Code for accepting data from the sensors, packaging it, and uploading it to the server.
Launch with the command 'python
The USB Port will default to 'ttyUSB0' if none is specified or the USB port specified is invalid. The server will default to '' if none is specified
While the listener is running, it reacts every time the JeeNode sends data successfully. It takes the data, converts it into a set of URL parameters, and sends a POST request to the URL.
Example URL:[{"rainfall": "", "temp": "45", "soil2": "26", "soil3": "34", "soil1": "1", "voltage": "56", "id": "1"}]&site_id=1
(this will be encoded in a URL parameter-safe format).
To quit, Ctrl + C.
To set the site_id, modify the variable in the defaults section at the top of the file.
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