraints at endpoints while maintaining overall CΒ² continuity at all knot points.
- DoubleSTrajectory: S-curve motion profile with bounded velocity, acceleration, and jerk
- linear_traj: Simple linear interpolation with constant velocity
- PolynomialTrajectory: Trajectory generation using polynomials of orders 3, 5, and 7
- TrapezoidalTrajectory: Trapezoidal velocity profiles with various constraint options
- LinearPath: Simple linear paths with constant velocity
- CircularPath: Circular arcs and paths in 3D
- Frenet Frames: Tools for computing and visualizing Frenet frames along parametric curves
- solve_tridiagonal: Efficient tridiagonal matrix solver (Thomas algorithm)
pip install InterpolatePy
To install the latest development version with all dependencies:
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/GiorgioMedico/InterpolatePy.git
cd InterpolatePy
# Install with development dependencies
pip install -e ".[all]"
You can install specific dependency groups:
# For testing dependencies only
pip install -e ".[test]"
# For development tools only
pip install -e ".[dev]"
Create a smooth trajectory through waypoints with velocity constraints:
from interpolatepy.cubic_spline import CubicSpline
# Define waypoints
t_points = [0.0, 5.0, 7.0, 8.0, 10.0, 15.0, 18.0]
q_points = [3.0, -2.0, -5.0, 0.0, 6.0, 12.0, 8.0]
# Create cubic spline with initial and final velocities
spline = CubicSpline(t_points, q_points, v0=2.0, vn=-3.0)
# Evaluate at specific time
position = spline.evaluate(6.0)
velocity = spline.evaluate_velocity(6.0)
acceleration = spline.evaluate_acceleration(6.0)
# Plot the trajectory with position, velocity, and acceleration profiles
Create a smooth trajectory with both velocity and acceleration constraints at endpoints:
from interpolatepy.c_s_with_acc2 import CubicSplineWithAcceleration2, SplineParameters
# Define waypoints
t_points = [0.0, 5.0, 7.0, 8.0, 10.0, 15.0, 18.0]
q_points = [3.0, -2.0, -5.0, 0.0, 6.0, 12.0, 8.0]
# Create parameters with velocity and acceleration constraints
params = SplineParameters(
v0=2.0, # Initial velocity
vn=-3.0, # Final velocity
a0=0.0, # Initial acceleration
an=0.0 # Final acceleration
# Create spline with quintic segments at endpoints
spline = CubicSplineWithAcceleration2(t_points, q_points, params)
# Evaluate at specific time
position = spline.evaluate(6.0)
velocity = spline.evaluate_velocity(6.0)
acceleration = spline.evaluate_acceleration(6.0)
# Plot the trajectory
Generate a trajectory with bounded jerk for smooth motion profiles:
from interpolatepy.double_s import DoubleSTrajectory, StateParams, TrajectoryBounds
# Create parameters for trajectory
state = StateParams(q_0=0.0, q_1=10.0, v_0=0.0, v_1=0.0)
bounds = TrajectoryBounds(v_bound=5.0, a_bound=10.0, j_bound=30.0)
# Create trajectory
trajectory = DoubleSTrajectory(state, bounds)
# Get trajectory information
duration = trajectory.get_duration()
phases = trajectory.get_phase_durations()
# Generate trajectory points
import numpy as np
time_points = np.linspace(0, duration, 100)
positions, velocities, accelerations, jerks = trajectory.evaluate(time_points)
Create and manipulate a B-spline curve with control points:
import numpy as np
from interpolatepy.b_spline import BSpline
# Define control points, degree, and knot vector
control_points = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 2], [3, 1], [4, 0]])
degree = 3
knots = BSpline.create_uniform_knots(degree, len(control_points))
# Create B-spline
bspline = BSpline(degree, knots, control_points)
# Evaluate at parameter value
point = bspline.evaluate(0.5)
# Generate curve points for plotting
u_values, curve_points = bspline.generate_curve_points(100)
# Plot the curve with control polygon
Generate a trajectory with trapezoidal velocity profile through multiple points:
from interpolatepy.trapezoidal import TrapezoidalTrajectory, InterpolationParams
# Define waypoints
points = [0.0, 5.0, 3.0, 8.0, 2.0]
# Create interpolation parameters
params = InterpolationParams(
v0=0.0, # Initial velocity
vn=0.0, # Final velocity
amax=10.0, # Maximum acceleration
vmax=5.0 # Maximum velocity
# Generate trajectory
traj_func, duration = TrapezoidalTrajectory.interpolate_waypoints(params)
# Evaluate at specific time
position, velocity, acceleration = traj_func(2.5)
Create and visualize a trajectory with coordinate frames along the path:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from interpolatepy.frenet_frame import (
# Create a helicoidal path
u_values = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, 100)
def helix_func(u):
return helicoidal_trajectory_with_derivatives(u, r=2.0, d=0.5)
# Compute Frenet frames along the path
points, frames = compute_trajectory_frames(helix_func, u_values)
# Visualize
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
plot_frames(ax, points, frames, scale=0.5, skip=10)
InterpolatePy implements several key mathematical concepts for trajectory generation:
Piecewise parametric curves defined by control points and a knot vector. B-splines offer local control (changes to a control point only affect the curve locally) and customizable continuity.
Piecewise polynomials with CΒ² continuity (continuous position, velocity, and acceleration) that interpolate a given set of points.
Splines with a controllable balance between accuracy (passing through points exactly) and smoothness (minimizing curvature). The ΞΌ parameter controls this tradeoff.
Trajectories with linear segments of constant acceleration and velocity, creating a trapezoidal shape in the velocity profile.
Motion profiles with bounded jerk, acceleration, and velocity, creating smooth S-curves in the acceleration profile. These are ideal for robotic motion to reduce stress on mechanical systems.
Local coordinate systems defined by tangent, normal, and binormal vectors along a curve, useful for tool orientation and trajectory tracking.
- Python 3.10+
- NumPy 2.0.0+
- Matplotlib 3.10.1+
- SciPy 1.15.2+
InterpolatePy uses modern Python tooling for development:
- Code Quality: Black and isort for formatting, Ruff and mypy for linting and type checking
- Testing: pytest for unit tests and benchmarks
To set up the development environment:
pip install -e ".[all]"
pre-commit install
python -m pytest tests
Contributions to InterpolatePy are welcome! To contribute:
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch
- Add your changes
- Run tests to ensure they pass
- Submit a pull request
Please follow the existing code style and include appropriate tests for new features.
InterpolatePy is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
InterpolatePy implements algorithms and mathematical concepts primarily from the following authoritative textbooks:
- Biagiotti, L., & Melchiorri, C. (2008). Trajectory Planning for Automatic Machines and Robots. Springer.
- Siciliano, B., Sciavicco, L., Villani, L., & Oriolo, G. (2010). Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control. Springer.
The library's implementation draws heavily from the theoretical frameworks, mathematical formulations, and algorithms presented in these works.
I express my gratitude to these authors for their significant contributions to the field of trajectory planning and robotics, which have made this library possible.