Our project purpose is to see whether a person is inside a perimeter or not. If the person is outside, a lamp on the board will light up. This is going to be done with a MURATA board and a gps. We also have to implement a way to see the battery level. With the LoRa we are going to transmit the battery level, and if a user exits the perimeter, we are sending that users location.
The group is aming for a higher grade than a basic pass. We are going to try to implement a charger of Lipo batteries, so that a user can charge a battery.
- GPS: 410-237 - PmodGPS, Module UART, Digilent
- Battery charger: MCP73831T-2ACI/OT
- Battery: PIS-1218 - PiJuice Zero LiPo Battery, 500mAh, Pi Supply
In order to have the project working as intended you need to have the following things installed:
- rustup
- llvm-8.0
- llvm-config
- openocd
- gcc
- arm-none-eabi-gcc
First install rustup by following the instructions on https://rustup.rs/ After the installation you need to switch to the nightly toolchain rustup can use. First list the versions that are available:
rustup toolchain list
Then set the nightly toolchain as default:
rustup default <nightly-toolchain>
Then you need to install the following dependencies using rustup:
rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi
In order to start the project you first have to redirect to the project_code folder.
cd project_code
From that you need to make sure that you have a file called stm32l0_dual_bank.cfg in the target folder. If not, create a new file with that name that contains everything from https://github.com/ntfreak/openocd/blob/master/tcl/target/stm32l0_dual_bank.cfg
After this you may finally start openocd:
openocd -f openocd.cfg
Then open a new terminal window and redirect to the project_code directory, and from that you may run the program:
cargo run
Now you should have a fully functional GPS-tracker on your hands!
- Anton Grahn - antgra-6@student.ltu.se
- Tom Hammarkvist - tomham-3@student.ltu.se
- Rickard Holmberg - richol-6@student.ltu.se