This repository contains the events pipeline, a simple pipeline which extracts summarized events from various datasets we produce.
You just need docker and docker-compose in your machine to run the pipeline. No other dependency is required.
The pipeline reads it's input from BigQuery, so you need to first authenticate with your google cloud account inside the docker images. To do that, you need to run this command and follow the instructions:
docker-compose run gcloud auth login
The pipeline exposes the following standard settings:
: Command to run docker inside the airflow server.pipe_events.project_id
: Google cloud project id containing all the resources that running this pipeline requires.pipe_events.temp_bucket
: GCS bucket where temp files may be stored to.pipe_events.pipeline_bucket
: GCS bucket where all final files generated by this pipeline may be stored to.pipe_events.pipeline_dataset
: BigQuery dataset containing various tables used in this pipeline.
In addition to this, the following custom settings are required for this pipeline, and come with default values:
: Global airflow variable which determines the amount of days to reprocess because nnet scores might be avaialble. Defaults to7
: Global airflow variable which determines the operator that will be used to process the events, the possible values could bebash
. Defaults tobash
: BigQuery dataset which will contain the published events. Defaults toEVENTS_DATASET
: BigQuery dataset which contains the different tables that are read to produce the summarized events. Defaults toPIPELINE_DATASET
: Flag to decide if the results are published to posgres. It also can be specified at event level instead of pipe_events level. Since if you only want to publish ports, encounters and fishing but not gaps you can do it. Defaults tofalse
: BigQuery table to read gaps from. Defaults toposition_messages_
: BigQuery table to publish gap events to. Defaults topublished_events_gaps
: BigQuery table containing segment information, used to calculate gaps. Defaults tosegment_vessel
: BigQuery table to read vessel information from. Defaults tovessel_info
: Only consider segments with a given minimum amount of positions. Defaults to3
: Minimum distance to shore to consider the transponder off events. Defaults to10000
: BigQuery table containing the raw encounters to read from. Defaults toencounters
: BigQuery table to read vessel information from. Defaults tovessel_info
: BigQuery table to publish the encounters to. Defaults topublished_events_encounters
: BigQuery table containing the raw port events to read from. Defaults toport_events_
: BigQuery table to read vessel information from. Defaults tovessel_info
: BigQuery table to publish the anchorages to. Defaults topublished_events_ports
: BigQuery dataset which contains the named anchorages table. Defaults togfw_research
: BigQuery table containing anchorage information. Defaults tonamed_anchorages_v20190307
: BigQuery table containing the scored messages to read from. Defaults tomessages_scored_
: BigQuery table to publish the fishing events to. Defaults topublished_events_fishing
: BigQuery table containing segent information. Defaults tosegment_vessel
: BigQuery table containing segment information. Defaults tosegment_info
: BigQuery table to read vessel information from. Defaults tovessel_info
: BigQuery table containing the minimum amount of seconds to consider a fishing event actually a fishing event. Defaults to300
Finally, the following custom entries do not provide a default value and must be manually configured before using this pipeline:
: CloudSQL postgres instance where the data is published to.pipe_events.postgres_connection_string
: Connection string for the postgres database to publish the events to.pipe_events.postgres_table
: Table in postgres to publish the events to.
Copyright 2017 Global Fishing Watch
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.