Welcome to the CSS Basics repository! This repository serves as a comprehensive guide and reference for learning CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), the standard language for styling web pages and web applications.
This repository is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in CSS, covering everything from basic styles to more advanced concepts. Whether you're a beginner just starting out or looking to refresh your knowledge, you'll find valuable resources and examples here to help you understand and master CSS.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the language used to style and layout web pages. It allows you to apply styles to HTML elements, control the layout of multiple web pages all at once, and make your web pages responsive and visually appealing.
- Styling: CSS provides a wide range of properties to style HTML elements, including fonts, colors, margins, padding, and borders.
- Layout: CSS enables you to control the layout of web pages using techniques like Flexbox, Grid, and positioning.
- Responsive Design: CSS includes media queries to create responsive web designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
- Animations: CSS allows you to create animations and transitions to enhance the user experience.
The content and examples presented here are based on the high-quality tutorials and lessons from Elzero Web School.
Elzero Web School is a premier online platform offering a wide range of web development tutorials and courses. With a focus on practical, hands-on learning, Elzero Web School helps students and professionals alike to enhance their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest web technologies.
- Visit the official website for more courses and tutorials.
- Check out the YouTube channel for more video content.
- Check out the GitHub account for more data and codes.
- You can learn CSS from Abdelrahman Gamal Channel
- Plan For Eight Weeks
π Click Here To Watch Videos In YouTube
- Introduction And What I Need To LearnWatched
- Your First Project And SyntaxWatched
- Element StylingWatched
- Name Conventions And RulesWatched
- Background - Color, Image, RepeatWatched
- Background - Attachment, Position, SizeWatched
- PaddingWatched
- MarginWatched
- BorderWatched
- OutlineWatched
- Display - Block, Inline Block, InlineWatched
- Element Visibility And Use CasesWatched
- Grouping Multiple SelectorsWatched
- NestingWatched
- Dimensions - Width And HeightWatched
- Overflow - Overflow-X And Overflow-YWatched
- Text - Color And ShadowWatched
- Text - AlignmentWatched
- Text - Decoration And TransformWatched
- Text - SpacingWatched
- Text - Overflow And Use CasesWatched
- InheritanceWatched
- Typography - Font FamilyWatched
- Typography - Font Size And CSS UnitsWatched
- Typography - Font Style And Variant And WeightWatched
- Mouse CursorWatched
- Float And ClearWatched
- Mastering The CSS CalculationWatched
- OpacityWatched
- PositionWatched
- Z-IndexWatched
- Lists StylingWatched
- Table StylingWatched
- Pseudo ClassesWatched
- Pseudo Elements - First Letter, First Line, SelectionWatched
- Pseudo Elements - Before, After, ContentWatched
- Pseudo Elements - Content And TrainingsWatched
- Vendor PrefixesWatched
- Border RadiusWatched
- Box Shadow And ExamplesWatched
- The Box Model And Box SizingWatched
- TransitionWatched
- !Important Declaration And Use CasesWatched
- The Margin CollapseWatched
- CSS Variables And TrainingsWatched
- Flex Box Parent - Direction, Wrap, FlowWatched
- Flex Box Parent - Justify ContentWatched
- Flex Box Parent - Align ItemsWatched
- Flex Box Parent - Align ContentWatched
- Flex Box Child - Grow, Shrink, OrderWatched
- Flex Box Child - Flex Basis, Flex ShorthandWatched
- Flex Box Child - Align Self, Games, TaskWatched
- Finish Flex Froggy GameWatched
- FiltersWatched
- GradientsWatched
- Pointer Events And Caret ColorWatched
- Grid - Parent - Template ColumnsWatched
- Grid - Parent - Template Rows And GapWatched
- Grid - Parent - Justify Content And Align ContentWatched
- Grid - Parent - Complete Layout With Template AreasWatched
- Grid - Child - Grid Column And Grid RowWatched
- Grid - Child - Grid Area And TrainingsWatched
- Grid - Min, Max And Auto FillWatched
- Finish The Grid Garden GameWatched
- 2D Transform - ScaleWatched
- 2D Transform - RotateWatched
- 2D Transform - TranslateWatched
- 2D Transform - SkewWatched
- 2D Transform - MatrixWatched
- Transform - OriginWatched
- 3D Transform - RotateWatched
- 3D Transform - Translate, Perspective, Perspective OriginWatched
- 3D Transform - Backface Visibility And Flip ProductWatched
- Animation - KeyFrames, Name, DurationWatched
- Animation - Iteration Count, Timing Function, Spinner LoadingWatched
- Animation - Direction, Fill Mode, Play State, DelayWatched
- Up And Down Loading Animation TrainingWatched
- CSS Selectors Reference Part 1Watched
- CSS Selectors Reference Part 2Watched
- CSS Selectors Reference Part 3Watched
- CSS Selectors Reference Part 4Watched
- CSS Selectors Reference Part 5Watched
- Media Queries And Responsive Designs IntroWatched
- Media Queries And Responsive Designs StandardsWatched
- Media Queries And Responsive Designs PracticeWatched
- Create Your FrameworkWatched
- CSS Global ValuesWatched
- The End And How To Master HTML And CSS
- Total Assignments: [76 of 76] - Topics: 20
Check Out The Assignments Here π€.
- Learn CSS - MDN Web Docs
- CSS Tutorial - W3Schools
- Basic CSS - freeCodeCamp
- CSS-Tricks
- Learn CSS - Codecademy
- Learn CSS - web.dev
- Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox
- Grid by Example - CSS Grid Layout
- CSS Reference
- Basic Concepts of Flexbox - MDN Web Docs
- Basic Concepts of Grid Layout - MDN Web Docs
- Complete Guide to CSS Functions
Feel free to explore the repository, follow along with the course material, and practice with the provided assignments. Happy learning!
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions, improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
You can reach me via Gmail or on Telegram.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.