This reposity contains documentation of hydrus built using Sphinx
You can check the current documentation here
- Clone this repository.
$ git clone
- Clone the hydrus repository.
$ git clone
- It is recommended to use virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper to maintain a clean environment.
$ source `which`
$ mkvirtualenv -p python3 hydrus
(hydrus) $ deactivate # To deactivate the virtual environment
$ workon hydrus # To activate virtual environment
- Install requirements
(hydrus)$ cd documentation-hydrus
(hydrus)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install hydrus
(hydrus)$ cd hydrus # Go to your hydrus folder
(hydrus)$ pip install -e . # To install hydrus
Copy the doc folder from documentation-hydrus folder to hydrus folder (Important step).
Everything is done now you can build the doc's .
(hydrus)$ cd hydrus/doc # The doc folder which was copied from documentation-hydrus to hydrus
(hydrus)$ sphinx-build -b html path/to/hydrus/doc/rst path/to/hydrus/doc/_build/html
Where "path/to/hydrus/doc/rst" and "path/to/hydrus/doc/_build/html" are your local folder path.
- To make a clean build
(hydrus)$ make clean
(hydrus)$ sphinx-build -b html path/to/hydrus/doc/rst path/to/hydrus/doc/_build/html