- Gene IDs are from gencode v27.
- GSEA actual is sometimes run only with the JARID2 gene set just to get the direction, and is much faster than running all the gene sets.
Creative Commons Attribution license
environment: conda activate env/r4
R:v4.1.0 GSEA:v4.1.0 DESeq2:1.34.0 (originally v1.26.0)
#Download databases
cd downloaded_data
wget ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_27/gencode.v27.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf.gz
wget http://gtrd.biouml.org/downloads/19.10/chip-seq/Homo_sapiens_meta_clusters.interval.gz
gunzip gencode.v27.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf.gz
gunzip Homo_sapiens_meta_clusters.interval.gz
wget http://www.gsea-msigdb.org/gsea/msigdb/download_file.jsp?filePath=/msigdb/release/7.4/msigdb.v7.4.entrez.gmt
cd ..
downloaded_data also contains:
- a file containing {ensembl_id}\t{gene_name}\n for ensembl v75 in order to convert the glass data to IDs: ensembl_v75_geneidtoname.txt
- a file containing {gene_id}\t{gene_name}\n for gencode v27 in order to convert the discovery data to names: gencode.v27_geneidtoname.txt
- a file containing {gene_id}\t{hgnc_symbol}\n from https://biomart.genenames.org/martform/#!/default/HGNC?datasets=hgnc_gene_mart: gencode.v27_geneidtohgnc.txt
- the "IlmnID, CHR_hg38, Start_hg38, End_hg38" columns from https://webdata.illumina.com/downloads/productfiles/methylationEPIC/infinium-methylationepic-v-1-0-b5-manifest-file-csv.zip, with the data starting on row 9: infinium-methylationepic-v-1-0-b5-manifest-file_extract.txt
- hg38.fasta
Contains discovery cohort expression tables, count data, batch-corrected-protein-coding-only expression data and metadata Also contains JARID2promotersPeaks.bed which is a control where ChIP-seq was performed on a single recurrent sample using an anti-JARID2 antibody and input DNA which had been extracted and sheared but not immunoprecipitated.
PvR_genefpkm_all_LS_23062021.txt.txt: original data SingleRegion_all_geneFPKM.txt: additional samples added March 2023. Inludes combined multiregion samples where fastq files were combined across regions. MultiRegion_all_geneFPKM.txt: Multiregion samples added March 2023. pa, pb, etc. represent multiple primary regions, and ra, rb, etc. represent multiple recurrent regions.
This folder contains glass validation data from Synapse:
- gene_tpm_matrix_all_samples.tsv: expression data from https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn23548220
- beta.merged.tsv: methylation data
- variants_anno_20201109.csv: annotations for point variants
- variants_passgeno_20201109_filtered.csv: point variant data filtered for primary and first recurrents of patients in glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local+dis.txt, using:
while read line ; do cat glass_data/variants_passgeno_20201109.csv | grep "${line}-TP" | grep 't' >> glass_data/variants_passgeno_20201109_filtered_temp.csv ; done <patient_lists/glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local+dis.txt
while read line ; do cat glass_data/variants_passgeno_20201109.csv | grep "${line}-R1" | grep 't' >> glass_data/variants_passgeno_20201109_filtered_temp.csv ; done <patient_lists/glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local+dis.txt
#remove duplicate patients - preference for WXS with highest variant numbers over WGS or WXS with fewer variants
cat glass_data/variants_passgeno_20201109_filtered_temp.csv | grep -v -E "TCGA-06-0125-R1-11D-WGS-MA69JO|TCGA-06-0125-R1-11D-WXS-8Q4RKD|GLSS-HK-0003-R1-01D-WGS-R7P485|TCGA-06-0125-TP-01D-WXS-Z67AVH|TCGA-06-0125-TP-01D-WGS-FZT8H0|GLSS-HK-0003-TP-01D-WGS-WAGBN9" > glass_data/variants_passgeno_20201109_filtered.csv
- variants_titan_seg_filtered.txt: copy number data from variants_titan_seg (syn23554313) filtered for primary and first recurrents of patients in glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local+dis_cna.txt, using:
while read line ; do cat glass_data/variants_titan_seg.txt | grep "${line}-TP" | cut -f 1,2,3,4,5,7 >> glass_data/variants_titan_seg_filtered_temp.txt ; done <patient_lists/glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local+dis.txt
while read line ; do cat glass_data/variants_titan_seg.txt | grep "${line}-R1" | cut -f 1,2,3,4,5,7 >> glass_data/variants_titan_seg_filtered_temp.txt ; done <patient_lists/glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local+dis.txt
#remove duplicate patients - preference for WGS over WXS
cat glass_data/variants_titan_seg_filtered_temp.txt | grep -v -E "TCGA-06-0125-TP-01-NB-01D-WXS|TCGA-06-0125-TP-02-NB-01D-WXS|TCGA-06-0125-R1-11-NB-01D-WXS|TCGA-06-0125-R1-02-NB-01D-WXS|GLSS-HK-0003-R1-01-NB-01D-WXS" > glass_data/variants_titan_seg_filtered.txt
Contains the following gene set lists from http://www.gsea-msigdb.org/gsea/downloads.jsp: c2.cgp.v7.4.symbols.gmt c2.cp.v7.4.symbols.gmt c3.tft.v7.4.symbols.gmt c3.mir.mirdb.v7.4.symbols.gmt c5.go.bp.v7.4.symbols.gmt c5.go.mf.v7.4.symbols.gmt Also contains created custom gene sets.
WARNING: Many of the analyses rely on GLASS primary and recurrents being labelled as TP and R1. This is the case for patients inlcuded in the following lists but any alterations need checking as GLASS has mistakes in the labelling for some samples. gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt: Discovery patients who's primary and first recurrent are GBM_IDHwt, local first recurrent, recieved rt+tmz. glass_gbm_idhwt.txt: GLASS patients who's primary and first recurrent are GBM_IDHwt or GBM_IDHunknown, have RNA data available and not in the discovery cohort. glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt: GLASS patients who's primary and first recurrent are GBM_IDHwt or GBM_IDHunknown, local first recurrent, recieved rt+tmz, have RNA data available and not in the discovery cohort. glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local+dis.txt: As with glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt but with discovery patients included. glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local+dis_cna.txt: As with glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local+dis.txt but only those with GLASS copy number alteration data available. glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_methylation+rna.txt: As with glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt but with discovery patients included and filtered for those with methylation data also available. mixed_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_methylation+rna.txt: As with glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_methylation+rna.txt but with discovery IDs for discovery patients.
qsubsec scripts/run_deseq2.qsubsec
awk -F" " '{if($7!="NA") print}' deseq2/results.txt | cut -d'"' -f2 | cut -d"." -f1 | tail -n+2 > deseq2/background_filtered.txt
awk -F" " '{if($7!="NA") print}' deseq2_uvd/results_up.txt | cut -d'"' -f2 | cut -d"." -f1 | tail -n+2 > deseq2_uvd/background_filtered_up.txt
awk -F" " '{if($7!="NA") print}' deseq2_uvd/results_down.txt | cut -d'"' -f2 | cut -d"." -f1 | tail -n+2 > deseq2_uvd/background_filtered_down.txt
awk -v sig=${SIG} -F" " '{if($7<sig) print}' deseq2/results.txt | cut -d'"' -f2 | cut -d"." -f1 | tail -n+2 > deseq2/deg_${SIG}.txt
awk -v sig=${SIG} -F" " '{if($7<sig) print}' deseq2_uvd/results_up.txt | cut -d'"' -f2 | cut -d"." -f1 | tail -n+2 > deseq2_uvd/deg_up_${SIG}.txt
awk -v sig=${SIG} -F" " '{if($7<sig) print}' deseq2_uvd/results_down.txt | cut -d'"' -f2 | cut -d"." -f1 | tail -n+2 > deseq2_uvd/deg_down_${SIG}.txt
Method of interest: Over-Represenataion Analysis
Significance Level: FDR
Max set size: 1000
Set deseq2/background_go_list.txt as reference gene list
Rscript scripts/plot_dotplot.R
get_foldchange.py and get_foldchange_tss.py were run on a previous smaller cohort to get filtered lists of genes and TSSs, separately for those samples processed with total RNA or mRNA libraries: filtered_genelist_mrna.txt,filtered_genelist_total.txt,filtered_tsslist_mrna.txt,filtered_tsslist_total.txt.
get_foldchange_newrealease.py and get_foldchange_tss_newrelease.py were later run on newer cohorts using the same lists of genes and TSSs.
get_foldchange_glass.py is used to generate the glass data inputs. WARNING: get_foldchange_glass.py currently only works if primary and recurrent barcodes are labelled as TP and R1 which is the case for the patients included, but is not guaranteed for other patients.
The resulting inputs are in the 'ranks' folder.
mkdir gsea_files
SIZE=1000 #2000, 5000
#Create promotor files:
scripts/ExtractPromoterCoords.pl -g downloaded_data/gencode.v27.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf -o gsea_files -s ${SIZE}
#Get the overlaps between the promoter file and the metaclusters (requires up to 120GB RAM)
Rscript scripts/overlaps.R —metaclusters downloaded_data/Homo_sapiens_meta_clusters.interval —promotor gsea_files/gencode.v27.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation_PromotersTSS_${SIZE}.txt —output gsea_files/OverlapTFpeaksAndPromoters_${SIZE}_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.txt
#Filter overlap for peaks from 2+ experiments
awk -F"\t" '{if ($39>1) print}' gsea_files/OverlapTFpeaksAndPromoters_${SIZE}_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.txt > gsea_files/Min2Exp_OverlapTFpeaksAndPromoters_${SIZE}_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.txt
#Extract the TF to gene/tss pairs
awk -F'\t' '{print($33,"\t",$11,"\t",$12,"\t",$5)}' gsea_files/Min2Exp_OverlapTFpeaksAndPromoters_${SIZE}_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.txt | sort -u > gsea_files/TF_to_Gene_${SIZE}_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.txt
awk -F'\t' '{SUM=($2+$3)/2; print($33"\t"$1":"SUM)}' gsea_files/Min2Exp_OverlapTFpeaksAndPromoters_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.txt | sort -u > gsea_files/TF_to_TSS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.txt
#Remove hash’s from gene names
perl -pi -e 's/#//g' gsea_files/TF_to_Gene_${SIZE}_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.txt
perl -pi -e 's/#//g' gsea_files/TF_to_TSS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.txt
#Make the gmt geneset using Ensembl ID
scripts/MakeGeneSet_ENS.pl -i gsea_files/TF_to_Gene_${SIZE}_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.txt -o gsea_files/TFs_ENS_${SIZE}_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.gmt
scripts/MakeGeneSet_ENS.pl -i gsea_files/TF_to_TSS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.txt -o gsea_files/TSS_TFs_ENS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.gmt
#Get only JARID2 entry for running gsea specifically for JARID2
grep 'JARID2' gsea_files/TFs_ENS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.gmt > gsea_files/TFs_ENS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27_JARID2_only.gmt
grep 'JARID2' gsea_files/TSS_TFs_ENS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.gmt > gsea_files/TSS_TFs_ENS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27_JARID2_only.gmt
awk -F'\t' '{SUM=($2+$3)/2; print($7"\t"$1":"SUM)}' gsea_files/gencode.v27.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation_PromotersTSS_1000.txt | sort -u > intermediate_files/transcript_to_tss_position.txt
awk -F'\t' '{SUM=($2+$3)/2; print($5"\t"$1":"SUM)}' gsea_files/gencode.v27.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation_PromotersTSS_1000.txt | sort -u > intermediate_files/gene_to_tss_position.txt
for p in ranks/absolute_log2fc/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk); [ ! -d gsea_outputs/outputs_absolute/${pi}_${SIZE}* ] && qsubsec scripts/gsea.qsubsec PATIENT=${pi} SIZE=${SIZE} MODE=absolute -s ; done
for p in ranks/actual_log2fc/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk); [ ! -d gsea_outputs/outputs_actual/${pi}_${SIZE}* ] && qsubsec scripts/gsea.qsubsec PATIENT=${pi} SIZE=${SIZE} MODE=actual -s ; done
for p in ranks/absolute_log2fc_tss/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk); [ ! -d gsea_outputs/outputs_absolute_tss/${pi}_${SIZE}* ] && qsubsec scripts/gsea.qsubsec PATIENT=${pi} SIZE=${SIZE} MODE=absolute_tss -s ; done
for p in ranks/actual_log2fc_tss/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk); [ ! -d gsea_outputs/outputs_actual_tss/${pi}_${SIZE}* ] && qsubsec scripts/gsea.qsubsec PATIENT=${pi} SIZE=${SIZE} MODE=actual_tss -s ; done
for p in ranks/glass_absolute_log2fc/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk); [ ! -d gsea_outputs/outputs_absolute_glass/${pi}_${SIZE}* ] && qsubsec scripts/gsea.qsubsec PATIENT=${pi} SIZE=${SIZE} MODE=absolute_glass -s ; done
for p in ranks/glass_actual_log2fc/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk); [ ! -d gsea_outputs/outputs_actual_glass/${pi}_${SIZE}* ] && qsubsec scripts/gsea.qsubsec PATIENT=${pi} SIZE=${SIZE} MODE=actual_glass -s ; done
for f in ranks/absolute_log2fc/* ; do p=$(basename $f .rnk) ;python scripts/convert_ensids_to_names.py -i $f -o ranks/absolute_log2fc_names/${p}.rnk ; done
for f in ranks/actual_log2fc/* ; do p=$(basename $f .rnk) ;python scripts/convert_ensids_to_names.py -i $f -o ranks/actual_log2fc_names/${p}.rnk ; done
for p in ranks/absolute_log2fc/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk); qsubsec scripts/gsea_c3.tft.qsubsec PATIENT=${pi} MODE=absolute -s ; done
for p in ranks/actual_log2fc/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk); qsubsec scripts/gsea_c3.tft.qsubsec PATIENT=${pi} MODE=actual -s ; done
If GSEA runs ever need to be replicated exactly, set the seed as the time stamp indicated in the output directory name, eg "1646755863959".
#Remove unnecesary files
mkdir temp
for dir in gsea_outputs/*/* ; do ls ${dir}/* | grep -E -v 'PCGF2|CBX2|CBX7|CBX8|EZH2|CBX6|HSD17B8|SS18/SSX1|NR5A1|APOBEC3B|YBX1|SRSF9|PBXIP1|SIRT1|SUPT16H|TFAM|ARID3B|LHX2|JARID2|report' | xargs -I {} mv {} temp/; done
for dir in gsea_outputs/*/* ; do rm -r ${dir}/edb ; done
rm -r temp
#Combine results and generate tables for normalised enrichment score, p-value and FDR
SIZES="1000 2000 5000"
SETS="outputs_actual outputs_actual_glass outputs_absolute outputs_absolute_glass outputs_actual_tss outputs_absolute_tss"
#Get JARID2 NES or ES for all patients
for SET in $SETS ; do for SIZE in 1000 ; do grep 'JARID2' gsea_outputs/${SET}/*_${SIZE}_*/gsea_report_for_na_*tsv | sed "s/_GTRD_${SIZE}_/\//" | tr '/' '\t' | cut -f 3,9,10 | awk '{ if ( $3=="---" ) {print $1"\t"$2} else {print $1"\t"$3} }' > reports/jarid2_results/${SET}_${SIZE}_JARID2_results.tsv ; done ; done
#manually create reports/jarid2_results/outputs_actual_glass_1000_JARID2_results+dis.tsv to include discovery patient results as GLASS ids.
#Get tables for all patients and genes
cat gsea_files/TFs_ENS_5000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.gmt | cut -f 1 > reports/all_tfs.txt
for SET in $SETS ; do for SIZE in $SIZES ; do mkdir reports/${SET}_${SIZE} ; for f in gsea_outputs/${SET}/*_${SIZE}_* ; do fi=$(basename ${f%_GTRD*}) ; tail ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_pos*tsv ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_neg*tsv -n +2 | grep -v '=='> reports/${SET}_${SIZE}/${fi}_table.txt ; done ; done ; done
for SET in ${SETS} ; do for SIZE in ${SIZES} ; do python scripts/combine_patients.py --genes reports/all_tfs.txt --directory reports/${SET}_${SIZE} -output reports/combined/${SET}_${SIZE} ;done ; done
Rscript scripts/gsea_violin_plots.py
cat gene_sets/c3.tft.v7.4.symbols.gmt | cut -f 1 > reports/all_c3.tft.txt
for f in gsea_outputs/outputs_absolute/*c3.tft* ; do fi=$(basename ${f%_c3.tft*}) ; tail ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_pos*tsv ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_neg*tsv -n +2 | grep -v '=='> reports/outputs_absolute_c3.tft/${fi}_table.txt ; done
python scripts/combine_patients.py --genes reports/all_c3.tft.txt --directory reports/outputs_absolute_c3.tft -output reports/combined/c3.tft
wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/series/GSE179nnn/GSE179649/suppl/GSE179649_Neuro_Organo_kallisto_gene_tpm.csv.gz -P tissue_slices/downloaded_data/
python script/process_cell_lines.py
python script/process_tissue_slices.py
Rscript scripts/plot_pca_tissue_slices_log2fc_project.R
for p in tissue_slices/ranks/absolute_log2fc/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk);qsubsec scripts/gsea_tissue_slices.qsubsec DIR=tissue_slices SIZE=1000 MODE=actual PATIENT=${pi} -s ; done
for p in tissue_slices/ranks/absolute_log2fc/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk);qsubsec scripts/gsea_tissue_slices.qsubsec DIR=tissue_slices SIZE=1000 MODE=absolute PATIENT=${pi} -s ; done
for p in cell_lines/ranks/absolute_log2fc/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk);qsubsec scripts/gsea_tissue_slices.qsubsec DIR=cell_lines SIZE=1000 MODE=actual PATIENT=${pi} -s ; done
for p in cell_lines/ranks/absolute_log2fc/*.rnk ; do pi=$(basename $p .rnk);qsubsec scripts/gsea_tissue_slices.qsubsec DIR=cell_lines SIZE=1000 MODE=absolute PATIENT=${pi} -s ; done
for f in cell_lines/gsea_outputs/outputs_actual/* ; do fi=$(basename ${f%_GTRD*}) ; tail ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_pos*tsv ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_neg*tsv -n +2 | grep -v '=='> cell_lines/reports/outputs_actual/${fi}_table.txt ; done
for f in cell_lines/gsea_outputs/outputs_absolute/* ; do fi=$(basename ${f%_GTRD*}) ; tail ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_pos*tsv ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_neg*tsv -n +2 | grep -v '=='> cell_lines/reports/outputs_absolute/${fi}_table.txt ; done
for f in tissue_slices/gsea_outputs/outputs_actual/* ; do fi=$(basename ${f%_GTRD*}) ; tail ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_pos*tsv ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_neg*tsv -n +2 | grep -v '=='> tissue_slices/reports/outputs_actual/${fi}_table.txt ; done
for f in tissue_slices/gsea_outputs/outputs_absolute/* ; do fi=$(basename ${f%_GTRD*}) ; tail ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_pos*tsv ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_neg*tsv -n +2 | grep -v '=='> tissue_slices/reports/outputs_absolute/${fi}_table.txt ; done
python scripts/combine_patients.py --genes reports/all_tfs.txt --directory cell_lines/reports/outputs_actual --output cell_lines/reports/combined/cell_lines_actual
python scripts/combine_patients.py --genes reports/all_tfs.txt --directory cell_lines/reports/outputs_absolute --output cell_lines/reports/combined/cell_lines_absolute
python scripts/combine_patients.py --genes reports/all_tfs.txt --directory tissue_slices/reports/outputs_actual --output tissue_slices/reports/combined/tissue_slices_actual
python scripts/combine_patients.py --genes reports/all_tfs.txt --directory tissue_slices/reports/outputs_absolute --output tissue_slices/reports/combined/tissue_slices_absolute
#get le counts
while read line ; do f=${line}; cat ./gsea_outputs/outputs_${SET}/*${f}*${SIZE}*/JARID2.tsv | grep 'Yes' ; done <patient_lists/${LIST}.txt | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq -c > analysis/leading_edge/counts_${SET}_${SIZE}_${LIST}.txt
#NOTE: This resulted in also counting genes in the Walton50,55,59 outputs when intending to look at genes in the Walton5 output. If rerunning, instead use the below code to fix:
#Run for tss:
#while read line ; do f=${line}; cat ./gsea_outputs/outputs_${SET}/*${f}_*${SIZE}*/JARID2.tsv | grep 'Yes' ; done <patient_lists/${LIST}.txt | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq -c > analysis/leading_edge/counts_${SET}_${SIZE}_${LIST}.txt
#calculate minimum number of patient leading edges needed for a gene to be classed as le50 of le70
TOTAL=$(wc -l patient_lists/${LIST}.txt|cut -d' ' -f1)
NUM=$(awk -v total=$TOTAL -v le=0.$LE 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", total*le}') ;awk -v num=$NUM -F" " '{if ($1>=num) print}' analysis/leading_edge/counts_${SET}_${SIZE}_${LIST}.txt | awk '{print $(NF)}' > analysis/leading_edge/le${LE}_${SET}_${SIZE}_${LIST}.txt
#methylation patients
while read line ; do f=${line}; cat ./gsea_outputs/outputs_actual_glass/*${f}_*1000*/JARID2.tsv ./gsea_outputs/outputs_actual/*${f}_*1000*/JARID2.tsv | grep 'Yes' ; done <patient_lists/gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_methylation+rna.txt | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq -c > analysis/leading_edge/counts_methylation_1000_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_methylation+rna.txt
TOTAL=$(wc -l patient_lists/mixed_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_methylation+rna.txt|cut -d' ' -f1)
NUM=$(awk -v total=$TOTAL -v le=0.$LE 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", total*le}') ;awk -v num=$NUM -F" " '{if ($1>=num) print}' analysis/leading_edge/counts_methylation_1000_mixed_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_methylation+rna.txt | awk '{print $(NF)}' > analysis/leading_edge/le${LE}_methylation_1000_mixed_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_methylation+rna.txt
#inverse - genes not in the leading edge across patients
while read line ; do f=${line}; cat ./gsea_outputs/outputs_actual/*${f}_*1000*/JARID2.tsv | grep 'No' ; done <patient_lists/gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq -c > analysis/leading_edge/counts_actual_1000_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_inverse.txt
TOTAL=$(wc -l patient_lists/gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt|cut -d' ' -f1)
NUM=$(awk -v total=$TOTAL -v le=1 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", total*le}') ;awk -v num=$NUM -F" " '{if ($1>=num) print}' analysis/leading_edge/counts_actual_1000_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_inverse.txt | awk '{print $(NF)}' > analysis/leading_edge/le${LE}_actual_1000_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_inverse.txt
cat cell_lines/gsea_outputs/outputs_actual/*/JARID2.tsv | grep 'Yes' | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq -c > cell_lines/leading_edge/counts_cell_lines.txt
TOTAL=$(ls -l cell_lines/ranks/absolute_log2fc/ |wc -l)
NUM=$(awk -v total=$TOTAL -v le=0.$LE 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", total*le}') ;awk -v num=$NUM -F" " '{if ($1>=num) print}' cell_lines/leading_edge/counts_cell_lines.txt | awk '{print $(NF)}' > cell_lines/leading_edge/le${LE}_cell_lines.txt
cat tissue_slices/gsea_outputs/outputs_actual/*/JARID2.tsv | grep 'Yes' | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq -c > tissue_slices/leading_edge/counts_tissue_slices.txt
TOTAL=$(ls -l tissue_slices/ranks/absolute_log2fc/ |wc -l)
NUM=$(awk -v total=$TOTAL -v le=0.$LE 'BEGIN {printf "%.0f", total*le}') ;awk -v num=$NUM -F" " '{if ($1>=num) print}' tissue_slices/leading_edge/counts_tissue_slices.txt | awk '{print $(NF)}' > tissue_slices/leading_edge/le${LE}_tissue_slices.txt
python scripts/get_tss_annotations.py
Creates tss_anotations.txt which contains a list of every tss with the following annotations: - gene: the gene that the tss belongs to. Some tsss belong to multiple genes and in these cases the tss is listed multiple times, once for each gene: - transcripts: the transcripts that the tss belongs to. - gene filter: whether this gene was included in totalRNA, mRNA, or both (all) filtered gene lists. - gene status: whether the gene is a jbs, le50 or le70 gene - jbs_tss: whether the tss is bound by JARID2
Data is in analysis/sankey/ https://www.sankeymatic.com/build/ online generator used to create the plots.
Get filtered expression tables for mRNA, total_RNA, and all, containing the list of genes used for GSEA input. All contains all patients but with only the filtered mRNA genes.
python scripts/get_foldchange_tables.py
#GLASS tables already made with scripts/get_foldchange_glass.py.
grep 'JARID2' gsea_files/TFs_ENS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.gmt | sed 's/\t/\n/g' | cut -d ' ' -f 2| tail -n+3 > gene_lists/JARID2_bound_genes.txt
cut -f 1 original_data/PvR_genefpkm_all_LS_23062021.txt.txt | cut -d'.' -f1 | tail -n+2 > gene_lists/all_genes.txt
SCALE=TRUE #also centers
Rscript scripts/pca.R --patients patient_lists/${PATIENTS}.txt --genes gene_lists/JARID2_bound_genes.txt --table tables/${TABLE}.txt --colour reports/jarid2_results/outputs_actual_1000_JARID2_results.tsv --scale=${SCALE} --name ${PATIENTS}_JARID2_${TABLE}_${SCALE}
Rscript scripts/pca.R --patients patient_lists/${PATIENTS}.txt --table tables/${TABLE}.txt --colour reports/jarid2_results/outputs_actual_1000_JARID2_results.tsv --scale=${SCALE} --name ${PATIENTS}_${TABLE}_${SCALE}
sort analysis/pca/pca_${PATIENTS}_${TABLE}_${SCALE}_PC1_loadings.txt -g -k2 | head -n101 | tail -n+2 | cut -f1 -d" " > analysis/pca/pca_${PATIENTS}_${TABLE}_${SCALE}_PC1_loadings_head100.txt
sort analysis/pca/pca_${PATIENTS}_${TABLE}_${SCALE}_PC1_loadings.txt -g -k2 | tail -n100 | cut -f1 -d" " > analysis/pca/pca_${PATIENTS}_${TABLE}_${SCALE}_PC1_loadings_tail100.txt
cat analysis/pca/pca_${PATIENTS}_${TABLE}_${SCALE}_PC1_loadings_head100.txt analysis/pca/pca_${PATIENTS}_${TABLE}_${SCALE}_PC1_loadings_tail100.txt > analysis/pca/pca_${PATIENTS}_${TABLE}_${SCALE}_PC1_loadings_headtail100.txt
sort analysis/pca/pca_${PATIENTS}_${TABLE}_${SCALE}_PC1_loadings.txt -g -k2 | head -n1001 | tail -n+2 | cut -f1 -d" " > analysis/pca/pca_${PATIENTS}_${TABLE}_${SCALE}_PC1_loadings_head1000.txt
Rscript scripts/heatmap.R --patients patient_lists/gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt --genes analysis/leading_edge/le70_actual_1000_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt --table tables/log2fc_all.txt --nes_colour reports/jarid2_results/outputs_actual_1000_JARID2_results.tsv --rna_colour original_data/library_types.txt --name gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_log2fc_all_FALSE_le70
Rscript scripts/heatmap.R --patients patient_lists/gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt --genes analysis/pca/pca_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_log2fc_all_FALSE_PC1_loadings_headtail100.txt --table tables/log2fc_all.txt --nes_colour reports/jarid2_results/outputs_actual_1000_JARID2_results.tsv --rna_colour original_data/library_types.txt --jarid2 gene_lists/JARID2_bound_genes.txt --name gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_log2fc_all_FALSE_PC1_loadings_headtail100
Rscript scripts/heatmap.R --patients patient_lists/gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt --genes analysis/pca/pca_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_log2fc_all_FALSE_PC1_loadings_head1000.txt --table tables/log2fc_all.txt --nes_colour reports/jarid2_results/outputs_actual_1000_JARID2_results.tsv --rna_colour original_data/library_types.txt --jarid2 gene_lists/JARID2_bound_genes.txt --name gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_log2fc_all_FALSE_PC1_loadings_head1000
Rscript scripts/heatmap.R --patients patient_lists/glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt --genes analysis/leading_edge/le70_actual_1000_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt --table tables/log2fc_glass.txt --nes_colour reports/jarid2_results/outputs_actual_glass_1000_JARID2_results.tsv --name glass_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_le70
python scripts/merge.py -i cell_lines/tables/log2fc_cell_lines.txt,tables/log2fc_all.txt -o cell_lines/tables/log2fc_cell_lines_merged_with_patients.txt
Rscript scripts/heatmap_cell_lines.R --patients patient_lists/gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_+_cell_lines.txt --genes analysis/leading_edge/le70_actual_1000_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local.txt --table cell_lines/tables/log2fc_cell_lines_merged_with_patients.txt --nes_colour tissue_slices/reports/outputs_actual_1000_JARID2_results_cell_tissue.tsv --rna_colour original_data/library_types.txt --name cell_lines_le70
python scripts/get_probe_promotor_overlap.py
cat gene_lists/JARID2_bound_genes.txt | while read line ; do printf "\n${line}\t" >> methylation/all_JARID2_bound_genes_probes.txt ; grep ${line} methylation/probe_promotor_overlap.txt | cut -f4 | tr "\n" "\t" >> methylation/all_JARID2_bound_genes_probes.txt ; done
cat analysis/leading_edge/le50_methylation_1000_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_methylation+rna.txt | while read line ; do printf "\n${line}\t" >> methylation/le50_JARID2_bound_genes_probes.txt ; grep ${line} methylation/probe_promotor_overlap.txt | cut -f4 | tr "\n" "\t" >> methylation/le50_JARID2_bound_genes_probes.txt ; done
cat analysis/leading_edge/le70_methylation_1000_gbm_idhwt_rt_tmz_local_methylation+rna.txt | while read line ; do printf "\n${line}\t" >> methylation/le70_JARID2_bound_genes_probes.txt ; grep ${line} methylation/probe_promotor_overlap.txt | cut -f4 | tr "\n" "\t" >> methylation/le70_JARID2_bound_genes_probes.txt ; done
cat gene_lists/all_genes.txt | while read line ; do printf "\n${line}\t" >> methylation/all_genes_probes.txt ; grep ${line} methylation/probe_promotor_overlap.txt | cut -f4 | tr "\n" "\t" >> methylation/all_genes_probes.txt ; done
qsubsec scripts/scripts/get_methylation_values.qsubsec
#WARNING: the get_methylation_values.py script called by the above code only works if primary and recurrent barcodes are labelled as TP and R1 which is the case for the patients included, but is not guaranteed for other patients.
qsubsec scripts/run_deseq2_uvd.qsubsec
#plot results
python scripts/plot_deseq2_ranks.py
#get ranks based on both -log10(pvalue) and sign*-log10(pvalue)
#(duplicate gene values are calculated as the mean and therefore have diferent absolute values between these two methods, ie (-2+3)/2 vs. (2+3)/2)
python scripts/get_deseq2_ranks.py
#Some custom gene set names were modified after running GSEA.
cp TFs_ENS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.gmt gene_sets/TFs_ENS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27.gmt
SETS="TFs_ENS_1000_GTRDv19_10_gencodev27 custom_gbm_gene_sets"
for s in $SETS; do qsubsec scripts/gsea_uvd.qsubsec RUN=run1 GMT=$s GENES=IDs; done
SETS="h.all.v7.4.symbols c2.cgp.v7.4.symbols c2.cp.v7.4.symbols c3.mir.mirdb.v7.4.symbols c3.tft.v7.4.symbols c5.go.bp.v7.4.symbols c5.go.mf.v7.4.symbols"
for s in $SETS; do qsubsec scripts/gsea_uvd.qsubsec RUN=run1 GMT=$s GENES=symbols; done
qsubsec scripts/gsea_uvd.qsubsec RUN=run1 GMT=gbm_invasive_unconnected GENES=IDs
for f in gsea_uvd_outputs/run1/* ; do fi=$(basename ${f}) ; tail ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_pos*tsv ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_neg*tsv -n +2 | grep -v '==> ' | grep '[0123456789]'> gsea_uvd_outputs/reports/${fi}_table.txt ; done
for f in gsea_uvd_outputs/run1/gbm_inv*3776* ; do fi=$(basename ${f}) ; tail ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_pos*tsv ${f}/gsea_report_for_na_neg*tsv -n +2 | grep -v '==> ' | grep '[0123456789]'> gsea_uvd_outputs/reports/${fi}_table.txt ; done
#Process results to combine GSEA NES and FDR with chi squared of numbers of increasing or decreasing significant DEGs
for s in $SETS; do qsubsec scripts/process_uvd_deseq2_results.qsubsec SET=$s ; done
#Plot results in a network
Rscript scripts/process_uvd_deseq2_results_for_network.R --gmt custom_gbm_gene_sets
Rscript scripts/process_uvd_deseq2_results_for_network.R --gmt h.all.v7.4.symbols
Rscript scripts/plot_processed_results.py --processed deseq2_uvd/processed_resultscustom_gbm_gene_sets_for_network.txt --sets gsea_uvd_outputs/reports/custom_gbm_gene_sets_run1_plot.txt --name custom_plot
Rscript scripts/plot_processed_results.py --processed deseq2_uvd/processed_resultsh.all.v7.4.symbols_for_network.txt --sets gsea_uvd_outputs/reports/h.all.v7.4.symbols_run1_plot.txt --name hallmark_plot
For getting variants in GLASS patients
# Glass copy number
Rscript scripts/plot_cn_freq.R
# Glass point variants
#filter for deleterious
grep 'SILENT' glass_data/variants_anno_20201109.csv > glass_data/variants_anno_20201109_silent.csv
python scripts/process_glass_variants.py